Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3033: Fate

Ji Tianxing nodded to express his understanding, and advised Ji Ke not to worry too much.

There will always be a solution if soldiers come to block and water comes to cover.

Ji Ke didn't say anything any more, and said with a smile, "Brother Tianxing, I have good news to tell you!"

Ji Tianxing showed expectation, "What good news?"

Ji Ke smiled and said, "Before you helped us solve the bottleneck in our cultivation, my master sister and I had a smoother cultivation.

Now, she is hitting the Divine Sovereign Realm, and it won't be long before she can succeed.

My strength is also progressing smoothly, and I will be able to break through soon. "

If Wushuang's appearance interrupted her retreat practice, she would be able to break through faster.

Ji Tianxing said with satisfaction, "It's so good! When you break through the realm of the gods, you can follow me, and we will act together."

"Yeah." Ji Ke nodded quickly, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

At this time, Ji Wushuang finished his movement and adjusted his breath and opened his eyes.

Seeing Ji Tianxing's return safe and sound, she showed a strong expression of joy.

"Father, you finally returned safely, great!

The insidious fellow second prince has ambush so many powerful people, I have been worried about you..."

Ji Tianxing took her little hand, touched her head, and persuaded, "Don't worry, isn't it okay, father?

And, when did Dad do something unsure? "

Ji Wushuang breathed a sigh of relief, and his hanging heart fell back into his stomach.

After she calmed down, her eyes were a little dim, and she lowered her head and said, "Father, I blamed me for everything this time. Shuang'er knew it was wrong.

If it were not for me to leave the tower and see the appearance of the gods, I would not cause this disturbance, let alone put you in danger...

I don't want to look at the God Realm anymore. The gods here are no different from mortal people. They are all selfish, sinister and despicable.

My strength is too weak to protect myself, it will only cause trouble for my father.

Therefore, I want to stay in the tower and work hard to become stronger! "

Ji Wushuang had never seen God Realm before, and still had longing and expectation in his heart.

The God Realm sounds very tall.

It should be the kind of paradise that is illusory, immortal, and uncontested, right?

But she had seen it with her own eyes and realized that it was no different from the mortal world.

It's just that the world is broader, and the strength of the people and the gods is stronger.

It is still full of intrigue, intrigue, and conspiracy.

And her strength, not only can't help Ji Tianxing, it will also become a burden.

She was frustrated and just wanted to become stronger through cultivation.

Ji Tianxing smiled gently, holding her little hand, and persuading, "Shuang'er, you don't have to blame yourself, this is not your fault.

Blame those people for being too sinister and despicable.

However, you cannot treat all gods as villains.

There are still some good people among the gods you have come into contact with before. "

Ji Wushuang quickly nodded in agreement, and said, "Well, that's right! At least the true red sister is very kind, she almost lost her life in order to protect me.

Dad, I have to go out again to visit Sister Zhenhong with you.

I want to thank her face to face and find a way to help her heal her injuries.

After she settles down, I will go back to the tower to heal, can I? "

Ji Tianxing nodded and agreed, "Of course! She was injured to protect you, you have to thank others in person.

As for helping her heal her injuries, Dad has already prepared, so don't worry. "

"Ready?" Ji Wushuang showed doubts in his eyes and asked, "Father, have you guessed that she will be seriously injured?"

"That's not true." Ji Tianxing couldn't help but laughed, and said with a smile, "Father has long seen that she is special and a dusted pearl, so he wanted to find a chance to call her before.

Now that she is seriously injured, she takes this opportunity to give her a chance, which will definitely benefit her! "

"Really? This is great!"

Ji Wushuang was a little unbelievable, and said happily, "It's okay if you help her, and you can count on her as a favor, I can feel at ease."

"Well, let's take a rest for a while, dad still take care of something." Ji Tianxing squeezed her small face and smiled and said, "When Daddy is finished, I will take you to visit her."

"Good!" Ji Wushuang nodded quickly and continued to practice.

Afterwards, Ji Ke went to retreat and practiced, attacking the gods.

Ji Tianxing also took out a lot of godhead fragments, and began to swallow and refine.

The fragments of the godhead found by the Guards from the ruins of West Wind Town were basically those of the gods.

After all, there were nearly a hundred lower gods, and several upper gods, all beheaded on the spot.

Even the elite of the lower gods of the Forbidden Army were killed more than a dozen.

The fragments of the gods of the gods are scattered in the ruins, mixed together, it is difficult to distinguish them.

When the Imperial Guards cleaned the battlefield, they found only more than six hundred fragments, which was considered very few.

Although, these fragments are all lower gods.

But the victory is enough, and Ji Tianxing does not dislike it.

He used the devouring supernatural powers, quickly swallowed the fragments of the gods, absorbed the power in them, and deprived them of the laws of the gods.

In each piece of the godhead, there are three or five laws of the gods.

Ji Tianxing kept sifting through, excluding the laws he had mastered, and excluding those low-level and useless laws.

In this way, there are very few Shinto laws suitable for him to refine!

Time passed quietly.

Unconsciously, twelve days have passed since the warped time and space.

Ji Tianxing swallowed more than six hundred pieces of the godhead.

Half of the power goes to the dzi bead, and the other half goes to him.

This doubled his skill and reached the peak of the Triple Realm!

Only one step away will be able to break through the four levels and become the middle god.

In addition, he also deprived 25 kinds of the laws of God from those fragments of the godhead.

In addition to his original one hundred and ninety laws, the number of laws he mastered has reached as many as 215!

This is a very scary number!

Looking at the entire Blood Flame Kingdom... No, it should be within the entire Great Flame Empire. I am afraid that there is no second person who has so many laws of God!

Even the old emperor of the Great Yan Empire, the powerhouse at the peak of the gods, could not master so many laws.

Only the strong of God King Realm can reach it!

While Ji Tianxing's strength surged, the divine power he had previously consumed was replenished, and some injuries healed naturally.

He reached a stronger peak state and ended his cultivation.

Wake up Ji Wushuang who is still cultivating~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The father and daughter left the tower and returned to the secret room.

Although, he retreats for twelve days in the twisted time and space.

But the outside world only passed three hours, it was the quiet time of the night.

Ji Tianxing led Ji Wushuang out of the secret room and rushed to Zhenhong's residence.

Before Zhenhong was seriously injured and unconscious, Ji Tianxing used the life-saving light to heal 80% of her injuries.

She is no longer in serious trouble now, but there are still many hidden injuries that need to be recuperated for a period of time to recover.

In the early morning, she went into the secret room to heal her injuries.

But she sat withered for most of the day, still unable to meditate to heal her injuries.

She felt uneasy, always thinking about the safety of Ji Tianxing and Wushuang.

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