Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2997: Heaven is about to change

There were hundreds of guards in silver armor under the city gate.

With iron and blood, they stared sharply at everyone entering the city.

As soon as Ji Tianxing appeared, the captain of the guard focused on him.

After careful observation, after confirming that it was him, he personally brought three guards and stopped him.

"Are you Tianxing?"

The captain of the guard with a burly stature and a long beard, staring at Ji Tianxing with red eyes, asked blankly.

The three guards dispersed, faintly surrounding Ji Tianxing.

Such a posture is obviously unkind, just like catching a fugitive.

The surrounding people and strong men all backed up a few steps immediately so as not to be affected.

At the same time, everyone was wary and looked at Ji Tianxing curiously.

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and said indifferently: "It's the Lord."

The guard captain nodded slightly and said in a majestic tone: "Please come with us."

Ji Tianxing took a deep look at him, did not refuse or resist, just nodded.

Afterwards, he followed the guard captain, surrounded by three guards, and went straight across the city gate and entered the royal capital.

The people watching the excitement around them all showed curiosity and gloating expressions, and started talking in whispers.

"Who is that kid? How could he be targeted by the Guards?"

"It looks like it should be a fugitive from the royal capital, right?"

"It's very possible! Every year, there will be several stupid prisoners who think they can cover people's eyes, and delusions into the royal capital, but they are all seen through by the Guards."

"Being taken away by the Guards, there must be no good fruit, that kid is miserable!"

However, the few gods and powerhouses in the crowd frowned in contemplation, their expressions a bit complicated.

Their strength and status are higher, and certainly not as superficial as ordinary people.

They all heard it just now, the captain of the guard said the word ‘please’.

On the surface, the guard captain's attitude was cold and majestic.

But in fact, there is no disrespect or offense to Ji Tianxing.

Moreover, they just took away Ji Tianxing, and did not act to **** or bind him.

If it were to catch fugitives, how could the methods be so gentle?

When several gods observed these, they couldn't help but wonder and wonder, who exactly is "Tian Xing"?

Suddenly, a god-lord thought of some recent news and legends, his face changed drastically, and he exclaimed, "Is it him? How is this possible!"

The exclamation aroused the attention of everyone around. Many people and several gods looked at him and asked.

"Senior, who was that kid just now?"

"Xiongtai, do you know that boy in white robe?"

"That kid is a foreign race, did he commit something?"

The gods and powerhouses who were watched by the crowd were always silent, with a serious and indifferent expression.

When the people asked too much, he was really unbearable, and he couldn't help but scolded: "You have to wait for Hugh to get to the bottom of it. The identity of the son is not something I can wait for!"

Seeing this divine monarch looked solemn and solemn, everyone realized the seriousness of the matter and did not dare to entangle and inquire.


The guard captain and three guards led Ji Tian into the capital.

Walking thousands of feet along the wide bluestone avenue, he turned into a secluded alley.

Then, the guard captain told the three guards to retreat and face Ji Tianxing alone.

He bowed his hand to Ji Tianxing and said in a respectful tone: "Mr. Tianxing, there are so many people at the gate of the city just now. He offended you because of helplessness. Please forgive you."

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, his expression on Gujing did not waver, and said: "Just talk about the business, who wants to see my lord?"

The captain of the guard watched the surroundings and saw that there was no one in Baizhang to follow, and he cautiously replied: "Go, my master, please come to the meeting and tell me something important."

"Lead the way." Ji Tianxing guessed something vaguely, and agreed.

The captain of the guard no longer wasted time, and quickly took out a king-level rune and poured it into his divine power.


The golden runes burned, bursting with dazzling white light, engulfing him and Ji Tianxing.

The space was distorted, and the two figures disappeared out of thin air.

Next moment.

Ji Tianxing and the guard captain moved a hundred miles away and appeared out of thin air in a manor in Beicheng.

This manor occupies an area of ​​10,000 square meters, beautifully constructed, and extraordinarily luxurious.

Surrounded by row upon row of palaces and houses, the environment is very secluded and full of divine power.

It is conceivable that such a luxurious house in the Royal Capital must be very valuable.

I am afraid that only big powers and distinguished figures can have it.

The captain of the guard led Ji Tianxing through the garden and corridors to the rockery by the small lake.

Casting a spell to unlock the phantom array and open a secret door before entering the dark passage.

Down the winding passage, the two came to a secret room at the bottom of the lake.

The captain of the guard bowed and saluted inside the door, respectfully saying: "Lord, here comes the son of heaven."

Inside the door of the dark secret room, a majestic man's voice came: "Please."

The guard captain responded, cast a spell to solve the formation, and opened the secret room door.

Then, he guarded the door of the secret room and made a please gesture to Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing stepped into the stone gate and entered the dark secret room~www.wuxiaspot.com~Boom! "

The heavy stone gate was closed.

The secret room with a radius of one hundred zhang is very quiet, the ground and walls are engraved with magical arrays, and the multicolored magical power condenses into silk threads and clouds, and the illusion is blurred.

Ji Tianxing looked around and saw a purple jade stone table and two white jade chairs in the middle of the secret room.

A middle-aged man dressed in a golden dragon robe and a golden crown is sitting on a white jade chair.

A delicate teapot and two delicate tea cups were placed in front of him.

"Master Tianxing, please sit down!"

The man in the golden robe stood up to say hello and looked at Ji Tianxing with a smile.

This person has a strong body, a dignified appearance, and his eyebrows are full of righteousness, but he does not pretend to be majestic, and has a natural affinity.

Ji Tianxing walked to the table, bowed his hand and said: "I have seen the three princes."

Obviously, the man in the golden robe is Ning Qinggang's brother-in-law, the third son of the current monarch, Duanmu Yannian.

Seeing that Ji Tianxing was neither humble nor overbearing, the third prince was still unfathomable, and couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart: "For half a year, Xiao Wang has only heard about the deeds of the son, and he has already admired him.

Seeing the son's real body now is even more amazing, really extraordinary! "

"The three princes are absurdly praised." Ji Tianxing said politely.

The third prince stretched out his hand and said, "Come, sit down and have tea and talk."

He made a gesture of ‘please’ with his left hand, holding a teapot in his right hand, and making tea for Ji Tianxing himself.

Ji Tianxing nodded and took a seat, took a sip of the tea.

"As soon as my lord arrived in the capital, the third prince secretly met my lord. Could something big happen?"

The third prince nodded slightly, the smile on his face narrowed, and said with a heavy expression: "Yes, there is indeed a major event.

After the ceremony of the blood of God, the monarch must establish a prince!

Heaven is about to change! "


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