Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2987: Reinforcements return

Unconsciously, half an hour passed.

   The fight between Ji Tianxing and Sect Master Blood Sword had already reached the fiercest point.

   The two sides fought nearly ten thousand moves, and all the magical skills that should be performed were performed once.

   The consumption of divine power was too violent, and it was basically exhausted.

   But both of them are very talented.

   A forbidden ground with blood sword and dragon blood can still preserve 50% of the strength.

   And the other one, there is the Dzi Bead and the Five Elements World to replenish the power, never tire.

   Divine power is always abundant, and the combat power is always maintained at its peak state.

  Comparing the two, naturally, Sect Master Blood Sword had a worse fate.

  The blood-colored giant sword that is a thousand feet high is already full of cracks and gaps, as if a row of jagged teeth.

   The blood light became dim and its power was not as good as before.

   Even, the blood sword became more offensive and more defensive.

   Most of the time, I was tired of resisting Ji Tianxing's attack, and occasionally looked for opportunities to fight back.

  According to the current situation, within half an hour at most, the Blood Sword Sect Master will lose.

   By then, he must be destroyed by a sword.

   However, Ji Tianxing was not satisfied with the result, and he was still anxious.

  After half an hour, the Blood Sword can be defeated and the Sect Master of the Blood Sword can be killed.

   This is too slow for him!

   Because, he keeps counting the time.

   Must kill the blood sword sect master before the blood sword sect powerhouse rushes back.

   Otherwise, the situation will be more complicated at that time, and Sect Master Blood Sword may take the opportunity to escape.

   But it's a pity, it's useless for him to worry.

   The Sect Master of the Blood Sword didn't show up at all, so he shrank in the Blood Sword.

   With the protection of the blood sword, he can continue to delay time.

   After all, the blood sword is a genuine supreme king-level artifact.

   It's only an hour, it can hold it anyway.

   Soon, another quarter of an hour passed.

   Ji Tianxing's offensive has not weakened in the slightest, and he continues to wield the Sky Burial Sword, shed the light of the sword to cover the sky, and attack the blood sword.

   Sect Master Blood Sword's injuries were heavier and his strength weakened.

   But, he also wants to understand.

   He even gave up resisting and breaking through, instead he fully resisted and defended.

   Qianzhang Blood Sword shrank to about ten zhang, and escaped into the depths of the earth.

   Under the control of the Sect Master of the Blood Sword, the Blood Sword releases its invisible divine power, absorbing the dragon blood divine power in the earth wildly.

  At the same time, the Sect Master of Blood Sword also displayed the magical powers of kendo, forming a magic lightsaber net.

   An elliptical dark red sword net, suspended deep underground.

   No matter from which angle Ji Tianxing attacks, Jian Wang can block them all.

  Although Jianwang has suffered more attacks, it will continue to shatter and collapse.

   But the Blood Sword Sovereign has been repairing the sword net and replenishing the defense force.

   Even if the sword net will be breached sooner or later, the blood sword will inevitably collapse and shatter.

   But if he does this, he can delay it even longer.

   Don't say one hour, two hours are fine!

at last.

   An hour has come.

   A colorful mask with a radius of three hundred miles appeared between the heaven and the earth, sealing this area.


   Ji Tianxing and Sect Master Blood Sword were both blocked by the colorful mask.

   At this time, Jin Zuoshi's transmission sounded in Ji Tianxing's mind.

   "Mr. Skywalker, we have deployed a large formation of sky demon lock-in space, sealing a radius of three hundred miles.

   Don't worry, we will support the operation of the big formation and will never let the Blood Sword Sect Master escape! "

   Hearing this news, Ji Tianxing was only relieved, and there was no big surprise.

  Because he could see, Sect Master Blood Sword had no intention to escape at all.

   Probably Sect Master Blood Sword still doesn’t give up, and still wants to wait for the reinforcements to come back to help him come back from the game, right?

   The completion of the Sky Demon Lock-in Array is just a guarantee, and it has no substantial effect.

   "You defend the big formation to prevent the return of the reinforcements of the Blood Sword Sect, this monarch will kill the Sect Master of the Blood Sword as soon as possible."

   Ji Tianxing gave Jin Zuoshi a voice message and exhorted him.

   then held the Sky Burial Sword again, and used the magical powers of kendo to kill the blood sword deep underground.

   Fighting to fight until now, Ji Tianxing has already seen the clues.

   The blood sword went deep into the ground, drawing the mysterious dragon blood power from the earth.

   Because of this, the power of the blood sword has not been exhausted, and Lin Shan has been able to support it until now.

   Ji Tianxing will not only attack the blood sword, but also cut off the dragon blood supernatural power.

   So, he used the law of the earth and cut out several thousand-zhang giant swords.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   With a loud and deafening sound, the rock layer deep underground was cut into several pieces by sword light.

   Centered on the blood sword, all sides were cut open.

   The rock formation where the blood sword was, turned into an isolated island.

   The small island and the surrounding land were cut off.

   The blood sword wanted to draw dragon blood divine power from all around, it became extremely difficult.

   This trick really works.

   The blood sword was continuously attacked, and its power was constantly consumed, but it was not replenished, and its power was rapidly weakened.

   Sect Master Blood Sword's injuries became more and more miserable, and his heart became more anxious.

   a quarter of an hour later.

   The blood sword has more gaps, and the light is even dim.

   Sect Master of the Blood Sword was also very badly injured, already at the end of the battle.

   Ji Tianxing accelerated the offensive, intending to defeat the blood sword and slay Lin Shan.

   But just then.

   Outside the dragon blood forbidden area, a dazzling white light lit up, and there was a deafening cry for killing.

  The sudden change shocked everyone in the field.

   Ji Tianxing quickly released his spiritual knowledge and probed the situation thousands of miles away.

   I saw a three-tiered treasure ship that was thousands of feet long, shining with divine light, galloping toward the dragon blood forbidden land.

   The antique treasure ship is very old in shape and looks a little shabby, full of vicissitudes of life.

   The masts and huge sails of the treasure ship are full of cracks and holes.

  It is vaguely visible that there are four to five thousand gods in various costumes on the treasure ship.

   They come from different races, their costumes are different, but they are loyal to the same forces.

   Most of those people are masters of the gods~www.wuxiaspot.com~ holding swords, guns, swords, halberds and strange weapons, and shouting murderously.

   At the top of the treasure ship, there are more than twenty gods and powerful men wearing purple, golden, and black robes.

   They are all aggressive and murderous, holding swords and artifacts in their hands.

   Ji Tianxing saw the appearance of these people, frowned immediately, his eyes became solemn.

   "Damn it! Just an hour later, they really rushed back!"

   The severely injured Sect Master of the Blood Sword was originally sluggish, and suffered a great deal of suffering in his heart.

   suddenly heard the sound of killing outside the forbidden area, he also released his spiritual sense to probe.

   When he saw the old treasure ship, he was immediately refreshed, and his dim eyes suddenly glowed.

   "Hahahaha...you little bunnies, I really didn't disappoint this seat!

   This seat has been supporting for so long, and finally waiting for you to return!

   Kill! Kill all the beasts in the blood knife door! "

at the same time.

   Blood Fantasy, Blood Dragon God King, and Jin Zuozhu also used their spiritual knowledge to explore the treasure ship.

   At the beginning, they thought it was the master of the blood knife, and brought the elders and disciples to support.

   But when they saw the treasure ship and those people clearly, their eyes widened in shock, and their expressions became extremely ugly.

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