Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2889: Lower god

Why does Ji Tianxing need to handle such trivial things as rape?

He believed that Qi Huanzhi had an answer long ago and it would be resolved soon.

After leaving the conference hall, he entered the secret room alone, preparing to practice.

Bai Long stayed by Qi Huanzhi's side, helping him make suggestions and torture him to extract a confession.

After all, Bai Long is best at torture.


The dark secret room.

The Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers are suspended in the air.

Ji Tianxing entered the sixth floor of the sacred tower and practiced in twisted time and space.

He pinched the law with both hands, secretly urging to replenish the dzi beads.

The godheads of Yuwen Chengkong and Yan Zong were sealed in the dzi patch.

Although the divine power was swallowed by 30%, the memory and rules of the two people still existed.

Ji Tianxing decided to devour the memory of Yuwen Chengkong and Yan Zong first.

Although Yuwen Chengkong is dead, the City Lord's Mansion has existed in name only.

But behind Yuwen Chengkong was Princess Tianfeng.

Ji Tianxing needs to learn more about some secrets, so that he can deal with it more calmly when facing the revenge of Tianfeng Princess in the future.

In addition, Yan Zong is Yuwen Chengkong's confidant butler, who has always been mysterious and low-key.

It is also necessary to understand.

As time passed, Ji Tianxing quickly absorbed the memories of the two gods with the help of the soul search supernatural powers.

The vastness of information is constantly pouring into his soul and is firmly remembered by him.

Naturally, he also knew a lot of secrets about Yan Zong and Yuwen Chengkong.

There is a lot of key information.

For example, the method of opening the treasury of the city lord’s mansion stores more than 50 billion worth of resources.

Princess Tianfeng possesses the strength of the sixth level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, and is about to break through the seventh level and become the upper divine emperor.

Yan Zong came from the distant Cangshan Empire and was an outcast of Shadow Sect.

This person betrayed the Shadow Sect, crossed one billion li of territory, hid in the remote blood flame kingdom, and lived a mysterious and low-key life.

The Shadow Cult is the top ten superpower in the Cangshan Empire, and there are half-step **** kings who are in charge.

In addition, Yan Zong has mastered the three faculties of Shadow Sect, and has developed three special supernatural powers...

After half a day.

The memories of Yuwen Chengkong and Yan Zong were all swallowed by Ji Tianxing.

He began to refine the two godheads, absorbing the power of them, and depriving them of the godheads.

What surprised him was that in Yuwen Chengkong's Godhead, 27 principles were actually condensed.

Yan Zong's godhead has condensed thirty rules!

Compared with ordinary middle-ranked gods, these two people are considered to be profound and hopeful to advance to higher-ranked gods.

"Fortunately, they didn't master the secret technique of the superposition rule, otherwise the combat effectiveness would be stronger, and it would be difficult for me to kill them."

Ji Tianxing secretly said fortunately, and began to devour the two people's laws of God.

The condensed rules of these two people add up to 57.

Excluding the laws that Ji Tianxing already has, and removing the repeated laws, there are still twenty laws.

Ji Tianxing deprived and condensed one by one.

Time passed quickly.

One day, two days, three days...

Unconsciously, a month passed.

Those twenty laws were all deprived by Ji Tianxing and condensed into his godhead.

Not long ago, he beheaded Lu Jiuzhong and the Fourth Elder of the Blood Sword Sect, as well as many disciples of the Blood Sword Sect and the Lu family.

Those more than six hundred pieces of the godhead had long been swallowed and refined by him.

Sixty rules were condensed in his godhead.

Now, these twenty rules are added.

There are as many as eighty kinds of Shinto laws he possesses!

This number is terrifying.

Generally only the upper gods can master so many laws.

at the same time.

The two godheads were also swallowed up by Dzi Patch.

The endless divine power has also become the power of Ji Tianxing.

After he finished his cultivation, he was shocked to find that he actually broke through the limit and reached the first stage of the gods!

From now on, he is the next god.

"I thought that there would be a bottleneck when breaking through the gods, and it would take a long time to make a successful breakthrough.

Unexpectedly, there are no bottlenecks and twists and turns, and it's a matter of course. "

Ji Tianxing murmured a few words, deeply gratified.

When you change into any god, you will encounter a bottleneck when you break through the realm of the gods.

It takes as little as a few hundred years or as many as thousands of years of accumulation to advance smoothly.

But he is an alien.

After he reached the peak god, he actually strengthened his strength ninety-nine times!

Looking at the world, who else has a deeper foundation than him?

Therefore, when he swallowed the godheads of the two middle-ranked gods and condensed the sixty rules, he broke through naturally.

When he reached the first stage of the God Sovereign Realm, he entered a brand new realm.

Compared with the Heavenly God Realm, the Divine Sovereign Realm is more mysterious and vast.

Every breath, every action, and every move, all contain the power of the law and command freely.

With gestures, control the world, communicate with the stars outside the sky, and control all kinds of supernatural powers.

Have all kinds of incredible magical powers.

The most basic change is that the longevity has also reached 200,000 years from one hundred thousand years.

Although, Ji Tianxing succeeded in breaking through Shenjun Yizhong.

But he was not in a hurry to leave the **** tower, and he had to practice for a while to consolidate the foundation of the gods.

He took out the poisonous crocodile dragon ball from the space ring again and observed it carefully.

The fist-sized divine bead bursts with dazzling colorful light, releasing mysterious power fluctuations.

Ji Tian action used the magic pupil secret method to observe carefully.

It didn't take long for him to see the clue.

This poisonous crocodile dragon ball should be the dragon ball of ancient crocodile dragon.

For that ancient crocodile dragon, this is an important thing second only to the godhead.

Among them, not only contains the mighty power of the ancient crocodile dragon.

There are hundreds of terrifying poisons!

Any kind of highly toxic power can poison the gods under the upper gods.

Of course.

The Hundred Poison Crocodile Dragon Ball was in the body of the ancient crocodile dragon, and could only exert such power in its heyday.

Now, I don’t know how many thousands of years have passed.

Most of the power of the Hundred Poison Crocodile Dragon Ball has passed away, and the power of the hundreds of highly poisonous species will also be greatly reduced.

But even so, Ji Tianxing also believes that those highly poisonous can threaten the life of the middle god.

He learned from Yuwen Chengkong's soul memory that Yuwen Chengkong had obtained this poisonous crocodile dragon ball more than one hundred years ago.

It's a pity ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Yuwen Chengkong can't help those poisonous, unable to refine.

That kind of feeling is like a dog biting a hedgehog, unable to speak.

Yuwen Chengkong planned to reach the pinnacle of the sixth level of the gods, and when they hit the seventh level of the gods, he would use the power of the Crocodile Dragon Ball.

But now, it's all cheap.

Ji Tianxing held the Hundred Poison Crocodile Dragon Ball in his hand, trying to release his divine power and refine it.

However, as soon as his divine power entered the Crocodile Dragon Ball, it was dissipated by the poisonous corrosion.

Even those poisonous poisons will spread out, corroding his divine power and body.

Ji Tianxing quickly withdrew his supernatural power, muttering to himself: "It's no wonder Yuwen Chengkong is helpless, these toxic powers are not something he can contaminate.

However, I don't have to worry. "

There was a smile at the corner of his mouth, urging the power of filling the dzi, using the magical power of swallowing, and starting to swallow the crocodile dragon ball.

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