Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2848: 3 party alliance

After Bailong entered the pagoda, Ji Tianxing left Qi Mansion.

Divine Beast Valley was just attacked, the situation in Qi's family was a bit chaotic, and the defense force was empty.

It stands to reason that Ji Tianxing had to sit in the Qi mansion to stabilize the situation.

But he expected that the people of the Lu Family, Blood Sword Sect and City Lord's Mansion would not be able to attack the Valley of the Beasts.

It is even more impossible to attack Qi Mansion directly!

Fighting a battle in the city and attacking a wealthy family is defying the laws of the kingdom of God.

The Blood Sword Sect, the Lu Family, and the City Lord's Mansion are not crazy enough.

Therefore, Qi Mansion and Shen Beast Valley are safe in the short term.

Only Xuanguang Cave, the setting sun, hundreds of thousands of miles away, was the most dangerous.

When Ji Tianxing left Qi Mansion, he used the Secret Technique of Chaotic Sky to hide and hide his breath.

No one knew he was leaving.

People in the Qi mansion thought he was practicing in the consecration courtyard.

Moreover, the Qi family members were in awe of him, and were afraid to disturb him in the worship house.

After a while, Ji Tianxing left Qingshan City.

He flew up to the sky, hurried to the north at the fastest speed, and went straight to the sunset sea.


Three poles in the sun.

Sunset over the sea, on an island not far from Xuanguang Cave.

An old man in a black robe with a height of nearly ten feet and a thin face was standing on the pitch-black reef.

Although he was wearing a mask and hat, he still showed a gray goatee.

The deep eyes under the mask stared at the sea to the east, waiting quietly.

At the end of the sea and sky, there is a dark shadow, which is the island where Xuanguang Cave is located.

Beside the black-robed old man, there was a tall, handsome young man standing beside him.

This person also wore a dark robe and a silver mask to hide his true face.

There was a dark red mark on the forehead of the mask.

It was a blood red sword, full of evil spirits.

The old and the young stood side by side, looking at the Xuanguang Cave in the distance.

In the reef bushes behind them, there were eight black-clothed masters, all of whom had the strength of the sixth or seventh level of the Heavenly God Realm.

At this time.

The young man said, "Shi Jifen, when our people evacuated from Xuanguang Cave, didn't they move a few hands and feet, leaving some hidden dangers?

How could the time have passed so long without an accident in Xuanguang Cave, and the Qi family is still mining veins normally? "

The black-robed old man who is known as Shi Jixiang stroked his goatee, and said in a deep voice: "Young City Lord, not only is your doubts in your heart, but the old man is also puzzled.

It stands to reason that the hidden dangers in Xuanguang Cave should have erupted long ago.

At least hundreds of people were killed and injured in the Qi family, unable to continue mining, so they could only ask us for help.

In that case, we can negotiate terms with the Qi family and take the initiative.

Unfortunately, everything in Xuanguang Cave was normal, and no accident occurred.

The old man suspects that the Qi family has experts to help, and to give pointers to the confusion, the hidden danger has long been eliminated! "


These two people are the historical worship of City Lord's Mansion, and Young City Lord Yu Wenjie.

But the two of them and the guards behind them all covered their true colors, disguised as the Blood Sword Sect.

Yu Wenjie pondered for a moment, and asked, "What can the Qi family have for help? Is it the Ning family of Tianxue County City who sent the strong to help?"

Shi Jifen thought for a moment, then slightly nodded and said, "This is the only possibility! But we have been monitoring the Qi family, and we haven't noticed the arrival of the Ning family.

This thing is very strange, the old man suspects that the Qi family worshipped..."

Before he could finish speaking, Yu Wenjie's expression changed, and there was a deep hatred in his eyes.

"Impossible! The Qi Family Enshrinement is just a nasty kid who has not yet reached the realm of the gods.

What can he do? How can the hidden danger of Xuanguangdong be relieved? "

Ever since Yu Wenjie was defeated by Ji Tianxing, he has been living in shame and his temper has become much more grumpy.

He hated Ji Tianxing deeply and would never admit that Ji Tianxing was better than him.

Shi Jifen understood his thoughts, so he didn't say much, and quickly changed the subject.

"Young City Lord, you don't have to worry about what happened before, it doesn't matter if those hidden dangers are removed.

The old man sneaked into the Xuanguang Cave last night and has buried more than 30 divine light bombs.

The elite guards just now have sneaked into Xuanguang Island, and the bombs will soon be detonated.

You wait and see.

Xuanguang Cave is about to be blown down, and several mineral veins are destroyed.

At that time, not only will the Qi family suffer heavy casualties, but Xuan Guangdong will also fall into chaos. "

Yu Wenjie's anger diminished a little, and said with a sneer: "It's so good! The people of the Qi family are too rampant, and they must be taught a tragic lesson!

After Xuanguang Cave was blown up, we took the opportunity to go in again, kill all the Qi family, and retake Xuanguang Cave!

But something troublesome is that Xuanguang Cave was destroyed.

If we want to continue mining veins, we have to spend a lot of time and effort to clear out the veins. "

Hearing this, Shi Jifen couldn't help frowning.

He waved his hand and explained: "Young City Lord, we are only responsible for destroying Xuanguang Cave and giving Qi Family a heavy blow.

We must never slaughter the Qi family, let alone take over Xuanguang Cave now!

Don't forget, we are now disguised as members of the Blood Sword Sect.

Once Xuanguangdong is taken over, we must be named as the Blood Sword Sect. Isn't that acting for the Blood Sword Sect? "

Yu Wenjie hurriedly shook his head and said, "How can that be possible? How can we make the Blood Sword Sect lose money for nothing?"

Shi Jifeng nodded and said: "That's right! Since we can't play the name of the Blood Sword Sect, we have to show the banner of the City Lord's Mansion.

But in this way, wouldn't it be admitted to the world that it was the City Lord's Mansion that destroyed the Xuanguang Cave and destroyed the Qi family?

The City Lord's Mansion will become a target of public criticism, and will even be sanctioned by the laws of the Kingdom of God, and it will be wiped out! "

Yu Wenjie frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "Then what are we going to do? After destroying the Xuanguang Cave, leave the place and stand by?"

Shi Jifeng nodded slightly and said, "Of course! The Lord of the City has secretly formed an alliance with the Blood Sword Sect and the Lu Family, and has already negotiated a countermeasure.

We implemented the first plan, pretending to be a member of the Blood Sword Sect, destroying Xuanguangdong and creating chaos.

In the second step, the masters of the Blood Sword Sect and the Lu family behead the guards and craftsmen of the Qi family ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to occupy Xuanguangdong.

In the third step, the City Lord’s Mansion and the Lu Family joined forces to send craftsmen, miners and guards to jointly mine the Xuanguang Cave.

The proceeds from the mining cost 60% for the Blood Sword Sect, and 20% for each of us and the Lu Family.

Of course, the term of this agreement is only ten years. "

Hearing this, Yu Wenjie frowned suddenly, his expression becoming solemn.

"When did my father form an alliance with them to discuss this matter? Why do I not know at all?"

Shi Jifeng smiled and said, "Just a few days ago, you were practicing in retreat."

Yu Wenjie stopped pursuing it and continued to ask: "You mean, in this plan, we are responsible for destroying Xuanguang Cave and providing mining technology and craftsmen.

The Lu family is responsible for providing manpower, including guards and miners...

And the Blood Sword Sect does not participate in the mining process, but the whole process is a scapegoat, can you get 60% of the profit? "

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