Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3061: Quasi-king sacred tree

There were fewer and fewer people behind the third prince.

When everyone arrived at the third platform of the blood of the gods, the true red stopped here.

This sacred blood platform is as high as 1,500 zhang, and its divine power is more abundant.

It is at least six times higher than the Shenblood platform in the outermost circle!

Moreover, standing on this stage, you can already clearly see the blood flame **** tree.

It was a towering giant tree with a radius of three hundred li, and the whole body was shining like red jade, standing on the highest platform of God's Blood!

On the luxuriant tree canopy covering the sky and the sun, there is a **** flame that soars to the sky, releasing a heart-palpitating wave of divine power.

Looking into the distance, the torso of the sacred tree is as strong as a palace, it looks particularly domineering and simple and powerful!

Zhen Hong was just standing here, her body was boiling with blood, her complexion flushed and sweaty.

The midair in all directions was filled with **** sacred fire, and took the initiative to dive into her body.

Even if she doesn't do anything, the Dragon God bloodline is growing rapidly, and her strength is constantly improving!

"Sure enough, it is the most mysterious and mysterious realm of the kingdom!

Cultivating here for three days is better than practicing outside for a hundred years! "

She exclaimed from the bottom of her heart, she didn't need the third prince's order at all to sit down and practice.

This sentence is not an exaggeration.

In the blood flame secret realm, the divine power absorbed within three days may not be as good as practicing outside for a hundred years.

However, the baptism of the sacred tree will strengthen the bloodline and greatly enhance the intellect and aptitude of the talent.

This is an effect that is impossible to achieve after a hundred years of cultivation in the outside world.

Really red settled, the third prince took Ji Tianxing and Shang Qi, and went on.

After walking out more than three hundred miles, the three stopped on the second stage of God's Blood.

Here is closer to the sacred tree, and the **** sacred flames gather like a sea, and the effect is more powerful.

Shang Qi was already excited and excited.

Without the third prince to say more, he couldn't wait to sit down and concentrate on practicing.

Seeing this, the third prince looked at Ji Tianxing and smiled and said, "Tianxing, let's go."

Ji Tianxing pointed to the highest platform of God Blood three hundred miles away, and said: "Just a few steps, I can go by myself, you don't have to worry about me."

The third prince thought for a while, smiled and nodded: "That's fine, go and practice by yourself, don't waste time!

This king has long been baptized by the sacred tree, and his talents and bloodlines have been strengthened to the limit.

Staying here for a while longer will not only fail to improve your strength, but you will also risk damaging your foundation. "

Listening to his explanation, Ji Tianxing suddenly realized that a person can only be baptized by the sacred tree once.

The third prince said goodbye to him, then turned and left, and soon disappeared into the blood and fire.

Ji Tianxing walked forward alone, ascending to the No. 1 Divine Blood Platform without any haste, and came under the Blood Flame Divine Tree.

This divine blood platform is the core of the blood flame secret realm.

At the same time, it is also the base for carrying the blood flame **** tree.

This platform is three thousand feet tall, with a radius of five hundred li, and the whole body is purple and black.

After being immersed in the blood flame **** tree for tens of thousands of years, the divine power contained in it has already reached an extremely terrifying level.

At the bottom of the towering sacred tree, hundreds of thousands of thick roots stretched out and pierced into the platform of sacred blood, so that the two were firmly combined.

Ji Tianxing was not in a hurry to practice, and walked around the towering sacred tree on the stage, watching intently.

Only when the sacred tree is close at hand can he uncover the mysterious aura of the sacred tree and see more clearly.

The surface of the trunk is slightly swollen and curved, and it is covered with dark red veins, just like human blood vessels and meridians!

Anyone who reads it will believe that the Blood Flame God Tree is extraordinary, even alive!

Although the sacred tree is big, it only has trunks and branches, and no leaves.

But Ji Tianxing looked up, only to find that nine divine fruits with the size of a washbasin were hidden in the canopy of the tree covering the sky and the sun!

The appearance of each divine fruit is like a gourd.

The whole body elite is like a red jade, with blood flowing on the surface, looking mysterious and alluring.

Ji Tianxing stared at the nine divine fruits for a few moments, and couldn't help smiling with relief.

"The nine divine fruits are the crystallization of the entire divine tree, containing the purest divine power.

It seems that they have grown to such a scale at least for nearly a thousand years.

Only the first place in the previous ring competitions is qualified to come under the tree and have the opportunity to find those divine fruits in the canopy.

However, apart from the monarch, I am afraid that no one dares to touch them, right? "

He whispered a few words to himself, then waved his hand and shot a golden light towards a divine fruit.


The golden light was like a knife, cutting off the branches on the divine fruit, wrapping it up, and flying back to Ji Tianxing.

After successfully plucking a divine fruit, Ji Tianxing was not eager to swallow it, and put it in the divine tower for preservation.

Then, he continuously waved his right palm again, striking golden light after another.

"Huh! Huh!"

After just a few breaths, he had all the nine divine fruits in one pot, not one left!

He closed his hands contentedly, looked at the sacred tree with a smile on his face, and muttered to himself: "The legend of the kingdom of blood and flames is true, and this tree is indeed the blood soul of millions of gods.

Ten thousand years ago, the seedlings of the sacred tree were only a thousand feet tall, but now they have grown to a thousand feet tall.

However, this sacred tree is restricted by the laws of heaven, and can only be a quasi-king-level sacred tree, and cannot become a true king-level.

It's a pity!

If it is a true king-level sacred tree, I will remove it and plant and cultivate it carefully~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At that time, with the help of the power of the sacred tree and the fruit, Yaoyao and Keke will soon be able to break through Divine King Realm..."

Ji Tianxing sighed slightly regretfully.

But after another thought, he felt relieved.

Fortunately, this tree of blood flames is only a quasi-king-level god, and it cannot cultivate a strong god-king.

If it were a king-level sacred tree, it would have cultivated a strong **** king long ago.

The Kingdom of Blood Flame also annexed the Great Flame Empire and even dominated the Heavenly North Region.

In that case, he has no chance to capture the blood flame tree.

"Nevertheless, the semi-king-level sacred tree is enough, and for me, it is also a top treasure.

After I seize this sacred tree and swallow it, I will be able to return to the peak of the gods!

Only three days, I have to hurry up! "

Ji Tianxing made up his mind, then put away distractions, sat cross-legged under the sacred tree, and began to practice exercises.

Shang Qi, Zhen Hong and others are practicing natal techniques, absorbing the divine power and blood flame between heaven and earth, and waiting for the divine light to come from the divine tree.

Ji Tianxing is different.

He directly used the swallowing magical powers, and black light gushed out of the palms of his hands, turning into two pitch-black whirlpools.

"Huh! Huh!"

Two black holes with the size of a millstone madly swallowed blood flames and divine power, quickly plundering the power of the divine tree.


A quarter of an hour later, Ji Tianxing frowned.

He used the power to devour supernatural powers and plunder the divine tree a hundred times faster than others.

But this is still not enough!

The power of the sacred tree of blood flame is too majestic, even if he swallows it continuously, it will take ten years to swallow it all!

So, he decided to use the Dzi Beads to uproot the sacred tree and move it away!

Move to the tower or transplant to the world of the sword.

Wouldn't it be beautiful if he slowly refines?


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