Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3031: Sure enough


The third prince nodded and introduced with a solemn expression: "The old emperor of the Great Yan Empire collapsed ten years ago. The specific cause of death is unknown.

There are eight princes and twelve princesses under his knees.

Originally, the old emperor was in its heyday in the spring and autumn and reached the peak of the gods for many years. He has been looking for opportunities to break through the gods.

But he didn't set up a prince, and suddenly collapsed outside the empire. He hasn't even seen the body yet.

This caused the Great Yan Empire to fall into chaos for half a year after his collapse.

During this period, several princes fought for power and wanted to inherit the throne.

Among them, there are two most powerful princes, the first prince and the fourth prince.

The eldest prince is the eldest son, and his mother is the queen of the palace. He should have succeeded him.

Moreover, the royal children and the Korean elders supported him.

However, the four princes argued hard, claiming that the death of the old emperor was related to the great prince, and that the great prince was unpredictable.

He vowed to seize the throne, find out the cause of the death of the old emperor, and give the people of the world an explanation.

The strength of the four princes is very strong, and they have attracted other princes, princesses and officials, and the voice of the people is very high.

Moreover, he has recruited top forces from all sides, and he is powerful. "

When he heard this, Ji Tianxing frowned and asked, "The four princes failed to seize the concubines? Is he the prince?"

"No!" The third prince shook his head quickly and explained: "The fourth prince did fail to seize the abdomen, but he was beheaded outside the palace by the eldest prince with a heaven-shaking sword.

During the period when the two princes seized the progeny, too many things happened, the forces involved were too wide, and the process was extremely tortuous and complicated, and it was not clear in a few words.

But the final result was that the eldest prince won and succeeded to the throne as the new emperor.

Four princes were killed, three princes and five princesses who supported him, and a large number of courtiers were arrested.

Those people were either severely punished, imprisoned in the imperial city, or exiled to various gods. "

Ji Tianxing nodded to express his understanding, and asked: "So, even the prince is one of the three princes who support the four princes?"

"No." The third prince shook his head again.

"You!!" Ji Tianxing frowned fiercely, and said displeasedly: "Can you stop talking about it and finish talking at once?"

"Uh..." The third prince was a little embarrassed, so he explained straightforwardly: "Even the prince is the eighth prince, and he didn't participate in the seizure of the concubine.

Before that incident, he had always been obsessed with cultivating Shinto, determined to break through the realm of God King.

He didn't dare to be interested in strategy, power and throne, he was only indulged in cultivation, and pursued the immortal peak of the gods.

Among the eight princes, he is the most talented and most liked by the old emperor.

Many people even speculate that if he helps the four princes to fight for the throne, it is very likely to succeed. "

Ji Tianxing became even more puzzled, and asked: "Since Prince Lien is a martial idiot and didn't participate in the battle to seize the concubine, why was he exiled to the Kingdom of Blood Flame?"

The third prince was silent for a moment, and Transcribed replied: "Because he and the fourth prince are the same compatriots!

Even though he didn't participate in the seizure of the concubine, the four princes and their mother concubines almost killed the prince and took the throne.

After the eldest prince seized the concubine, he killed the four princes and their mother concubines, and ransacked the four princes' mansion, killing more than 3,000 people! "

"That's it!" Ji Tianxing suddenly realized, no wonder the prince did not do anything, but was punished.

The third prince continued: "After the prince ascended the throne, even the prince was very indifferent. It seemed that he was not too concerned about the death of his brother and mother.

Moreover, he was immersed in the practice as always, without showing any disapproval.

Because of this incident, the hundreds of surnames in the imperial capital were all talking behind their backs, saying that even the prince was a cold-blooded animal with no emotions, and really felt sad for the four princes and their mothers.

But even the prince remained unmoved, as always. "

Ji Tianxing answered, "But the more he is like this, the more fearful the eldest prince will be.

The eldest prince would also worry, if one day even the prince breaks through the divine king realm, his death date will come. "

"That's right!" The third prince nodded in agreement, and said through the sound transmission: "So after the prince became the throne, he punished the traitors and also dealt with the prince.

He bestowed the eighth prince as the prince of the company, rewarded tens of billions of resources to show his comfort, and sent him to the Kingdom of Blood and Flame as a superintendent.

The original Eighth Prince's Mansion was retained, but the servants and guards and doormen were all deported.

When Prince Lian came to the Kingdom of Blood and Flame to take office, he was accompanied by only two servants, one old and one young, which was miserable! "

Ji Tianxing said calmly: "The prince did this to keep Prince Lian away from the Great Yan Empire, away from the center of power, and never have the chance to stir up the storm again.

Moreover, clear his team of forces and let him go to the Kingdom of Blood Flame to be the idle prince.

In this way, even the prince would not threaten his throne.

However, Prince Lian is obviously not the kind of person who does it on his own.

In my guess, even the prince came to the Kingdom of Blood Flame, he has been recruiting troops and making secret plans.

He probably still wants to kill the Great Yan Empire and avenge his mother and brother, right? "

The third prince frowned for a moment, nodded and said, "Perhaps it is possible! But this kind of thing, everyone is good to know, who dares to discuss it openly?

After the prince came to the kingdom of blood and flames, in just three years, the prince's mansion was built like a golden soup.

Not only has it recruited thousands of guards, but also three hundred diners and capable people.

Moreover, the former four princes, including those top martial arts forces, quietly took refuge in him.

Now, he has formed an alliance with the five princes, and it is estimated that he has a plan.

I don't know what method he used to make his father Wang Liwu become the prince.

This matter definitely has nothing to do with Prince Lien! "

Ji Tianxing nodded, and asked: "You said just now that the four princes' old tribe and those martial arts forces have all taken refuge in Prince Lien?

Do those powerful martial arts forces include Hetianzong? "

The third prince nodded and said: "Yes! Hetian Sect is one of the ten major sects of the Great Yan Empire, and its power heritage has always been ranked in the top three.

It's just that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After the battle to seize the protagonist ten years ago, Hetianzong made great sacrifices to help the four princes.

The power of Hetianzong is now much weaker, far worse than before.

However, the sect power that took refuge in Prince Lien was far more than Hetianzong.

According to our observations over the past ten years, there may still be a top sect, several second-rate sects...

In short, even the prince did not reveal who was on the surface, and did not want to attract the attention of Emperor Dayan.

However, he secretly accumulated power, and he has grown to an astonishing level long ago.

Now that he intervenes in the father's choice of the prince, it should be part of his plan. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and muttered to himself: "The strength of the nine-fold gods, the most talented and potential prince...

Moreover, he has gathered a large number of strong men and recruited two top sects... He is really a strong enemy! "

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