Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3046: Exactly the same

This round of competition is over.

Thirty-four young geniuses were eliminated on the spot.

The second prince suffered heavy losses, and his face was not very good.

Similarly, many of the confidant geniuses cultivated by the Five Princes have been eliminated.

After half an hour of rest, the fourth round of competition began again.

Although the time was close to noon, the high sky was scorching.

However, nearly a million people in the square watched and discussed the battle patiently, and no one left early.

Everyone knows that the young geniuses who can advance to this stage are outstanding among the younger generation.

The next battle will become more and more exciting.

Not to mention the scorching sun hanging in the air, even if there are knives in the sky, you still have to watch the whole game.

On the ceremony stage.

The third prince played thirty-four jade slips, and the second prince drew lots to announce the battle list.

The names of thirty-four young geniuses were pronounced one after the other.

Among them, of course include the names of Ji Tianxing and Zhenhong.

Coincidentally, Ji Tianxing played in the first game.

His opponent is Bi Hao, and he is also one of the ten outstanding kings.

This person is not only a distinguished family, he is also a talented person, but also has an excellent talent.

Moreover, he is the backbone of the second prince faction and the confidant that the second prince focuses on training.

When the second prince read out the list of matches, the names of the two men were like screams, making his face instantly collapsed.

At that moment, he couldn't wait to chop off his hands, and roared angrily in his heart: "Yes! Can you still get these hands? What bad luck?

Xue Bufan was crushed first, and now Bi Hao will be eliminated...

Both of these are elites who are bound to make the top ten!

Why is this king so unlucky?

Tianxing, you are really the catastrophe of this king! "

The second prince was depressed and about to vomit blood, but the third prince smiled brighter.

He pretended to comfort the second prince, saying: "Second king brother, you are sorry!

No way, the confidants you and the fifth child cultivated are all top geniuses.

Among these thirty-four geniuses, seventy-seventh are the two of you.

Therefore, the chance of them hitting the sky is too high.

But this king would not have such worries, after all, this king only had nine people inserted, and four had already been eliminated.

With only five people left, it is still difficult to hit the sky. "

The second prince pretended not to hear, and continued to draw lots to announce the list of matches.

When he read the fifteenth match, his frown stretched slightly.

The two sides in this battle are Zhenhong and Yuewu City.

Yue Wucheng is also a famous top genius, and is a young man of the five princes.

His natural strength and talent means are not far from Bi Hao.

The second prince felt a little comforted, and thought to himself: "Fortunately, he is the fifth person. This king has suffered a great loss, so don't think about it.

That's really red, too. It used to be ordinary and no one would pay attention to her.

But after spending a few days with Tian Xing, she turned upside down and became a top genius.

They all robbed the limelight of this ceremony! "

Soon, the list of matches was read out, and the competition began.

From the northern viewing platform, a burly young man in brocade and beautiful clothes flew out, and his figure fell on the arena.

He is Bi Hao.

Holding a black scabbard in his left hand, his right hand is hanging down to his side, staring at the ground blankly.

If his opponent is someone else, he must be full of energy and fighting spirit at the moment.

But unfortunately, he knew that his opponent was Tian Xing, and his heart was cold.

When Ji Tianxing was fighting Xue Bufan just now, he was severely injured and unconscious by one move.

Bi Hao watched the whole process clearly and carefully from the viewing platform.

He asked himself, if he was Xue Bufan, he couldn't change the ending, but the same fate.

Even before the Divine Blood Ceremony, he had heard the name Tianxing.

After all, he is the confidant of the second prince.

In the past, Ji Tianxing opposed the second prince and killed Tianfeng County Lord and many gods and powerhouses. Bi Hao knew about this.

Therefore, his mood at the moment is very complicated.

Thousands of words can only turn into a sentence of emotion in the end.

"Fucking|, why is Lao Tzu so unlucky to run into his plague god?"

When he muttered these words, a white shadow flashed before his eyes.

Ji Tianxing also flew across the sky and landed on the ring, standing still hundreds of feet away from him.

Bi Hao looked up, his expression gloomy, his eyes watchful and alert.

Ji Tianxing looked at him with a faint smile, and the voice transmission asked: "Looking at how you look like this, I must have guessed the result.

Why don't you just admit defeat and save me more money? "

Bi Hao twitched the corners of his mouth, his eyes grew darker, and he shouted in a deep voice, "Victory without fighting? Don't think about it!

How can I say that Bi Hao is also one of the ten outstanding kings in the city. He is famous in the city and regarded as an idol by countless youths.

How can I surrender without a fight under such a crowd's attention?

Am I shameless and reputation? "

After listening, Ji Tianxing nodded seriously and said, "Well, your analysis makes sense.

In this case, I can only fight until you give up.

At that time, you will be seriously injured. Like Xue Bufan, you will be able to recover after at least ten or eight years of recuperation. "

Bi Hao frowned, and after hesitating for a while, he growled with a firm expression: "Even so, I will try my best to survive at least two moves!

I have one more move than Xue Bufan, which proves that I am better than him! "

Ji Tianxing smiled and said: "Ambitious! Then you take the move!"

After that, he slowly raised his right hand and clenched his fist to gather his momentum.

There was a sudden gust of wind on the arena, and the invisible power swayed wantonly.

When a mountain-large golden fist shadow appeared, the entire ring space was frozen.

The great power suppressed Bi Hao, making his body rickety, making it hard to breathe, and sweating on his forehead.

But he gritted his teeth and held on, holding the handle of the knife in his right hand, staring at Ji Tianxing, showing an extremely tenacious will.

Seeing, Ji Tianxing raised his right fist and was about to blast towards him.

At the critical moment, a hesitation flashed in Bi Hao's eyes, and finally he gritted his teeth and uttered a low voice: "Stop! I gave up!"

"???" Ji Tianxing's fist was half stretched out, but he had to stop, and looked at Bi Hao with a puzzled look.

"Didn't you have a backbone just now? Why did you change your mind in a blink of an eye?"

Bi Hao replied blankly: "Knowing that I'm not defeated, I have to hold on~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that's not brave, it's stupid."

Ji Tianxing frowned and asked, "Don't you have to survive two tricks to prove that you are better than Xue Bufan?"

Bi Hao replied with a dark face: "Similarly when you made a move, he was severely injured and unconscious, and I was unscathed.

It turns out that I am stronger! "

"..." Ji Tianxing couldn't laugh or cry, and the voice transmission asked: "Your lord is the second prince, right?"

Bi Hao was taken aback, and asked puzzledly: "How do you know?"

In these years, he has not exposed the faction, and has always been secretly helping the second prince. It stands to reason that it is impossible for Ji Tianxing to know.

Ji Tianxing gave a meaningful smile: "Is the upper beam not straight and the lower beam crooked? You are really the same shamelessly."

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