Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3029: Behind the scenes

The words of the third prince are not unreasonable.

In his opinion, the five princes have lost so miserably.

Ji Tianxing won a big victory, and his daughter Wushuang was rescued safely.

It's a perfect ending!

Why do you kill the five princes yourself?

In that case, Ji Tianxing had a vengeance with Blood Flame God Kingdom.

If you don't want to die, you can only run for the world.


The third prince is a steady, even somewhat indecisive person.

He will never realize the state of mind of Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing glanced at him, and said blankly: "I said, here today, not only to rescue Wushuang, but also to kill the fifth prince and all his lackeys!

As for the desperate world?

The Kingdom of Blood Flame is not my home. What is the loss if I escape this place? "

The third prince was choked immediately, his expression was complicated, but he didn't know how to persuade him.

The second prince remained silent all the time, with a calm appearance.

In fact, he was inclined to kill in his heart and hoped that Ji Tianxing would kill the five princes.

That result is best for him!

Seeing that, Ji Tianxing squeezed the Heaven Burying Sword, and swung the sword at the Fifth Prince with all his strength.

The five princes suddenly turned pale, and while fled in embarrassment, they roared: "Second, third! You sit and watch this madman kill me, and Father King will never forgive you!"

He has reached the point where the mountains are exhausted, and he has become a polished commander.

If you want to survive, you can only threaten the second and third princes with morality.

But the second prince was expressionless, pretending not to hear anything.

The third prince wanted to stop him, but he didn't want to be an enemy with Ji Tian, ​​hesitating all the time.


The fifth prince was severely injured, and after all, he could not escape the beheading of the Heaven Burying Sword.

With a loud bang, the Heaven Burying Sword hit the bronze chessboard with a bang.

Suddenly, the big bronze chessboard was split in half by a sword, and flew dozens of miles away.

The fifth prince was also shaken for thirty miles and fell into the ruins.

Ji Tianxing chased up with his sword again, and again swung his sword to cut out two dazzling golden sword lights, and killed the fifth prince.

The horrified ghost of the Fifth Prince burst out, and his eyes burst out of his eyes.

In a critical moment, he can only use the bronze furnace to protect himself.

"Kang Dang!"

The Heaven Burial Sword smashed the bronze pill furnace, and there was another loud noise.

Pill furnace trembled violently, flew out twenty miles crookedly, and barely stabilized.

The fifth prince didn't have the sword, but he was shocked and spurted blood, his expression even more withered.

The strength of the bronze pill furnace was weakened, and the poison in his body could not be suppressed, and it began to spread again.

In desperation, he quickly absorbed the power of the pill furnace to suppress the poisonous riot in his body.

At this time, Ji Tianxing chased him and cut out his third sword.


A dazzling dazzling golden sword light, carrying a violent and incomparable murderous aura, slammed to the fifth prince.

The five princes were extremely weak, and had no power to avoid them.

Seeing, he was about to be cut by Jianguang, and his head was in a different place.

He realized that the time for his death had come, and his expression was both panic and full of despair and helplessness.

The second prince could see that his blood was divergent, his fists were secretly clenched, and his heart was full of expectations.

The third prince was nervous, a heart was raised to his throat, and he couldn't help but stop.

But at this moment.

An angry shout suddenly exploded in the sky.

A dazzling blood-red light blade suddenly fell from the sky.

"Bold fanatic, dare to assassinate the prince, I am tired of life!"

With the sound of the mighty and mighty sound, the blood-red blade of hundreds of feet long slammed into the golden sword light.


In the deafening muffled sound, the sword light and the blood red light blade collapsed at the same time, exploding the sky full of sword light fragments.

The violent shock wave shook the bronze pill furnace and the five princes.

Fortunately, Ji Tianxing's sword light was blocked, and the fifth prince got his life back.

But unfortunately, the blast wave engulfed the sword light fragments, strangling his flesh and blood.

Especially his two legs were torn apart by Jianguang, leaving only a pale red divine bone.

The five princes, who were already badly injured, could no longer bear the pain of losing their legs, and fainted when his eyes went dark.

Seeing, the five princes and the bronze pill furnace fell from the sky, about to fall into the ruins.

At this time, a purple figure descended from the sky, hitting a giant **** palm, caught the pill furnace and the fifth prince, and held it in his palm.

The gazes of Ji Tianxing and the two princes immediately fell on the purple figure.

I saw that it was a burly old man wearing a purple robe, with purple hair fluttering in the wind.

He has a face with Chinese characters, his beard and eyebrows are all white, his eyes are as deep as stars, and he exudes domineering coercion.

Seeing the person's appearance, the second prince and the third prince frowned fiercely, showing surprise.

Ji Tianxing narrowed his eyes, his expression became wary and alert, "It turned out to be you!!"

He recognized that this person was the purple-robed **** who ambushed him halfway on the outskirts of the city last night!

At that time, he had only left the Chengyang courtyard for three thousand miles before being attacked and killed by three gods.

The person headed is the eight-fold realm gods who wears purple robe and bronze mask.

Although, the old man in front of him did not wear a mask, showing his true colors.

But his supernatural aura can't be wrong, Ji Tianxing can definitely be him!

The purple-robed old man glanced at him ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ sneered and said, "Haha...It's the old man, how are you doing?"

After speaking, the purple-robed old man ignored him, and held the five princes in his arms, silently applying the law to cure.

at the same time.

Another cold, majestic voice came from not far away.

"Where's the arrogant fanatic? What a bravery!

How dare to openly assassinate the king's son in the blood flame kingdom?

This king has traveled throughout the great kingdoms of God and has never seen such a fierce and vicious person! "

Hearing this voice, Ji Tianxing and the two princes quickly looked south.

I saw that a handsome young man in a black brocade robe was coming on a dash.

This person is of the Great Flame Protoss, is nearly ten feet tall, has red hair and a handsome face.

He wears a gorgeous and exquisite crown on his head, and his belt and all the accessories are extremely precious.

The most important thing is that the black brocade robe he is wearing is embroidered with eight golden dragons, which is lifelike.

At a glance, this young Protoss with gentle and elegant temperament has a very noble status!

Behind him were four high-ranking gods in various costumes.

Two of the gods were ugly and distorted, their auras were also disorganized, and they were obviously seriously injured.

Both of them stared at Ji Tianxing with stern eyes, showing strong killing intent all over.

Ji Tianxing noticed the strangeness, and when he probed with his spiritual sense, he found that the two gods were poisoned.

"It's them!"

He instantly understood that those two ugly gods were the unfortunate ones who attacked and killed him last night and were poisoned by him.

At this moment, he finally understood the identity of the black robe youth.

This person is the backer of the five princes, who is behind the plan!


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