Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2850: Conspiracy revealed

The sun is shining brightly.

Over the setting sun, Ji Tianxing was galloping.

At this time, he was only 100,000 li away from Xuanguang Cave.

"I hope I'm here in time, and Xuanguangdong hasn't had an accident yet!"

Ji Tianxing whispered silently, praying secretly in his heart.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a dull loud noise in the sky ahead.


It was like a muffled thunder, blasting in the sky, rolling and reverberating.

More than that.

Ji Tianxing also vaguely saw a divine light and flame lit up in the high sky 100,000 miles to the north.

He can tell immediately.

The muffled sound came from that area, where an earth-shattering explosion occurred.

"One hundred thousand miles to the north, isn't that the island where Xuanguang Cave is located?"

Ji Tianxing thought of Xuanguangdong, his complexion suddenly changed, and a look of anxiety flashed in his eyes.

"Damn it! I'm a step late after all, is something wrong with Xuanguangdong?"

Full of anxiety, he speeded up and flew towards Xuanguang Cave.


He turned into a vague phantom, flickering in the high sky, and went straight to the north.

At the same time, he also released his spiritual consciousness, covering the surrounding 30,000 li, and inspecting the surrounding situation.

The Xuanguangdong accident must have been caused by the Blood Sword Sect and the Lu Family.

At this moment, the Blood Sword Sect and the Lu Family must be near Xuanguang Cave.

Before long, Ji Tianxing flew to the vicinity of Xuanguang Cave.

When there were still 40,000 miles away from Xuanguang Island, his spiritual sense detected that there were a few gods' auras galloping on the bottom of the sea.

He quickly concealed his whereabouts and quietly explored the conditions of the seabed.

He quickly saw it.

Those were twelve masters in black, who had just escaped from Xuanguang Island and were escaping to the island to the west.

They all wore black clothes and masks, which concealed their true colors.

But there is a blood sword mark on their foreheads.

Ji Tianxing frowned suddenly, his eyes became stern.

"Sure enough, it is the **** of the Blood Sword Sect, who secretly blown up Xuanguang Cave!"

Murder in the heart suddenly.

He followed the twelve masters in black and hurried to the island to the west.

In a short while, everyone arrived at the deserted island full of rocks.

Twelve men in black flew out of the water and landed on the island, reporting the situation to Yu Wenjie and Shi Jifen.

Ji Tianxing discovered that there are still ten masters on the island, all wearing black clothes and masks.

He could tell at a glance that they were all from the Blood Sword Sect!

The two led by standing on the rock, one old and one young.

The old man has a burly body, with a gray goatee under his mask.

His breath is unfathomable, and his strength has reached the realm of God!

The young man has a long stature, an extraordinary bearing, and his strength is close to the realm of gods.

When Ji Tianxing saw the two men clearly, he couldn't help frowning and whispered in his heart.

"Why do those two Blood Sword Sect guys look familiar? Where do they seem to have seen them?"

He originally planned to kill the island directly and destroy the 22 men in black.

But this thing is a bit strange.

He suppressed the killing intent, hiding in the clouds, observing the island secretly.

I saw that the twelve men in black reported the situation to the old man.

When the old man and the black-robed youth learned that the plan was successful, both sneered triumphantly.

Then, a man in black took out the broken **** crystal and handed it to the old man.

Everyone talked about the source of the **** crystal and the possibility of the existence of the **** crystal vein in the Xuanguang Cave.

Ji Tianxing hid in the clouds and heard all this clearly.

At the same time, he also recognized the black-robed old man and the young man, distinguishing their identities.

"Yu Wenjie? And the historical worship of the City Lord's Mansion? It turned out to be the two of them?

Unexpectedly, the City Lord's Mansion would form an alliance with the Lu Family and the Blood Sword Sect to jointly deal with the Qi Family!

In order to win the Xuanguang Cave, they unexpectedly resorted to such despicable means! "

Ji Tianxing has not heard much news, but it is crucial.

"Tripartite forces" and "Blood Sword Sect's capture of Xuanguang Cave" made him understand many things.

He could no longer hold back the killing intent in his heart, quietly grabbed the Sky Burial Sword, and boldly shot it.

"Sword Rain!"

Ji Tianxing held the Sky Burial Sword in his hand, pointed directly at the sky, and let out a low cry.

Suddenly, nearly ten thousand stars appeared in the sky, falling like a meteor shower.

Thousands of giant swords of stars, carrying the power to destroy the world, come towards this island.

The range of thousands of miles is shrouded by invisible sword intent, forming a kendo domain.

at this time.

Shi Jiong, Yu Wenjie and others are still standing among the rocks on the island.

They have completed their plan to blow up Xuanguang Cave.

The next step is to wait for the Blood Sword Sect and the Lu Family to attack and occupy Xuanguang Cave.

But at this time.

Thousands of stars fell from the sky, covering the entire island.

The invisible and terrifying killing sword intent sealed a thousand miles in a radius.

Everyone looked up at the sky subconsciously.

Seeing the scene in the sky, everyone's complexion changed drastically, showing surprise and anger.

"Get out of the way!"

"Someone attacked!"

"Don't mess up, fight back!"

Twenty masters in black were all shocked by the sword intent, and their hearts were full of fear, and they fled in panic.

Yu Wenjie and Shi Jifeng still kept calm, shouting loudly, ordering the guards to join forces to resist.

Next moment.

Ten thousand giant swords blasted down, flooding the entire island.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The earth-shaking loud noise suddenly exploded in the world, shaking the sky.

The barren island with a radius of two hundred miles was torn apart by a giant sword on the spot, splashing endless dust and gravel.

Most of the island collapsed, leaving only dozens of miles in ruins, and was also submerged by the monstrous waves.

Twenty masters in black were killed by the Star Giant Sword on the spot.

Fourteen people were crushed to pieces, and even their godheads were shattered and died directly.

The remaining six people recovered their lives, but were also seriously injured and fell into the sea miserably.

Even Yu Wenjie was hit by several giant swords and suffered extremely severe injuries.

The black robe and body armor he was wearing were all blasted to pieces.

He was lying in the ruins with disheveled head and blood dripping, panting in pain.

Only the history of worship has the strongest strength, reaching the triple level of the gods.

He resisted the bombardment of the sky-filled giant sword, only slightly injured, his black robe was broken and ragged, stained with blood.

But even so.

After he saw the sight in front of him clearly, he was also extremely shocked and furious.

"Asshole! Where's the beast~www.wuxiaspot.com~ dare to oppose our Blood Sword Sect?"

Shi Jifen looked up at the sky, his mouth was bleeding, and he cursed angrily.

Up to this moment, he remained calm and did not forget to pretend to be the elder of the Blood Sword Sect.

Then, Ji Tianxing appeared above the ruins.

He looked condescendingly at Shi Jifen and Yu Wenjie, showing a sneer on his face.

"Beasts of the Blood Sword Sect, you are so mean!

At the time of the competition, you pretended to be the children of the Lu family and were cut by the sword.

You are not as skilled as people, so you have resorted to such despicable methods! "

Ji Tianxing recognized Shi Jifeng and Yu Wenjie, but did not expose them.

After all, the enemies of Qi Jiaming are the Blood Sword Sect and the Lu Family.

For the time being, it is not advisable to smash the face with the City Lord's Mansion, let alone go to war directly.

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