Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2868: good news

After blurting out this sentence, Qi Huanzhi realized that it was wrong and quickly explained it.

"I mean, those three deacons betrayed the Guiyuanhui and angered the remnants of the Guiyuanhui.

They were besieged and killed, that was also a matter of the Guiyuanhui.

Moreover, this kind of person who is good at betrayal may bite you back some time, how dare to keep it? "

Ji Tianxing stopped discussing this matter, and continued to ask: "After the Longyin Island is destroyed, is there any gain?"

Qi Huanzhi curled his lips and said depressed: "I thought that Longyin Island is the home of Guiyuanhui, and it will definitely hide a lot of resources and treasures.

But no one thought that the group of Guiyuanhui would be shabby!

Especially those people who stayed on Longyin Island are weak chickens, and they have no savings at all.

The most annoying thing is that even the treasure house has not been built on Longyin Island!

This time I went to Longyin Island and the resources and wealth I found were not as good as my belongings! "

Although Qi Huanzhi was a prodigal before, he was also very unreliable.

Qi Tianlong did not dare to hand over the family business to him, nor did he give him much resources and wealth.

But over the decades, Qi Huanzhi still saved a sum of more than 50 million sacred stones.

The wealth he found on Longyin Island totaled only about 20 million.

Why didn't this disappoint him?

Ji Tianxing smiled and comforted: "Okay, I'm just asking, don't worry too much.

The purpose of destroying the Guiyuan Association was not to scrape many resources, but to give the Qi family an amulet.

Furthermore, the Qi family got Xuanguang Cave, and the wealth was at least over ten billion.

In comparison, what are those tens of millions of sacred stones and resources? "

Qi Huanzhi nodded quickly in agreement, "Well, I think so too, this is the end of the Guiyuan Association.

Next, we have to go all out to try to keep Xuanguangdong. "

When he said this, he suddenly thought of a question and paused.

"By the way, brother Tianxing, will you stay in our home forever?"

Ji Tianxing said without hesitation: "Of course not."

"Uh..." Qi Huanzhi was taken aback, his eyes were a little dim, and he muttered: "I've guessed it a long time ago, how could a genius like you stay in such a remote town?"

But he was still a little unwilling, and asked: "What about ten years from now? Will you still participate in the competition on behalf of the Qi family?"

This is Qi Huanzhi's biggest worry.

Ten years later, he was not sure to beat the children of several other families.

At that time, if Ji Tianxing could not participate in the war, the Xuanguang Cave would definitely be taken away.

Ji Tianxing stared at him and said sternly: "One, I can't stay here for ten years, maybe I will leave in a few months.

Second, ten years later, I have already broken through the realm of the gods, how can I fight for the Qi family? "

The last trace of hope in Qi Huanzhi's heart was also shattered.

He nodded in frustration, and said, "Well, I have actually thought about the two issues you mentioned, but I just haven't been willing to accept them.

In that case, we have to find a way.

In these ten years, we have made every effort to mine the Xuanguang Cave and grab more resources and wealth. "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "Well, you have been working hard for so long, so hurry up and rest.

I'll go to Mine No. 9 again. There is nothing important, so don't bother me. "

After speaking, he stepped out of the study and hurried towards the entrance of the mine.

Qi Huanzhi also entered a secret room to recuperate and adjust his breath at ease.


Both inside and outside Xuanguang Cave had resumed normal operations.

Countless miners and craftsmen are busy day and night, continuously mining and smelting ore.

Batch after batch of sacred stones, and various precious gems, were smelted by craftsmen and stored in warehouses.

After Qi Huanzhi took a day off, he also devoted himself to work.

He not only supervises the craftsmen and guards, but also personally transports the sacred stone to the Qi Mansion in Qingshan City for safekeeping.

In addition, the defensive array guarding the Xuanguang Cave is also in the process of layout and construction.

Qi Huanzhi attaches great importance to this and has to personally watch it every day.

Time passed quietly.

Unconsciously, four days passed.

The Sovereign Divine Array guarding Xuanguang Cave has finally completed its reconstruction.

With the protection of a large array, hundreds of people from the same family are more at ease and more motivated.

At the same time, Ji Tianxing was also in Mine No. 9 for four consecutive days of training.

In the past four days, he has been devouring the power of mineral veins and strengthening his own strength.

Today, his strength has reached ninety-nine times the peak of the gods, reaching the limit of the gods.

Only need to improve a little bit more strength, he can break through the divine monarch realm.

This is definitely a peerless miracle of no one before and no one in the future.

However, Ji Tianxing was not in a hurry to break through the gods.

He wants to stay at the limit of the Heavenly God Realm and stay for a while to consolidate the foundation of God's Dao first.


Ji Tianxing opened his eyes and stood up.

He lowered his head to look at the mineral veins of the gods under his feet, and probed for a while with his spiritual sense, before nodding in satisfaction and showing a gratified smile.

"Very good! I have swallowed this crystal vein for eight days.

Unexpectedly, the power of the mineral vein was only weakened by 30%, which made me reach the limit of the gods.

It can be seen that the divine crystals contained in this vein must be astronomical! "

Not long after, Ji Tianxing left the 9th mine.

He asked Qi Huanzhi to mobilize hundreds of elite craftsmen and miners to work hard to mine the crystal veins in the 9th mine.

The divine crystals mined are temporarily counted and kept by Qi Huanzhi.

Such an important task fell on Qi Huanzhi.

It made him feel busy and stressed, but also a touch of excitement and excitement.

At least, in the eyes of Ji Tianxing, he can be alone, and he can be a big responsibility.

The Xuan Guangdong affairs were handed over to the two deacons and Qi returned.

Ji Tianxing returned to the ground, entered the secret room of a palace, and began to practice exercises.

He took out countless fragments of Godhead from the space ring.

Then urge the black vortex in the palm of his hand to quickly swallow the fragments of the gods and replenish his strength.


Next, time passed quickly.

Day after day passed, the foundation of Ji Tianxing's divine Dao continued to stabilize, and his breath became more and more unpredictable.

Xuan Guangdong's situation, as he expected, has been safe.

No matter the Blood Sword Sect, the Lu Family, or the City Lord's Mansion ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, there was no slightest movement, as if nothing had happened.

Only Ji Tianxing was very clear in his heart.

This is the tranquility before the storm.

Blood Sword Sect and City Lord's Mansion, having suffered such a big loss, will never let go.

The evening of the ninth day.

Ji Tianxing is meditating in the secret room.

At this moment, Qi Huanzhi rushed to the door of the secret room excitedly, shouting excitedly: "Brother Tianxing! My father came back from the message, there is good news!"

Ji Tianxing finished his practice and stopped doing his work.

After walking out of the secret room, he watched the red-faced Qi return it, and asked, "What good news?"

Qi Huanzhi waved his fists and exclaimed in excitement: "The Qi family has received the monarch's award, and my father has been given the title of Viscount Qingshan!"

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