Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2813: Fast against the sky

Although Qi Huanzhi trusted Ji Tianxing very much.

But he heard the clouds and mountains, and his head was confused.

"Brother Tianxing, the two formations you mentioned, and the earth evil stone... are they related to mining?"

Ji Tianxing smiled and said: "Of course it matters! Moreover, these three things must not be missing."

Qi Huanzhi scratched his head and smirked: "I still don't understand, can you explain it to me?"

Before Ji Tianxing could answer, Bai Long took the initiative to say: "Prince Qi, there is a university asking about it. It's normal if you don't understand.

Think about it, there are six or seven kinds of sacred stones in the veins, and four or five kinds of metals.

Each kind of divine stone and metal contains a different amount of divine power.

Coupled with the special power underground, are they mixed together? "

Qi Huanzhi nodded and said, "It's quite complicated! So, this is the cause of the explosion?"

Bai Long shook his head and said: "The divine power attribute of the mineral vein is very complicated, but it has grown underground for tens of thousands of years, and it can remain relatively stable under special circumstances.

Therefore, if you do not move this vein, it will not explode.

But miners mining it and cutting those sacred stones and metals will cause divine power disorder and explosion.

The specific cause of the explosion, I said you don't understand.

In my words, it’s called a conflict of relative power, the atomic structure is destroyed, and the mixing of different elements leads to a chemical reaction, which causes a violent explosion..."

Qi Huanzhi had almost understood the reason.

Hearing Bailong's explanation, he was even more confused and directly confused.

Ji Tianxing glanced at Bai Long, and explained to Qi Huanzhi: "Don't listen to his nonsense. To put it simply, the conflict of divine power caused the explosion.

Only by arranging two divine formations, changing the environment of the mine, and sprinkling a large amount of earth evil stones in the veins, can it be safely mined. "

Qi Huanzhi suddenly realized that he hurriedly raised his thumb to Ji Tianxing and said sincerely: "Brother Tianxing, you really know everything!

For this matter, several deacons and hundreds of craftsmen in the Qi family were all about to gray their hair in a hurry! "

After speaking, he shouted with a bit of resentment on his face: "The **** in the City Lord's Mansion are so insidious, I have written down this hatred!"

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said: "Don't be impulsive, did you forget what I explained to you before?"

Qi Huanzhi remembered the few things that Ji Tianxing had told him before leaving Qi Mansion, which suppressed his anger.

Ji Tianxing continued: "I guess that when the City Lord's Mansion originally mined this vein, there had been more than one explosion, and many people must have died.

However, the City Lord's Mansion was full of talents, and after spending a lot of time and effort, he found a solution.

But they didn't expect Xuanguangdong to be taken away by the Qi family.

They were dissatisfied, so they deliberately dismantled the two formations and took out the earth evil stone.

The method of mining this vein was researched out by them. How could they tell the Qi family? "

"Well, this can be explained." Qi Huanzhi nodded and said: "So, the City Lord's Mansion did not deliberately frame the Qi family.

They just didn't want the Qi family to mine smoothly, so they concealed a lot of things. "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "Of course, how could the mining secrets that they worked out with their painstaking efforts and price be given to the Qi family?

Although Xuanguang Cave is a treasure trove, it must be able to dig it! "

Qi returned the way and declared white, turned around and walked out.

"That's OK, you are waiting here, I will go home and get the earth and evil stones."

Ji Tianxing nodded, and exhorted: "Go and come back quickly."

Qi Huanzhi waved goodbye, turned and left the mine.

Then, he quickly left Xuanguang Cave and flew back on the white-winged Tianma.

Ji Tianxing and Bailong stay in the mine.

"Bailong, you are here to arrange those two divine formations.

Check other mines for the teacher to see if there are any problems. "

Ji Tianxing handed over the task to Bai Long, then turned and left.

Bai Long guessed that he had another purpose, so he didn't ask much, and began to set up a divine formation.

Ji Tianxing left the 12th mine and began to inspect the 11th mine.

This mine is relatively large and takes a long time to mine.

However, the mineral veins inside are slightly smaller, and the grade is not that high.

More than three hundred miners, under the supervision of ten guards, are working like rain.

Ji Tianxing circled the mine, walked to the corner of the mine, and sat on the colorful shining veins.

Then he stretched out his right palm without showing a trace and pressed it on the vein.

He urged the devouring supernatural powers, a black vortex appeared in his palm, and the power of the veins began.

This vein, which is more than two hundred li long, contains billions of sacred stones and metals, which is extremely powerful.

As soon as the black whirlpool sucked, the multicolored divine power in the mineral vein spewed out like a spring, diving into the dzi patch.

The Bu Dzi Bead keeps shining white light, quickly purifies the colorful power and removes impurities.

Half of the purified divine power goes to the dzi bead, and half is sent to Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing's strength began to skyrocket, and he only felt refreshed, transparent, and very comfortable.

The guards in the mine knew that he was worshipped by the Qi family, and they admired and awed him.

Even if the guards saw him, they thought he was checking the veins, and didn't think much about it, let alone daring to disturb him.

After a full hour, Ji Tianxing retracted his right palm and stopped swallowing.

At this time, his strength has doubled!

This is comparable to the effect of his previous retreat for eight days, consuming more than 20 million sacred stones!

The speed of such an increase in strength is really fast!

It's almost unthinkable, it's almost heaven-defying!

However, Ji Tianxing did not continue to swallow it, lest the strength of the mineral veins were exhausted and others would discover the abnormality.

"This block has been checked, there is no problem with this vein, so please feel free to mine."

After leaving this sentence, Ji Tianxing left the mine calmly.

Those miners and guards, because of the explosion in the 12th mine, have always been in fear.

Now that everyone heard Ji Tianxing's words, everyone was relieved and completely relieved.

Next, Ji Tianxing entered the No. 10 mine again, and quietly swallowed the power of the mineral vein under the name of ‘check the vein’.


Qi Huanzhi rode the White Winged Pegasus~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and flew over the sea with joy, heading towards Qingshan City.

Ji Tianxing solved the problem that made him very headache.

He was both grateful and proud, even a little airy.

"It's the young master who knows the hero with his eyes, and leaves the young man Tianxing.

If he can stay in the Qi family, why not worry about our Qi family being prosperous?

Not to mention becoming the richest person in Qingshan City, even if you kill the City Lord’s Mansion and rule Qingshan City, it will be easy! "

Just when he fantasized about a series of stories.

A cyan figure suddenly appeared over the sea ahead.


A young man wearing a green robe and long dark green hair stopped Qi to return it.

"Master Qi, please stay, I want to lend you a use!"

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