Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3025: Tragic

"Come on? I...take your mother!"

The fifth prince almost vomited blood and cursed with a green face.

Everyone is avenging private revenge, using public tools for private purposes, just tacitly knowing each other.

At this point, the third child still pretended to be righteous and awe-inspiring, until the lungs of the fifth prince were about to explode.

Seeing that the negotiation failed, he could only order the gods to besiege Ji Tianxing at any cost.

"Boom boom boom!"

The magical light and shadow that covered the sky and the sun suddenly drowned Ji Tianxing.

However, most magical attacks were blocked by the Imperial Guard.

A small number of swords and swords hit Ji Tianxing, and he was also used to resolve them, or force them to pass.

He was shaken back thousands of feet away, with only minor injuries.

This didn't matter, he threw on another group of gods murderously again.

"Tianlong proudly cut!"

"Ten thousand swords return to the clan!"

Ji Tianxing has a high fighting spirit, exploded with the highest combat power, and frantically displayed his kendo supernatural powers.

At this moment, his combat power is comparable to that of the gods who just arrived in the eighth realm, and he is truly invincible.

Those lower gods, once hit by his kendo supernatural powers, will be seriously injured if they don't die, and they will never be spared.

The three princes and many imperial guards not only fought against each other's attack, but also often helped Ji Tianxing to rescue.

This allowed Ji Tianxing to kill more heartily, slaughtering the gods under the five princes.

Soon, thirty breaths passed.

There were only about fifty people left under the five princes, and half of them were injured.

Not long after the war started, he lost fifty lower gods.

The vast majority were killed by Ji Tianxing, and only a dozen were beheaded by the Imperial Guard.

This made the five princes vomit blood in depression, and he wanted to go on stage personally and break Ji Tianxing's body into pieces.

However, the two high-ranking gods have been guarding him, resolutely not allowing him to play.

In desperation, the five princes could only order the three upper gods to attack Ji Tianxing with all their strength.

He must be entangled, and he cannot be slaughtered anymore!

When the three high-ranking gods got the order, they rushed to Ji Tianxing regardless, and jointly attacked him.

These three people cooperated tacitly, the methods were vicious and vicious, and all kinds of magical abilities and skills were handed in their hands.

Even if Ji Tianxing's strength is strong, he is entangled by the three of them, and he can't get out for a while.

What's more, there are dozens of lower gods who constantly cast spells to attack him.

Ji Tianxing immediately fell into a disadvantage, defeated by the three upper gods, and was tired of resisting.


He has been retreating to the edge of the battlefield, he has not been seriously injured, and is still at his peak.

Seeing him getting closer and closer to the Five Princes, the Five Princes finally realized that something was wrong.

"What does this little beast want to do?

Run away? wrong!

Does he still want to assassinate this king? ! "

The fifth prince suddenly guessed the answer, suddenly narrowed his eyes, and said with a grin: "This king is a prince. How dare he assassinate this king? It's lawless!"

At the same time, his voice transmission told the two high-ranking gods beside him: "Cang Yan, Bai Zhu, you take the opportunity to kill him!"

Cang Yan was exactly the old man with black robe and white hair, the strongest among the five upper gods.

Atractylodes macrocephala is a middle-aged man who is as thin as a bamboo pole, his skin is pale as paper, and he has more than twenty evil magic powers.

These two are the absolute confidants of the five princes.

So they would rather not participate in the war, but also protect the five princes every step of the way.

However, Ji Tianxing is moving closer here, intending to assassinate the five princes.

They didn't hesitate anymore, and stepped forward ten feet one after another, standing in front of the fifth prince.

While protecting the five princes, he stared at Ji Tianxing intently, ready to strike at any time.

Ji Tianxing and the three high-ranking gods entangled and killed more than twenty moves.

Finally, he retreated to the edge of the battlefield, only a thousand feet away from the Five Princes.

He resorted to a kendo magic trick, pushed back the three high-ranking gods with all his strength, and took the opportunity to perform magical secret arts to assassinate the five princes.

"The sword breaks nine days!"

Suddenly, his body was full of golden light, dazzling like a scorching sun.

Holding the huge Sky Burial Sword in both hands, twelve success forces burst out, and a thousand-zhang giant sword was severely cut out.

The huge sword is brilliant and dazzling, as solid as its essence, containing the power of destroying the world.

On the huge sword blade, more than 60 kinds of laws and gods can be clearly seen, as if it contains great principles!

Before the sword light arrived, the terrifying killing sword intent had already suppressed Cang Yan, Bai Shu and the Five Princes.

The three of them looked solemn, showed shocked eyes, and tried their best to resist.

"Nine Flames Dragon!"

Cang Yan waved his palms and shot out a nine-color divine flame, condensing a long flame dragon to resist the slash of the giant sword.

"Floating life and disillusionment!"

Bai Shu stretched out Bai's miserable hands and released the two divine powers of black and white, forming a huge roulette, blocking the three of them.

Even the five princes also offered a bronze chessboard and stood in front of them.


The great sword was finally cut down, and instantly cut the flame dragon.

Immediately afterwards, the black and white roulette was also split in half by the giant sword.


In the end, the giant sword, which was weakened by 40% of its power, slammed into the bronze chessboard and burst into a loud noise.

The bronze chessboard trembled violently, the five princes face turned pale, and he could not help flying out.

The person is still in the air, and he has opened his mouth to eject a blood arrow.

Obviously, he was injured by this sword, and his internal organs and meridians were damaged.

But the defense of the bronze chessboard was so strong that it was not cut off before he got his life back.

Ji Tianxing originally wanted to take advantage of the victory to chase and kill, but Cangyan and Atractylodes did not hesitate to protect the five princes at all costs~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

The other three high-ranking gods also took the opportunity to attack him.

In desperation, Ji Tianxing could only give up the assassination of the five princes and turned to deal with the three high-ranking gods.

This time, he was no longer suppressed and beaten by the three as before.

Suddenly he became brave and fierce, and his fighting power doubled, making it difficult for him to fight the three high-ranking gods.

"One sword reaches the sky!"

"One sword opens the sky!"


"Sky Burial Sword!"

All kinds of kendo magical powers were displayed by him in turn, swaying the sky full of sword light.

The invisible sword intent suppressed the three high-ranking gods, making them panic.

After fighting for a dozen moves, a high-ranking **** was cut off and fell into the rubble screaming.

After another twenty moves, the second high-ranking **** was split in half, and blood was spilled into the sky.

The person's body was destroyed, and two halves of the body fell into the rubble.

The Godhead hurriedly escaped, fled Westwind Town without looking back, and disappeared into the sky.

Only two upper gods left to besiege Ji Tianxing, and one of them was seriously injured.

This greatly reduced Ji Tianxing's pressure and made him more comfortable.

While dealing with the two high-ranking gods, he can also take time to kill those trembling gods who are hiding in the distance.

The fifth prince was heartbroken, and ordered the forty lower gods to join forces to kill Ji Tianxing.

But the three princes and the imperial guards resisted the attack very hard and tried their best to cover Ji Tianxing.

The fifth prince was completely impatient, and let Cang Yan and Bai Shu join the battle.

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