Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2880: Lost money

Yuwen Chengkong screamed coldly, and the shaking hall trembled slightly.

Yan Zong's old body also trembled.

"Oh... the city lord is still too impatient, so he was forced out of his hole cards so quickly."

Although no one could see Yan Zong's expression, he sighed silently in his heart.

Bai Long's complexion also changed abruptly, revealing a deep look of fear and concern.

As for the black shark king, the protector and the priest, they all shined in front of their eyes and were full of energy.

"What treasure?" The black shark king stared at Yuwen Chengkong with bright eyes, and said with a smile: "You old thief, really cunning.

Now that you have the treasures ready, why not take them out earlier? "

"..." Yuwen Chengkong almost vomited blood in depression, wishing to beat the king of black shark into meat sauce.

"If it wasn't for your insatiable greed and pressing every step of the way, would I be willing to take out the Dragon Ball?"

He roared in his heart, and his liver hurts with anger.

However, the matter was over, he could only grit his teeth and endure it.

Opening his space ring, he took out a fist-sized, colorful orb from it.


The orb bursts with gorgeous glare, blurring the brilliance of the entire hall.

Moreover, the orb exudes mysterious power fluctuations.

The consciousness of the people in the whole hall was affected, and their expressions were a little excited and excited, and a little dizzy.

Seeing everyone showing their surprised gazes and staring at the orb intently, Yuwen Chengkong introduced: "This is a treasure that has been cherished for one hundred and fifty years, the Hundred Poisonous Crocodile Dragon Ball.

It comes from an ancient crocodile dragon in the realm of an upper god. It gathers hundreds of strange poisons from the world and possesses incredible power.

If anyone can advance to the upper gods, he can refine this crocodile dragon ball and obtain inestimable power.

Black Shark King, you should be very clear about the value of this orb.

Even if you own tens of billions of sacred stones, you would never want to buy this ancient treasure. "

The Black Mackerel nodded in agreement, and said excitedly: "Yes! This kind of treasure can never be measured by a **** stone. It is too insulting to the ancient crocodile dragon!"

Yuwen Chengkong was in a much better mood, and said proudly: "If this is the case, then this seat will reluctantly cut love, and use this poisonous crocodile dragon ball to exchange Qi family worship with you.

As for these pearls, sacred stones and equipment, this seat was taken back. "

After that, he would put away his finger and jasper ring.

The Black Mackerel King grinned and said, "No! The Hundred Poison Crocodile Dragon Ball stays behind. Those **** stones, equipment and pearls, this king wants too!"

"You!!" Yuwen Chengkong's newly relaxed heart tightened instantly.

His face instantly turned dark to the bottom of the pot, and his whole body was shaking with anger.

It was dark in front of his eyes, blood flowed back in his body, and he almost spewed a mouthful of old blood.

"Black Mackerel King! How can you be so shameless?"

The Black Shark King was not ashamed, and he sneered proudly: "Jie Jie Jie... you don't understand the truth if you don't know the truth?

Now that the king saw it, how could he let it go?

Wouldn't it be tempted to change to you? "

Yuwen Chengkong's expression became stiff, and he was stunned.

It seems...something makes sense.

Without waiting for him to speak, the Black Shark King clapped his hands and said: "Okay, that's it."

He picked up the black ring casually, threw it in front of Bai Long, and said in a deep voice: "Emissary of the Qi family, take your deposit, this king is not rare."

"This..." Bai Long picked up the space ring, staring at the same place anxiously.

"Send guests off!" The Black Mackerel waved his hand ruthlessly.

The two black shark masters immediately rushed to Bai Long's side and ran out of the hall with him.

Seeing this scene, Yuwen Chengkong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"King of Black Shark, now that the conditions have been negotiated, you should hand it over now."

The Black Mackerel King did not delay any time, and ordered the Law Protector: "Bring that kid out."

The protector quickly turned around, passed through the secret door in the corner of the main hall, and entered the dark secret room.

After a while, he personally carried Ji Tianxing and returned to the hall.

At this time, Ji Tianxing was ragged, unkempt, bloodstained, and his injuries were extremely miserable.

His limbs were tied with ten thousand years of cold iron chains, and he was curled up weakly, still in a coma.

Yuwen Chengkong stared at him intently.

After seeing his situation clearly, the expression on his face gradually became ferocious, and his eyes were cold and bitter.


Yuwen Chengkong grinned and roared in a low voice: "Little beast! You are finally in my hands!

I have been waiting for this day for too long!

If you don't cut you thousands and thousands of times, how can this seat dispel your hatred! "

At this moment, Yuwen Chengkong's long-accumulated anger, murderousness and hatred were finally vented.

Although, paying the resources of tens of billions of sacred stones and a priceless crocodile dragon ball made him depressed to vomit blood.

However, it is all worthwhile to get Ji Tianxing who was seriously injured and unconscious!

"The person is handed over to you, bring things!"

The black shark guardian came to Yuwen Chengkong, carrying Ji Tianxing who was in a coma, and threw it towards Yuwen Chengkong.

Yuwen Chengkong's excited eyes turned red, and he did not hesitate to take out the black fingers, the jasper ring and the crocodile dragon ball, and threw them all to the black shark guardian.


The guardian of the black shark accepted the priceless crocodile dragon ball, finger and ring, and an inexplicable smile flashed under his eyes.

At the same time, Yuwen Chengkong reached out and grabbed Ji Tianxing.

Holding Ji Tianxing in his left hand, he couldn't wait to put out two fingers, and he was about to gouge out Ji Tianxing's eyes.

When the enemy gets his hands, he digs two eyeballs to vent his anger, and then slowly kills and tortured him.

However, the black shark king suddenly roared: "Stop! Old thief Yuwen, go outside if you want to be tortured. Don't let this king's palace get blood."

Yuwen Chengkong was startled for a moment, before he could think about what was wrong.

He retracted his right hand angrily, and said in a deep voice: "King of Black Shark, I'm leaving!

You pitted this seat this time, don’t fall into the hands of this seat in the future, hum! "

After speaking, Yuwen Chengkong took Yan Zong and turned and flew outside the hall.

At this moment, he just wanted to leave Black Mackerel Island as soon as possible and find a place to torture Ji Tianxing.

Looking at his leaving back, the Black Shark King jokingly sneered: "In your hands?

Ha ha ha... You have no chance in your life! "

It's a pity that Yuwen Chengkong left in a hurry, thinking about how to torture Ji Tianxing.

He didn't hear the black shark king's sneer.

After just ten breaths ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yuwen Chengkong carried Ji Tianxing, flew out more than two hundred miles, and was about to leave Blackfish Island.

Yan Zong and hundreds of guards galloped behind.

For some reason, Yan Zong had a premonition of anxiety, and it became stronger and stronger.

He subconsciously looked at Ji Tianxing, staring at the right arm of the white sleeve.

Suddenly, he realized something was wrong, and his pupils tightened.

And just now.

Ji Tianxing, who had been "unconscious", suddenly opened his eyes.

He instantly exploded with the power of destroying the heavens and the earth, turning into a multicolored giant sword, and blasting towards Yuwen Chengkong!


The earth-shaking loud noise suddenly exploded in the sky, shaking for three thousand miles.

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