Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2887: Clean up the portal

After just a few hours.

Ji Tianxing and Bai Long returned to Xuanguang Island.

Thousands of miles away from Xuanguang Island, I saw the large formation of protecting the island in operation, shining with colorful and brilliant light.

The king-level **** array with a radius of five hundred li was arranged by Ji Tianxing himself.

Xuanguang Island put on a posture of full defense.

Not only was the island guarding formation opened, but there were also many guards patrolling the island.

When Ji Tianxing and Bailong approached, the guards were very vigilant and immediately issued an alarm.

"Huh! Huh!"

In a moment, dozens of Qi family guards flew over from all directions, waiting for them.

Seeing this scene, Bai Long felt quite amused, and said in a playful tone: "Isn't Qi Huanzhi forced to add drama? Everything is resolved, why is it still acting?"

Ji Tianxing chuckled and said, "Maybe it is to be more realistic, so as not to leak the news.

If I'm not mistaken, it is estimated that the backbone of the same family have not yet discussed a countermeasure! "

His tone was a little joke, full of sarcasm.

Bai Long nodded and said, "I have to talk to Qi Huanzhi about this later. He should also clean up the spies in the clan."

At this time, Ji Tianxing shot a divine light casually and opened the island protection formation.

He took the white dragon across the light curtain and flew into Xuanguang Island.

Dozens of Qi family guards held swords and charged over murderously.

The head of the guard, after seeing Ji Tianxing's face, quickly stopped the charge and shouted loudly.

"Stop! Stop!

It's his own person, and Tianxing has come back! "

Dozens of Qi's guards all froze in place with weird expressions, showing misleading eyes.

Everyone stared at Ji Tianxing closely and whispered.

"Is this...really an offering from Heaven?"

"Didn't the Heaven Xing worship be injured by the Black Shark King and caught the Black Shark Tribe?"

"Yes! Tianxing Enshrine is imprisoned in the Black Shark Tribe, waiting for the Young Master to save it!"

"Tian Xing worship came back unscathed? What the **** is going on?"

Many guards are a little confused and confused.

They were full of shock and doubts, but their status was too low to stop Ji Tianxing and ask what happened.


While everyone was stunned, Ji Tianxing passed over everyone's heads and went straight to the Xuanguang Cave in the middle of the island.

Upon reaching the top of Xuanguang Cave, he released his divine consciousness to spread.

Soon, his spiritual consciousness was detected.

Near the entrance of the mine, in a magnificent palace.

Qi Huanzhi, the two deacons, and more than 30 key members of the Qi family are still discussing countermeasures in the deliberative hall.

Qi returned it at this time, looking haggard, his eyes flushed with anxiety.

He resolutely stated that he would bankrupt his family, collect tens of billions of wealth, and go to the Black Shark Tribe to rescue Ji Tianxing.

The two deacons could not hold him back, and stood silently in the hall, watching their noses and hearts.

The 30-odd cadres of the same family were all talking and holding their own words, which seemed very lively.

Qi also looked helpless and decadent, sitting paralyzed on the first seat, rubbing his forehead with anxiety.

In fact, he was very calm and even sneered secretly.

"It's been two days, and this young master has discussed with you twelve times.

Every time, you can find all kinds of reasons and excuses to stop me from rescuing Brother Tianxing.

Probably, you see my helpless, anxious and helpless appearance, I feel very refreshed, even very contemptuous?

Ha ha ha... This young master remembers it!

Those who dance the most, I will settle accounts with you soon! "

Before, Ji Tianxing sent him a subpoena and asked him to act in a play.

He concealed everything from everyone and acted very realistically and well.

During this period, he was on the surface anxious and distressed, but in fact he secretly observed more than 30 key members.

Which people have what kind of thoughts, and who have different intentions.

He even knew exactly who might be the spies of other forces.

Now, he only hopes that Ji Tianxing will return soon.

When this drama is over, he will clear the door!

Seeing, many backbones have been discussing and arguing for half an hour, and there is no sign of stopping.

Qi Huanzhi was upset and stood up.

With a black face, he yelled angrily: "A bunch of trash! After discussing for so long, still can't come up with a countermeasure, still have the face to shout here?

Get out of here!

Don’t you need to do mine and workshop work? "

Qi Huanzhi made the scolding dogs bloody, and many backbones curled their necks, staring at the ground, silently.

The two deacons also came out to make a round, waved their hands and said, "Well, this is the end of today's discussion. Let's all go back to work."

Many backbones were relieved, and after saluting, they turned and left the hall.

However, there are so few backbones who seem to be unwilling.

They looked down upon Qi and returned it, but were scolded in court. How could they bear it?

A sturdy middle-aged steward said without a smile: "Young Master, no matter how important the worship of Heaven is, it will not be worth the family's tens of billions of assets.

If he is so powerful, how can he be caught by the Black Shark King and unable to escape?

Furthermore, the ancestors of the Qi family have worked hard for thousands of years before they have accumulated their current family business.

You are still too young and too arrogant.

How can one ruin the family's foundation for a sacrifice?

You should report such a big matter to the Patriarch and let him decide. "

This person's words seem to persuade Qi to return it, for the sake of the Qi family's foundation.

But his tone was unruly, and Qi was very reckless.

The meaning of the words is, what does death mean?

The Qi family has tens of billions of property, so I will look for it later.

You are an incompetent rubbish, and you have no ability to deal with this matter, so don't think about it.

Go to your dad early and let him make up his mind.

Qi Huanzhi immediately became angry, staring at the middle-aged steward, and shouted angrily: "Qin Feng! How dare you insult this young master?"

The middle-aged steward named Qin Feng said with a smile, "Young Master calms down my anger. I am also thinking about the Qi family's foundation. I'm just telling the truth. Why is it insulting?"

The other four managers also nodded one after another, agreeing and persuading.

"The young master calms down~www.wuxiaspot.com~Qin Guanshi is also working hard for the family, and is exhausting..."

"That's right! Qin Guanshi couldn't bear to see you having trouble sleeping and eating, so he was very kind to help you with suggestions."

"It's not only Qin Guanshi who cares about the family, we are all the same, and can't bear to watch you make mistakes and cause disaster."

"Young Master, calm down and think about it."

Seeing this, Qi Huanzhi pointed at them and smiled angrily: "Okay! Very good! Your wings are stiff, right?"

The two deacons also felt that there was an abnormality in the five stewards, so they rebuked: "You five, don't you apologize to the young master?"

"As a domestic slave, how can you comment on the Young Master's right or wrong?

Don't hurry up to apologize and get out of the hall? "

The five stewards naturally refused to apologize and were dissatisfied in their hearts. They wanted to make another comment.

At this moment, a white figure appeared in the hall out of thin air, raising his foot to the top of Guanshi Qin's head.

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