Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3063: 2 consecutive breaks

After the baptism of the sacred tree, each of the sacred blood platforms was temporarily silent.

Several geniuses are a little lost, and their mood is very complicated.

Of course they would not doubt that the power of the Blood Flame God Tree had weakened.

One is that there is no comparison, and the strength is unknown.

The second is that Ji Tianxing made a breakthrough on the spot, and everyone saw it.

If the power of the sacred tree is weakened, resulting in little improvement in their strength, how did Ji Tianxing break through?

In the final analysis, they can only blame their poor talents.

Take a look at Young Master Tianxing, who deserves to be the first genius in the kingdom of God, the gap is too big in comparison!

Everyone was depressed and could only work harder to practice and wait for the next baptism of the sacred tree.


Unconsciously, another six hours passed.

Ji Tianxing is still using his magical devouring power, using two black holes to draw the power of the sacred tree.

In this half day, after he broke through the four realms, he quickly consolidated the foundation of God's way.

Now, he has accumulated infinite divine power, and he is striding forward to the fifth stage.

The whirlpool of white light on his forehead had already expanded to a hundred feet in radius, like an abyss, devouring the power of the sacred tree frantically.

Sure enough, Bu Dzi Bead is indeed a supreme artifact.

In the past day, it swallowed a hundred times more divine power than Ji Tianxing!

Nevertheless, its power has only recovered to 30%.

However, the power of the blood flame sacred tree had obviously weakened somewhat.

The shape of the sacred tree has not changed, the **** glow of the hundreds of thousands of branches and the **** flames that emerge, but it is a bit dim.

It stands to reason that the second baptism of the sacred tree should come.


Several geniuses continued to wait for three hours before the baptism of the sacred tree came late.


The towering sacred tree bloomed with divine light, covering a radius of more than 20,000 miles, and releasing thousands of divine ripples.

Divine light baptism and divine power ripples spread outward with the divine tree as the center.

In this process, it continued to weaken, until the tenth platform of the blood of God, completely disappeared.

Ji Tianxing is unaffected and is still focusing on cultivation.

Shang Qi, Zhen Hong, Qin Yu and others found that the effect of the baptism of the sacred tree was weaker than the last time!

As for the outermost circle, the flame wolf on the tenth stage of the gods blood was even more depressed and almost crying.

Seeing, the second baptism of the sacred tree appeared.

The **** light that covered the sky and the sun finally flew towards him as it continued to weaken.

However, as soon as the divine light spread to the tenth platform of divine blood, it dissipated completely.

It was just a few miles away, he didn't receive the baptism of divine light!

There was also the divine power ripples all over the sky, which also collapsed and disappeared as soon as it reached his feet.

Seeing this scene, Yanlang youth really wanted to cry without tears!

"Sacred tree, sacred tree! I was wrong, I was wrong!

At the first baptism of God's Light, I shouldn't complain that your effect is too weak.

I couldn't receive this baptism of divine light.

Is the sacred tree alive, is this your punishment for me?

I will never dare to complain anymore, I just ask you to let me touch even a little when you release the baptism of divine light next time! "

Thinking back to the previous baptism of God's light, although the effect was not great, it was extremely happy!

The Yanlang youth was crying, so he had to sit on the stage of God's Blood and practice harder.

At the same time, he prayed silently in his heart, hoping that the sacred tree could hear his voice.

In the next baptism of God's Light, he will benefit somewhat.

Something is better than nothing.

Time passed quietly.

Soon, another day passed.

A total of three days, two days have now passed.

It was said that there were nine baptisms of divine light in total, but now they have only come down twice, and the third baptism has not appeared.

Shang Qi, Qin Yu and others all murmured in their hearts.

Not only that, they also clearly felt that the blood flames and divine power in the air had faded by half.

Continue to practice as before, gain less and less, and increase in strength more and more slowly.

Everyone was full of doubts, and quietly observed the blood flame tree in the sky.

I saw that the **** light that covered the sky and the sun was also dimmed a bit.

Even the volume of the blood light and the divine flame have been significantly reduced.

This scene made everyone more puzzled and worried.

"What's the matter? The power of the sacred tree is actually weakening?"

"Didn't you say that you have nine baptisms of light? Two days have passed, but it didn't even appear for the third time!"

"Before entering the secret realm, everyone said this was a great opportunity.

Cultivating here for three days and receiving nine divine light baptisms is worth a hundred years of hard work outside.

But the current gain is not as good as 30 years of hard cultivation! "

"Why is this? Is there something wrong with the Blood Flame God Tree?

It shouldn't be! The sacred tree is the treasure of the town, how could something go wrong? "

"Could it be caused by Heaven?

His strength and talent are the strongest, and he sits under the sacred tree.

Perhaps he has robbed too much divine power, taking away the share that belongs to us? "

Several young geniuses are speculating and worrying in their hearts.

But they kept in mind the instructions of the three princes, never dared to walk around at will, let alone ask by voice.

at this time.

On the highest stage of the blood of the gods, there was a golden light soaring to the sky, sacred and majestic.

Even in the golden light rising into the sky, three golden dragons were faintly visible flying and roaring.

An invisible and majestic might spread from afar.

Several young geniuses were shocked and jealous when seeing this scene.

The same idea flashed through their minds~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tian Xing actually broke through again! "

"God! In just two days, he actually broke through the double realm in a row?"

"Isn't he the high-ranking prince of the seventh realm? After breaking through twice in a row, wouldn't he reach the nineth realm?"

"Within two days, from the seventh stage to the ninth stage? How is this possible?

In the entire kingdom of God, the most enchanting genius has to cultivate for thousands of years to achieve it! "

"Crazy! We must be crazy!

We are here for two days, not as good as usual practice for 30 years.

In these two days, he has continuously broken through the two realms. "

"Does that tree of blood flame **** bless him only for baptism?"

In addition to being really red and full of shock, I am happy and proud of Ji Tianxing.

Several other young geniuses were shocked by Ji Tianxing, and a deep jealousy grew in their hearts.

They cannot accept this result!

The contrast is so great that they are almost out of balance.

However, how can they be jealous and angered?

You can't run under the sacred tree and compete with Ji Tianxing for a position, right?

Or blame him outrageously?

I don't have the ability, and blame others for being too evil?

Several geniuses can't do this kind of thing, and can't hold back that face.

What's more, once they did that, they would violate the rules of the royal family and would be expelled from the secret realm immediately.

Helpless, they can only endure anger and jealousy.

After half an hour, everyone's emotions calmed down, and they continued to meditate.

Fortunately, at this time the third baptism of divine light came.



The dazzling **** light, and thousands of purple ripples, spread in all directions.


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