Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3051: Shameful

When Ji Tianxing's words sounded.

The entire square was boiling, and nearly a million Protoss showed their shocked faces and gave out unbelievable exclamations.

No one thought that he was so domineering!

With an absolutely domineering attitude, challenge all opponents by name.

This kind of thing has appeared very rarely in the previous ceremonies of God's Blood.

The last time it appeared was thousands of years ago.

However, geniuses who dare to challenge all opponents like him are generally extremely enchanting and will probably sweep the audience!

The millions of people and the rich and powerful are all excited and excited, showing expressions of extremely expectation.

Of course, many people booed, criticizing and belittling Ji Tianxing.

They all agreed that Ji Tianxing was sensationalizing, and he was going to lose face later.

For example, Duanmu Shizi, he thought so.

On the ceremony stage.

The third prince smiled and beamed, and said to the second prince beside him, "Second king brother, this king told you before.

When it comes to the final ranking battle, Young Master Skywalker will definitely save time and challenge all opponents in public.

You see, this king is right, right? "

The second prince frowned and sighed helplessly, "With his strength, it is understandable to make this choice."

Of the seven people named and challenged by Ji Tianxing, three of them were Prince Lien.

The other three young geniuses were his confidants secretly cultivated.

Only one person is a noble child of the royal city and has always been a neutral faction loyal to the monarch.

This result made the second prince very depressed.

Originally, he had more than 20 talents participating in the competition.

Unexpectedly, only three people made the top ten in the end.

Pay and report are not directly proportional.


Hundred interest time passed.

Ji Tianxing stood alone on the arena, but no one came up to compete with him.

The seven geniuses named, all of them are not pretty, they are hesitating and weighing.

In desperation, Ji Tianxing could only roll the names one by one.

"Since you are unwilling to take the initiative to take the stage, I will challenge you one by one.

Gu Chunfeng! "

As he called out the name of Gu Chunfeng, an aristocratic youth stood up on the southern observatory, and said with an embarrassed face, "Sir Tianxing, I give up!"

This young genius is just the top dignitaries in the royal city.

His family does not cling to any prince, but only loyal to the monarch, which is the mainstay of the neutral faction.

Gu Chunfeng and Ji Tianxing have no grievances.

He witnessed Ji Tianxing's several battles with his own eyes, and had sufficient knowledge of Ji Tianxing's strength and methods.

He knew well that even if he tried to face up to the ring and compete with Ji Tianxing, he would only be killed by a spike.

At that time, he was seriously injured, which will also affect the next challenge and cause him to rank low.

Then the gain is not worth the loss!

Therefore, it is wise to admit defeat decisively.

Many dignitaries and powerful people thought of these reasons and expressed their understanding of Gu Chunfeng's decision.

But the millions of Lebanese people on the square were unhappy, and there was a burst of discussion.

Many people cheered and sneered at Gu Chunfeng's decision.

Everyone wanted to watch a duel of geniuses, and looked forward to the emergence of a dark horse to defeat the arrogant fellow Ji Tianxing.

But Gu Chunfeng was good, and immediately gave in.

Is this too scary?

Can you be a bit spine?

Can't you have a good fight with Ji Tianxing and let everyone have an eye addiction?

After Gu Chunfeng decisively gave in, the third prince announced the result and recorded it.

Then, Ji Tianxing went on to call "She Yuanlong!"

The loud voice spread throughout the audience.

Countless people looked towards the viewing platform to the north, looking for the figure of She Yuanlong.

This person is a confidant genius cultivated by the second prince, and is also one of the ten outstanding kings.

His strength is not far from Xue Bufan and Bi Hao.

However, the ending of Xue Bufan and Bi Hao is obvious to all.

They were all resolved by Ji Tianxing, and he didn't even enter the top ten, and the situation was very miserable.

After being named by Ji Tianxing in public, She Yuanlong stood up depressed.

Being stared at by countless people, he was both embarrassed and ashamed.

Although, he really wants to take the stage and fight Ji Tianxing, even if he loses, he will not lose face.

But he must consider the consequences. After being injured by Ji Tianxing, can he still challenge others?

At that time, if you become the bottom of the top nine, won't you lose even more?

Therefore, he could only bow his head to reality and replied weakly "I also admit defeat!"

Hearing his answer, many powerful and powerful people nodded secretly, expressing their understanding.

The second prince on the ceremony stage also secretly relieved.

Fortunately, this kid is sensible enough to not be stunned.

However, the people in the square quit and shouted more emotionally.

"Hey! You geniuses, can you be a bit spine?"

"One or two surrendered. Just stop fighting and just rank with your mouth?"

"Is it so terrible that day? You top geniuses, can't you let us take a look?"

"It's so boring! Has anyone come on stage to compete?"

Under the excitement of the crowd, the people shouted hoarse and roared.

At the same time, their perception of those young geniuses has plummeted.

Gu Chunfeng and She Yuanlong were even more ashamed and blushing when they heard the people's comments.

At this time, the third prince recorded the result, and Ji Tianxing won another match.

Ji Tianxing continued to name "Qin Yu!"

It is a pity that Qin Yu is also one of the geniuses cultivated by the second prince.

He is relatively low-key, and slightly stronger than She Yuanlong, Bi Hao and others, but he hasn't made a name for himself, so he has the title of ten outstanding kings.

However, after weighing and considering it for a long time, he still felt that Ji Tianxing was too strong to match.

If you bite the bullet and come to power, you will definitely be beaten up by Ji Tianxing and step down with a miserable injury.

The hero did not suffer from the immediate loss, he also stood up under the attention of everyone and shouted "I admit defeat!"

Anyway, Gu Chunfeng and She Yuanlong were examples in front of him, and he didn't lose face when he gave up.

But by doing so, Ji Tianxing couldn't move a finger and won three games in a row.

The people's discussion became louder and their emotions became more excited.

Even some fierce Protoss began to swear, slandering many young geniuses.

Even the dignitaries and powerhouses on the viewing platform are a bit ugly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ One or two surrenders, and even three people directly surrender.

This is too shameful, right?

The young geniuses of Blood Flame God Kingdom, are they so spineless?

This year of the Divine Blood Ceremony, which could have been the most exciting one, how did it become the most boring one?

The strength of the line that day is very strong, but the reputation is not so great!

If you are young geniuses who don't even dare to make a move, just admit defeat, right?

What a child's play!

If this goes on, it won't work!

As a result, many powerful and powerful helms, and those with high reputation, protested to the two princes.

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