Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2865: Big problem

"Young Master Tianxing!"

Seeing Ji Tianxing's figure, Qi Tianlong greeted excitedly and walked up to meet him quickly.

Ji Tianxing was awakened and quickly ended the spell.

The black vortex in the palms of both hands quickly disappeared.

He stood up, turned to look at Qi Tianlong, and said with a smile: "I have seen the Patriarch, you can count as coming back."

The two bowed their hands to each other and asked warmly.

It's hard to talk about how affectionate it is, but it's innocent.

Since Ji Tianxing won the tournament and helped Qi family win the Xuanguang Cave, Qi Tianlong has trusted him more and more.

After a few words of greeting, Qi Tianlong went straight to the topic and asked: "Master Tianxing, what happened during the time when the old man was not in Qingshan City?"

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and said to him.

"In fact, the conspiracy against the Qi family has already begun since the day we won the Xuanguang Cave.

The mastermind is the Blood Sword Sect, the accomplice is the Lu Family, and the other accomplice is the City Lord's Mansion.

The powerhouses of the Blood Sword Sect had accidentally discovered the secret of Xuanguangdong, and knew that this treasure land contained amazing wealth, so they wanted to take it for themselves.

But Xuanguangdong belongs to the city lord mansion, and the city lord mansion is a nobleman bestowed by the kingdom of God.

It is impossible for the Blood Sword Sect to rob openly, it is to trample on the laws of the Kingdom of God.

Therefore, the Blood Sword Sect has been patient and waiting.

They want to wait until the tournament to seize Xuanguangdong under the guise of the Qi family, and the Qi family will be their puppets.

However, the Qi family refused to agree, and the Blood Sword Sect had to find the Lu family.

But in the end, the Blood Sword Sect failed, and Xuanguangdong also belonged to the Qi family. "

When he heard this, Qi Tianlong nodded and said: "We destroyed the plan of the Blood Sword Sect and became a thorn in the blood of the Sword Sect.

Therefore, the Blood Sword Sect used all forces to deal with the Qi family and seek to seize the Xuanguang Cave.

The business in Tianfeng County had a problem, that is, the Blood Sword Sect was doing a ghost, deliberately drawing the old man away.

After the old man left Qingshan City, they colluded with the Lu family, attacking our Divine Beast Garden while sneaking into Xuanguang Cave...

The Blood Sword Sect and the Lu Family joined forces, this was something the old man had known for a long time.

But the City Lord's Mansion has also become an accomplice of the Blood Sword Sect, which really surprised the old man! "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and said, "The incident in the Shen Beast Garden happened a few days ago, you already know?"

Qi Tianlong nodded and said, "When the old man was still in Tianfeng County, he received a call and knew what happened.

After returning to the Qi mansion tonight, several deacons and housekeepers reported the details of the matter to the old man again. "

Ji Tianxing asked with a smile: "Qi Tianhe is your brother. I dealt with him in public. You won't hate me for that?"

Qi Tianlong hurriedly waved his hand and said: "Young Master Tianxing is joking! You took action at a critical moment, turned the tide, and saved the Qi family's thousand-year foundation.

The old man is grateful that you are too late, so how can I blame you?

Qi Tianhe is a family traitor, and he colluded with foreign enemies and tried to destroy the Qi family's inheritance. This is a heinous crime that cannot be forgiven!

Fortunately, you dealt with him in court. If he is still alive, the old man will definitely concoct him! "

Ji Tianxing didn't say much, took out a godhead from the space ring and handed it to him.

"Patriarch, this is the Godhead of Qi Tianhe, temporarily sealed by me.

What to do with him is up to you. "

Qi Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, and then reached out his hand to take the Godhead, clasped his fist and said: "Thank you Young Master Tianxing, I didn't expect you to think so well!

When things are done here, the old man will hold a family meeting to announce Qi Tianhe’s crime..."

"Well, you can make up your mind about these things." Ji Tianxing waved his hand to interrupt him, and then continued to explain Xuanguangdong's affairs.

"After the accident in the Shen Beast Garden, the Blood Sword Sect, the Lu Family, and the City Lord's Mansion simultaneously attacked Xuanguang Cave.

The three parties have already formed an alliance and reached an agreement.

After the incident, the Blood Sword Sect received 60% of the benefits, and the Lu Family and the City Lord's Mansion each received 20%.

The City Lord’s Mansion buried explosive bombs in Xuanguang Cave, blasting the mine down and creating chaos.

The Blood Sword Sect and the Lu Family's children can take the opportunity to enter the Xuanguang Cave and successfully occupy them.

Fortunately, I arrived in time and it took some time and means to prevent the tragedy from happening..."

After Ji Tianxing's explanation, Qi Tianlong understood the truth.

He heard the ups and downs of his heart, sometimes fisted in anger, and sometimes relieved.

Even though the matter had passed, he still felt afraid for a while.

"Master Tianxing! The old man didn't expect that the Blood Sword Sect was so cruel, it was crazy!

After the old man was led away, the situation was so dangerous!

If it were not for you to sit in and save the family from distress, the consequences would be unimaginable.

It is really a blessing for the Qi family to have you, the worshiper! "

Qi Tianlong thanked him sincerely and bowed to Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing stretched out his arm to support him, and said: "Patriarch is polite, these are all within the scope."

Qi Tianlong sighed a few more words, and his mood gradually calmed down.

Later, he remembered the scene when he entered the mine, and he asked: "Mr. Skywalker, when the old man came in just now, he saw you seem to be practicing?

The old man rushed in, did not disturb you? "

Ji Tianxing could hear that Qi Tianlong seemed to care about him, but he was actually suspicious.

Qi Tianlong is definitely not stupid, he has long guessed that there is a problem with Xuanguang Cave.

In addition to many mineral veins, there must be even more amazing wealth.

Otherwise, the Blood Sword Sect would not salivate and **** by any means.

Ji Tianxing shook his head, and said in a calm tone: "Patriarch has misunderstood, I am not doing exercises, but checking this vein."

Qi Tianlong had already heard about the mineral vein inspection.

Soon after Qi Jiacai took over Xuanguang Cave, he went to Tianfeng County.

At that time, an accident occurred in the mine, and many artisans and miners were killed and injured.

It was Qi Huanzhi who asked Ji Tianxing to investigate and found that the people in the City Lord's Mansion deliberately left hidden dangers and did not want the Qi family to take over Xuanguang Cave smoothly.

Thinking of this, Qi Tianlong nodded slightly and said, "What was the result of Xing Gongzi's inspection that day? Is there any problem with these veins?"

Ji Tianxing said blankly: "Other mineral veins are fine~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but this vein has a big problem!"

"Ah? What's the problem?" Qi Tianlong showed a confused expression, his eyes full of worry.

Seeing him so nervous, Ji Tianxing raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said slowly: "In this vein, I have found the reason why the Blood Sword Sect is bound to win the Xuanguang Cave!"

"What's the reason?" Qi Tianlong became more and more curious.

Ji Tianxing shot a golden light casually, picked up a few pieces of broken ore from the vein, and handed it to Qi Tianlong.

Qi Tianlong subconsciously took the pieces of ore and held them in his palm to look at them.

I saw two crystal clear multicolored crystals in the golden and brown ore!

Qi Tianlong's eyes widened suddenly, showing an expression of incredible surprise.

"This is... God Crystal?"

Ji Tianxing nodded, smiled and said, "Congratulations, Patriarch, the Qi family has developed!"

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