Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3023: Unexpected

When Ji Tianxing shot, he went all out to kendo.

The power of this sword is really powerful and terrifying.

Not only did Xifeng Town turn into ruins, it also shook more than a dozen lower gods and more than 20 elite masters.

However, the five princes and the five upper gods are fine.

When Ji Tianxing took out the sword, everyone realized that it was not good, and immediately cast a spell to resist and jointly protect the five princes.

This is so, the violent and unparalleled impact force still shook the five princes and the five high-ranking gods and flew ten miles away.

The six people drew an arc in the sky and fell into the messy ruins.

Afterwards, Ji Tianxing flew to Gaotian and stood still, looking down at the entire ruins.

Seeing the lower gods and elite masters all around, they all looked confused and frightened, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth.

The five princes and five high-ranking gods also flew out of the ruins and stood still in the sky.

They confronted Ji Tianxing in the air, far apart.

"Smuggle! You are really looking for death!

This king originally wanted you to live for a while, but I didn't expect that if you are so anxious to die, then this king will fulfill you! "

While talking, the five princes offered a dark golden sword and held it firmly in his hand.

The white-haired **** prince wearing a black robe also stretched out his palms, his fingers filled with colorful divine flames, and his whole body was full of violent aura.

He stared at Ji Tianxing angrily, and shouted coldly: "Little beast, you are alone, and you dare to attack hundreds of us?

This is not confidence and courage, but arrogance and ignorance!

The old man will let you experience right away, what is life is better than death! "

Ji Tianxing looked at everyone with a sneer, and said, "I am alone? Hahaha...to be honest, I am here today to kill all of you!

Don't keep alive! "

When the voice fell, he opened the third floor of the Nine Heavens and Ten Jue Towers.


One after another white light appeared in the sky one after another, continuously.

In just two breaths, the three princes and many strong guards appeared in the sky.

A total of sixty-three people lined up neatly on the high sky and formed a formation.

They had stayed on the third floor of the tower before, waiting patiently in the dark.

At this moment, they can finally show up.

All of them are armed with swords and murderous.

The five princes and many gods ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looked at the three princes and the Guards who emerged out of thin air, and they were dumbfounded on the spot.

"It's you? Brother Three...and the Guards?"

"How can you..."

"This is impossible! Didn't you go back to the palace and rested separately?"

"Our eyeliner watched all the way, and clearly saw him alone!"

"How could this be? How did you do it?"

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, shocked and incredible.

At the same time, there was a trace of worry in my heart.

The third prince also wore a golden armor, holding a broad epee, and shouted in a majestic manner: "Fifth, you sent someone to trespass into the Changfeng Academy to openly rob the king's guests.

You are so brave, this is a blatant challenge to the laws of the kingdom of God!

You also used Young Master Tianxing's daughter as a threat, and set up heavy troops to ambush him here.

This is even more sinister and despicable!

Do you still have a bit of royal demeanor?

You are not worthy of being a prince of the kingdom of God, let alone being a prince, this king is ashamed to be your brother! "

The third prince reprimanded the fifth prince with righteousness and awe-inspiring gesture.

At least in terms of momentum, he completely prevailed.

The fifth prince was extremely angry, gritted his teeth and sneered: "The third child, you actually opposed your brother for this little beast, how can you be worthy of your father's cultivation?

The winner is the winner, what right do you have to blame this king?

Even if you are not convinced, the father will select this king as the prince!

Your good days have come to an end, now think about how to fawn on this prince, so as to keep your family business! "

"Hahaha... what a joke!" The third prince laughed up to the sky and said with disdain: "Father has not announced the decree, you really regard yourself as the prince?

You act so despicable and arrogant, and you don't care about the laws of the kingdom of God and the face of the royal family. What qualifications do you have to be a prince?

Now, as the commander of the imperial guards, this king wants to arrest you, an unruly villain, and hand over to his father to judge you! "

After speaking, the third prince swept across the many gods with majestic gaze, and shouted: "The imperial guards are carrying out official duties and arresting prisoners here. Whoever dares to disobey is the death penalty of the Jiu Clan!"

The gods and masters under the five princes suddenly looked calm, a little hesitant and jealous.

The Imperial Guard is the sword of the monarch, representing the majesty of the monarch and the kingdom of God.

Everyone is also worried. What if this matter becomes a big issue, what should I do if I really want to investigate it?

They worked for the five princes for a reason and benefit, and no one wanted to involve the nine races because of this.

Seeing that everyone looked strange, the fifth prince quickly sneered: "The third child, you don't want to be here!

The imperial guards are the guards of the father and king. You use them without authorization to help Tianxing solve private grievances. This is a heinous crime!

Besides, this is not a royal city. What qualifications do you have to arrest people? "

Hearing what he said, many gods and masters only felt a little relieved and regained their confidence.

The third prince frowned and had to say a few more words.

However, Ji Tianxing has lost his patience, and a look of disappointment flashes in his eyes.

"Before the action ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the three princes were extremely angry, in a gesture of ignoring and wanting to kill.

Unexpectedly, he was just showing off in front of me.

Now facing the five princes, they are noisy and fierce on the surface, and put on a posture of killing each other if they disagree.

But in fact, the two princes can only fight, and they don't want to actually fight each other. "

Although the performance of the two princes is very lifelike, how can they hide from Ji Tianxing?

He could see that the two princes were scrupulous and did not dare to fight.

These imperial guards are the three princes' trump cards, and the surrounding gods and masters are probably the five princes' trump cards.

Neither of them wanted to be here, consuming each other's strength, so as not to be taken advantage of by the second prince.

But how can this work?

What Ji Tianxing wants is to fight and fight!

So, while the two princes were wrangling, he quietly used venomous supernatural powers, releasing nine invisible toxics.

Under his precise control, the nine poisonous poisons quietly spread, spreading among many gods and masters.

The three princes and the Guards around him were not affected.

After releasing the poison, Ji Tianxing wielded the Sky Burial Sword again, killing several gods not far away with the force of thunder.

Those were eight lower gods, all holding swords and artifacts, ready to go.

They hadn't received the command of the five princes to attack, and they didn't dare to do it, and they didn't expect Ji Tianxing to attack suddenly.

"Broken Sun Sword!"

With a wave of the Heaven Burial Sword, it instantly cut out eighteen colorful sword lights, carrying more than sixty laws of power, and enveloped the nine gods.

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