Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2938: Behind the scenes

Through the memory of the black robe man's soul, Ji Tianxing learned a lot of inside stories.

The monarch of the Kingdom of Blood Flame has six children under his knees.

Among them are two princesses and four princes.

The oldest and most respectful prince has long passed away.

Today, the second prince, third prince, and fifth prince are all eligible to win a prostitute.

Among the three princes, the second prince is not the strongest, but the conspiracy and commanding ability are the most outstanding.

The impression that the three princes give to others is always the appearance of a gentle, courteous and modest gentleman.

Therefore, the three princes were praised as being kindhearted and possessing both ability and political integrity.

Many princes and nobles and ministers in the courts tend to support the third prince.

As for the Five Princes, they are usually quite low-key, so they are not well understood.

The second prince felt that after the death of the prince, he became the eldest son.

According to rules and traditions, the throne must first be passed to the eldest son.

Therefore, he has the greatest hope of succeeding the monarch, and he is also the most plausible.

But it is a pity that neither the monarch nor the important minister in the courts closely followed this rule and tradition.

The monarchs and ministers are thinking about which prince is better and more suitable to hold the kingdom of God, and then pass it to whom.

This makes the second prince very depressed.

He had to secretly buy off the ministers, and preach the traditional rules of standing up and standing in the royal capital.

Although, many ministers and aristocratic families are willing to accept this concept.

But the effect was not great, and it failed to shake the will of the monarch.

The second prince had no choice but to win over party members, cultivate cronies, and organize forces in secret.

Down to the powerful city lord, up to the lord of the counties and princes and ministers, he tried his best to buy and win.

Even, he privately recruited elite soldiers and strong generals, secretly nurturing many powerful men, at least holding more than 100,000 soldiers.

Castle Lord Yuwen Chengkong of Castle Peak is an absolute confidant of Princess Tianfeng.

Ten years ago, Tianfeng Princess had been drawn to the second prince.

For the second prince to fight for the throne, it can be said that he tried his best.

Three years ago, the lord of Tianfeng County received a secret letter from the second prince.

It was learned that the second prince would recruit fifty thousand elite soldiers and secretly raise them in Tianfeng County, waiting for the future to conspire.

Going north, you can attack the sunset waters and make contributions.

Going south, can use this as a bargaining chip and threat when fighting for the throne.

After learning about it, Tianfeng Princess readily expressed his support.

And very loyally stated that he is willing to provide 50,000 sets of Celestial equipment.

The second prince greatly appreciated and promised that after ascending to the throne in the future, he would definitely promote Tianfeng Princess as the country's important minister.

Princess Tianfeng was also looking forward to it, expressing that he wanted to make the two princes feel better.

But Princess Tianfeng’s finances and wealth were insufficient to allocate tens of billions of resources within three years.

As a result, this matter fell on the head of Castle Green Mountain.

In the eyes of Princess Tianfeng, Castle Lord Qingshan owns Xuanguang Cave, which is a cash cow.

Castle Lord Qingshan did not let him down. As expected, within three years, he secretly collected 50,000 sets of Celestial Equipment.

But the city lord didn't know that 50,000 sets of Celestial Equipment were prepared for the second prince.

He thought it was Princess Tianfeng that had a plan, so he left 50,000 sets of equipment in his hands.

When the Tianfeng Princess delivered the message, he would deliver it himself.

Princess Tianfeng asked the second prince on the side.

The second prince said that he was not in a hurry. The fifty thousand elite soldiers have not yet been recruited, and it may take several years to achieve.

The Lord Tianfeng told Castle Lord Qingshan that the equipment would not be delivered until a few years later.

Who would have thought that Ji Tianxing entered Qingshan City at this time.

He became an enshrinement of the Qi family, helped the Qi family seize Xuanguang Cave, and caused a series of misfortunes.

The Castle Lord of Qingshan was forced to have no choice but to ask the Black Shark King for help, asking the Black Shark King to assassinate Ji Tianxing.

The king of black mackerel is greedy by nature, and the lion speaks loudly, asking for prices.

It does not lack cultivation resources and mineral veins, but is not good at refining tools, so it opened its mouth to ask for 30,000 sets of Celestial equipment.

Qingshan City's sovereignty repeatedly agreed to this condition.

As long as he can kill Ji Tianxing, he is willing to pay 30,000 sets of Celestial Equipment.

Anyway, the delivery is still a few years away. After he retakes the Xuanguang Cave, it will not be too late to gather the 30,000 sets of equipment.

But things are counterproductive.

No one thought that in the end, Ji Tianxing won a big victory.

Castle Lord Qingshan not only lost his life, but also lost 50,000 sets of equipment, 50,000 pearls, and the poisonous crocodile dragon ball!

After the incident, Princess Tianfeng became furious.

Castle Lord Qingshan is his confidant and his cash cow.

Now that this tree was cut by Ji Tianxing, how could he let Ji Tianxing go?

More importantly, the whereabouts of the 50,000 sets of Celestial Equipment are also missing.

Princess Tianfeng promised the second prince vowedly, but now he wants to break his promise?

The key is that Qi Tianlong and Ning Qinggang entered the royal capital and were given the title of Viscount by the monarch.

The second prince also knew about this, so he asked Tianfeng Princess.

Princess Tianfeng didn't dare to hide it, so she had to tell the truth.

After the second prince knew the truth, he was also furious, and immediately sent three doormen to Qingshan City to secretly investigate the whereabouts of 50,000 sets of equipment.

Those three doormen, of course, were the three gods who were killed tonight.

Knowing the ins and outs of the matter, Ji Tianxing suddenly realized that a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"That's it!

No wonder I have never figured out how Castle Lord Castle could have 50,000 sets of standard equipment.

Unexpectedly, this guy was working for the second prince in disguise. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Now I have killed Castle Lord Qingshan, Princess Tianfeng, and three doormen, and also robbed 50,000 sets of Celestial Equipment, which is regarded as offending the second prince.

Ning Qinggang went to deal with the 50,000 sets of Celestial Equipment, this matter would definitely be known by the second prince.

I don't know whether the second prince will hate the Ning family for this? "

When thinking of this, Ji Tianxing frowned, and quickly unfolded.

"The Ning family was originally a fan of the third prince, and it has long been a thorn in the second prince's eyes, so I don't care about it anymore."

Thinking about it this way, Ji Tianxing had no guilt for the Ning family.

He continued to sort out the memory of the black robe man.

Soon, he learned something more.

The second prince is good at forming parties for private interests. Not only did he win over many city owners, county owners, and ministers, but he also had close contacts with major sects.

For example, the Blood Fiend Palace, one of the six major sects, is closely related to him.

There are also two other sects, who are also glaring at him, seemingly cooperative.

In addition to these top sects, the second prince also bought nine second-rate sects and became his lackeys and accomplices.

Judging from the current situation.

Among the three princes, the second prince seems to be the most powerful.

Ji Tianxing stretched out his hand and touched his chin, and murmured in a playful tone: "The second prince has a close relationship with the sect? Could he be the backer behind the Blood Sword Sect?"

Currently, his most direct and powerful opponent is the Blood Sword Sect.

To be sure, the third prince has nothing to do with the Blood Sword Sect.

With the second prince's style of acting, it is likely that he is behind the scenes.

However, Ji Tianxing searched through the memories of the black robe sect and found no relevant evidence.

It seems that the backer behind the Blood Sword Sect is not the second prince.


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