Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3035: Dragon Girl Awakens

"Awakening blood?"

Zhen Hong's eyes widened and looked at Ji Tianxing in shock.

"My son, can you help me awaken the Dragon God bloodline?"

"Of course!" Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded, "This is not a difficult task for me."

He didn't say the following words.

After all, there is a real dragon beside him.

There is also a guy who is half dragon and half god.

The sudden huge surprise made Zhenhong feel a little bewildered and her pretty face flushed a little.

"That... prince... how do you... help me awaken my blood?"

Ji Tianxing pointed to the purple jade bed in the corner of the secret room.

Suddenly, the really red pretty face got hotter, and she lowered her head shyly, even the root of her neck was flushed.

She hesitated, then got up and walked to the bed of Ziyu, and lay down slowly.

"???" Ji Tianxing frowned, a little dumbfounded.

"What are you doing while lying down? Meditate on Yun Gong to activate blood circulation with all your strength!"

"Huh?" Zhen Hong realized that she would be wrong, and she was immediately embarrassed.

She hurriedly got up, sat cross-legged on the jade bed, closed her eyes and urged her divine power to begin her exercise.

Ji Tianxing didn't say any more, using his spiritual knowledge to communicate with the black dragon, and said: "Xiao Hei, lend you a drop of dragon blood."

Heilong was practising in retreat in the twisted time and space, when he suddenly heard these words, his body suddenly trembled.

"Old Ji, you...what do you want to do?"

It instinctively foreseeed that there must be nothing good.

Ji Tianxing explained: "Don't be nervous, as long as a drop of dragon blood is used as a primer, it will stimulate the blood of the red dragon god."

"Really only need a drop of blood?" Heilong relaxed his vigilance, and quickly forced a drop of dragon blood.


A drop of pure black dragon blood the size of an egg flew out from the tower and landed in Ji Tianxing's palm.

This drop of dragon blood was crystal clear, like a black gem, shining with colorful divine light, and exuding powerful dragon breath fluctuations.

Ji Tianxing glanced at it really red, and saw that she was still in luck and her blood was not fully stimulated.

So, he played a supernatural power with his left hand and injected it into the real red body to help her inspire bloodline power.

After a while, her blood boiled all over her body, rushing like a big river.

True red also became flushed, the skin all over his body was swollen, the blood vessels burst out, and his appearance became more majestic.

Moreover, this state of blood boiling made her sweat all over, and her body couldn't stop trembling.

For girls, this state is not beautiful.

But she can no longer take care of that much, she can only calm down and concentrate on maintaining the blood circulation.

"It's really red, I will first use a drop of dragon blood to completely inspire your Dragon God bloodline.

The process will be a bit painful, but you must hold on.

As long as you pass this level, you will be born again! "

Although it sounds dangerous, Zhen Hong chose to believe him and nodded in response.


Ji Tianxing didn't hesitate anymore, pointing his right hand to her forehead, and he shot the black dragon blood.


A drop of black dragon blood, the size of an egg, turned into a jet of black water and plunged into her forehead.

Swim around in my mind, and then spread to her limbs, and quickly merge into her blood.

Suddenly, her surging blood became even more violent as if it had encountered a shocking hurricane.


The speed of blood rushing immediately accelerated five times, and a deep sound was made, like thunder.

Not only did the flow speed increase, but the bloodline's power also exploded several times.

When it rushes through the meridians and blood vessels, it even agitates layers of huge waves and vortices.

With such violent power, Zhen Hong swelled all over, as if inflated.

"Boom bang bang!"

With a muffled noise, her body continued to elevate and widen, and her skin cracked one after another, dripping blood.

Her meridians were widened, and her bones grew rapidly, becoming wider and stronger.

In just a few hundred breaths, she actually grew six feet taller and her body increased by 50%!

The Dragon God bloodline hidden deep in the bloodline was completely activated.

Her appearance has also undergone a huge change, no longer the appearance of an ordinary protoss, and as expected, she has become a dragon protoss.

He is four and five meters tall, slender and vigorous, full of explosive power.

The cracked skin is repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Where the blood dripped, golden dragon scales gradually grew.

The tail vertebrae were also elongated, breaking through the shackles of the skin, and a dark golden dragon tail emerged.

There is also the Tianling Gai on the top of the head, and a bone broke through and quickly turned into a dragon horn!

Although, that pale golden bone is just the embryonic form of a dragon's horn.

However, as her strength continues to increase, the dragon horn will also grow.

The real red at this moment, as Ji Tianxing said, broke the cocoon into a butterfly, and was reborn in blood!

However, the pain she endured was also unimaginable for ordinary people.

The blood boils, the meridians and flesh are torn, the bones expand and grow, the appearance changes and reorganizes...

This kind of pain is equivalent to putting her together after toppling her apart.

She trembled in pain, her face was distorted, blood and cold sweat were all over her body.

Despite her strong will, she gritted her teeth and did not scream.

But from time to time, one or two painful grunts overflowed from the mouth and nose.

Ji Tianxing was most worried that she could not bear the pain during the awakening process and fell into a coma.

Then the awakening fails, and it will cause her irreversible trauma.

Fortunately, she was strong enough and strong-willed to survive!

It took a full half an hour before her bloodline returned to peace.

The sudden changes in appearance have gradually stabilized.

The pain like Ling Chi is also rapidly reducing.

Awakening, success!


Zhen Hong let out a sigh of relief, spit out the blood in his mouth, collapsed, gasping violently.

Like a near-death experience, she almost exhausted her mind.

As a result, she didn't even notice that all the clothes she was wearing broke and turned into a pile of rags.

Most of the cloth pieces were stained with blood and scattered on the ground.

After her evolution, she couldn't cover her extremely slender body with perfect lines.

Ji Tianxing witnessed the whole process, but there was no distraction.

He has been observing the situation of Zhen Hong, and seeing that she is stable after successfully awakening, he exhorts: "You have successfully awakened the Dragon God bloodline and become the Dragon God female warrior.

But this is not over yet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The five hours after awakening is the best time for you to lay the foundation of Shinto.

Get dressed first and I will let Bailong help you. "

After speaking, he took out a set of scarlet armor from the space ring and handed it to Zhen Hong.

This is a set of Sovereign-level mid-level artifacts, which can be enlarged or reduced at will, as light as nothing.

Zhenhong didn't care about being shy, Yun Gong cleaned up all the blood and rags, and quickly put on the crimson armor.

The body of the slender and fit dragon girl was immediately covered by the armor.

But even so, it is difficult to conceal her explosive curve and proud posture.

She looked down at herself and whispered in a low voice: "The son really didn't lie to me, this is the true form of the Dragon God Clan.

Such a perfect body is enough to make all Protoss girls envy and jealous..."

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