Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2877: 0 Poisonous Crocodile Dragon Ball

Yuwen Chengkong was very angry.

But he was not surprised.

He knows the Black Mackerel very well, that's a cunning, greedy and despicable bastard!

He had guarded the Black Shark King before and deliberately kept a hand.

He only gave 20% of the deposit, and the remaining 80% of the resources, until the Black Shark King completed the task.

Unexpectedly, the Black Mackerel King still put him along after all.

"Even to disclose the news to the Qi family, let the Qi family and this seat bid for that kid?

Black shark king, black shark king, are you crazy about money?

Why do not you go to hell! "

Yuwen Chengkong got more and more angry as he thought about it, his fists creaked, gritted his teeth with hatred.

Yan Zong remained silent and did not speak to persuade.

Because he knew that the pain and anger in the city owner's heart must be vented.

When the city owner's mood calms down, he will naturally make the right choice.

as predicted.

After a hundred breaths of time, Yuwen Chengkong calmed down.

He asked with a blank expression, "Yan Zong, is there any news from Xuanguang Island?"

Yan Zong replied calmly: "We buried the eyeliner of Qi's family, and the news came back not long ago.

Yesterday afternoon, Qi Huanzhi received a letter from the Black Shark King and learned that the Qi family had been abducted.

Qi Huanzhi was in chaos, and the six gods had no master, and hurriedly gathered two deacons and many backbones to discuss countermeasures together.

However, the cadres of the Qi family were divided into two factions, and after two hours of discussion, they did not reach a unity.

Qi Huanzhi was distraught, insisting on leaving Xuanguang Island and going to the Black Shark Tribe to save people alone.

The two deacons of the Qi family stopped him, and somehow they persuaded him.

So far, the eyeliner has not been sent back.

Presumably, the Qi family should still be observing and considering, but has not yet made a decision. "

After hearing this news, a cold light of contempt flashed in Yuwen Chengkong's eyes.

"Huh! Qi Tianlong is still a human thing, but his son Qi returned it, but it was a complete waste!

Such an impetuous and stupid person will soon ruin the thousand-year foundation of the Qi family! "

Yan Zong reminded him in good time: "Although Qi Huanzhi is a waste, he trusts and relies on Qijia's worship and regards him like his elder brother.

If he insists on going his own way, the Qi family deacon and the backbone can't stop him.

You still have to take precautions a little bit and not take it lightly. "

Yuwen Chengkong nodded and said, "Of course I understand!

If the principal is Qi Tianlong, I don't worry about it, at least he won't be crazy.

But Qi returned the kid, superficial and domineering, and most likely to know how to use things.

If he really takes the sky-high resources and treasures and goes to the Black Shark Tribe to redeem people..."

At this point, Yuwen Chengkong paused.

Soon, he gritted his teeth and made up his mind, and ordered: "Yan Zong, in addition to the remaining 80% of the resources, another 200 million sacred stones and 20,000 sets of god-level equipment are prepared.

In addition, bring that poisonous crocodile dragon ball, and this seat will leave early tomorrow morning. "

Yan Zong stood still on the spot. After a moment of silence, he asked in a deep voice, "The city lord, the two hundred million sacred stones and 20,000 sets of celestial equipment are already worth five billion.

Even though we have taken control of Xuanguang Cave in these years, we have accumulated more than 100 billion fortunes.

But we have given away tens of billions of resources, which is already broken, and the black shark tribe should also be satisfied.

Do you want to bring that poisonous crocodile dragon ball? Isn't it necessary?

That treasure is extremely valuable. When you break through the Seventh Layer of the Gods in the future, you will definitely be able to use it. It must be of great benefit! "

Yuwen Chengkong nodded with a complex expression, "Of course you know! Even the tens of billions of sacred stones can't be exchanged for that poisonous crocodile dragon ball.

However, this seat has been researching for hundreds of years, and has been unable to refine that dragon ball.

Breaking through the seventh layer of the gods and becoming the upper gods is still far away.

I can’t wait that long, I must kill the Qi family worship first, and avenge my son!

Besides, carrying that poisonous crocodile dragon ball was just in case. "

Yan Zong didn't say much any more, and after bowing, his figure disappeared into the darkness.


early morning.

In the depths of the sunset sea, the territory of the Black Shark Tribe.

A round of scorching sun jumped out of the sea and rose slowly.

The sea is shimmering and the morning breeze is blowing.

An island with a radius of five hundred miles, standing quietly on the sea, solemn and solemn.

This vast island is surrounded by rocks.

The island is full of primitive jungle, with mountains, valleys and rivers, and countless birds and animals live.

Here is the famous Blackfish Island.

The gods from all directions saw the Black Shark Island, which meant that they had stepped into the territory of the Black Shark tribe.

Although more than a dozen blackstone palaces have been built on Blackfish Island, there is also a wide square.

But this is just the palace of the black shark king, the venue for the black shark clan to interact with the outside world.

On weekdays, the black sharks live in the deep sea and are used to activities in the dark and cold seabed.

Yesterday, Ji Tianxing followed the Black Shark King back here.

The black shark king took him to the bottom of the sea and visited the real black shark tribe.

It was a deep valley next to the trench, full of rugged rock layers, colorful corals and aquatic plants.

The people of the Black Mackerel tribe have built thousands of houses and caves in the deep valley for living and practicing.

Their residences are dotted with a large number of pearls, gems and metals.

Glistening on the dark seabed, very colorful.

Moreover, the architectural style of the black sharks is very rough, with a strong foreign style, and has a special charm.

The Black Mackerel invited Ji Tianxing to live in his palace, waiting for Yuwen Chengkong to trade.

However, Ji Tianxing refused.

The reason is that the trading location cannot be placed in the Black Shark Tribe.

In order to avoid accidents and wars, affecting the innocent people of the black shark tribe.

In this regard, the black shark king expressed his approval and thanks.

The place of negotiation and transaction was naturally placed on Black Mackerel Island.

at this time.

In the center of Black Mackerel Island, in the most majestic Mackerel Palace.

Ji Tianxing stood at the gate of the hall, with the Black Shark King accompanying him.

The two protoss with ragged clothes and scars were kneeling on the wide and flat stone steps, and bowed to Ji Tianxing.

One of the Protoss was an ordinary-looking woman of the angry flame tribe.

Another young Protoss youth is a Ye Gods man with a long stature and ordinary appearance in a white robe.

This Ye God tribe man has no right hand, and his right arm and wrist are bare. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

After the two knocked their heads three times, they said in a respectful tone: "Thank you, Master Tianxing, for your help. We are so grateful!"

"Lord Tianxing's great kindness, we will never forget!"

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, stretched out his hand and raised it, motioning for the two to get up and waive.

He looked at the white-robed man and asked: "Although this seat intercedes for you, let the Black Shark let you go.

But this seat wants your right palm, you will not resent this seat, do you? "

The white-robed man hurriedly bowed and said, "Lord Tianxing's words made Zai Xia terrified!

Compared to being free, what is a palm?

After a few years of recuperation, it can grow back.

This right palm should be regarded as an apologize to the Black Shark King.

After all, we broke into the territory of the black shark tribe, and there was a mistake first. "

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