Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3073: All enemies


A loud noise like thunder spreads in the pitch black void.

The blood flame secret realm in a radius of tens of thousands of miles turned into **** and completely collapsed.

Endless waves of blood and divine flames poured into the dark void and disappeared quickly.

When the loud noise dissipated, nothing was left in place.

Secret realm, sacred tree, everything no longer exists.

The **** and embarrassed monarch stood in the void in despair, looking down at all this.


Why is this happening?

How could a humble alien kid who belonged to an unknown generation bring disaster to the kingdom of God?

What did Ben Jun do wrong?


Why do you punish this lord like this? "

The monarch Zhuangruo raised his head frantically and roared, asking Haotian.

He couldn't accept this result, and he couldn't understand it.

What did he do wrong?

How could it come to such a miserable end?

Soon, he calmed down from his fury.

Slowly turning his head and looking away from a hundred miles away, Ji Tianxing, who stood in the void, asked in a low and cold tone: "Tianxing! What hatred or grievance does this monarch have with you?"

Ji Tianxing held the tower in his left hand and the Heaven Burial Sword in his right, shook his head calmly.

"Before today, we had no grudges."

This is indeed the case. He has a deep hatred with the fifth prince and offends the second prince, but he has no direct conflict with the monarch.

Of course, from now on, the two will not share the blood feud.

The monarch nodded slightly, stared at him with bitter eyes, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Since there is no grievance and no enmity, why do you destroy my secret realm, steal my sacred tree, and destroy the foundation of my sacred kingdom?

Say, who are you doing business for?

Which force and the kingdom of God made you murder your country like this? "

Ji Tianxing shook his head again, and said calmly: "I only serve myself, not any country or force.

I just want to **** the blood flame sacred tree, but never destroy the secret realm.

In fact, you are the one who caused the collapse of the secret realm. "

"Fart!!" The monarch exploded angrily, and cursed fiercely: "You despicable, shameless, heinous rebel!

Fubenjun has also paid attention to you and wants to reuse your income under his command.

Now that I want to come, this gentleman is really blind!

At the beginning, the monarch did not give an order to kill you with his benevolence. I really regretted his life! "

Ji Tianxing nodded, and said in a calm tone: "For the strong, don't talk about right or wrong.

The blood flame tree is useful to me, so I tried to **** it, and you hate me for granted.

However, I am going to order this treasure and will not return it.

As compensation to you, I will not kill you, and I promise that I will not hurt the innocent people in the royal city.

Even, I can keep this secret and help you preserve the face of the royal family and the kingdom of God. "

Hearing these words, the monarch suddenly grinned and sneered.

"Ha ha ha ha... It's funny! It's ironic!

You destroyed the secret realm and robbed the Lord’s sacred tree, but now it is like a charity, wanting to spare the Lord’s life?

Hahahaha... You want to let go, but I don't want to forgive you! ! "

The monarch clenched the Blood Sea Buddha once again, and his whole body burst out with murderous aura, and he was about to fight again.

Ji Tianxing glanced at him, smiled and said, "I have already got the things I want, and it doesn't make sense to pester you anymore. Goodbye!"

When the voice fell, he used the law of space and left the void directly.


In the next instant, his figure emerged from the bottom of the palace and appeared directly above the palace out of thin air.

It was already early morning, and the sun was rising.

The golden sunrise, the magnificent and magnificent reflection of many palaces, is particularly sacred and solemn.

Many imperial troops are patrolling, and hundreds of civil and military officials want to go to court for discussion.

Outside the Hall of Prayer for Souls, Zhen Hong, Shang Qi and others were still standing in the square, waiting for the result.

What happened in the secret realm made them feel uneasy.

Tianxing wanted to steal the sacred tree, and the monarch personally came forward to stop it. This is definitely a big deal.

However, they neither dared to leave the Hall of Prayer for Souls without authorization, nor did they dare to spread the news.

The matter involves the monarch and is of great importance and must be a top secret.

If they dare to leak the secrets, wouldn't they blaspheme the kingdom of God and betray the monarch?

Shang Qi, Qin Yu and others were filled with righteous indignation, and they wanted to join forces to siege Ji Tianxing.

Zhenhong was full of worries, and her heart was overwhelming.

She deliberately informed the third prince that she wanted the third prince to intercede with the monarch.

However, Shangqi and others stared at her, so she had no chance to send a message.

She could only pray silently in her heart, hoping that Young Master Tianxing would not make a big mistake.

I hope that the monarch can treat him lightly because he is the first genius.

As she prayed secretly, Shang Qi, Qin Yu and others suddenly exclaimed.

"Hey, there is someone there!"

"That person just came out, right? Why are you familiar?"

"This is the palace inside, that guy is standing in the sky? This is disrespectful!"

"Hey, do you think that is Tianxing?"

Hearing several people exclaiming, Zhen Hong quickly turned her head and looked at the east sky.

Sure enough, there was a strong young man wearing a white robe, standing high in the sky.

White clothes, black hair, holding a mysterious black sword, aloof temperament...Who is it if it's not Ji Tianxing?

He looked around a few times, and then flew towards the outside of the palace, preparing to leave.

At this time, the imperial army guarding the palace found him.

Immediately someone blew the horn, and several teams of forbidden troops flew into the sky, drew their swords and surrounded him.

He didn't make any move to kill the forbidden army, teleported to avoid it, and then left the palace.

However, the palace’s defensive array has long been activated~www.wuxiaspot.com~Huh! "

The super-major array superimposed on the nine-fold divine formation forms a colorful sky curtain covering a radius of fifty li and covering the entire palace.

That is the best king-level **** array, the defense is the most powerful.

Even if Ji Tianxing's strength is strong, it is impossible to forcefully break through the **** array!

He was trapped in the big formation, unable to leave the palace temporarily.

Shang Qi, Qin Yu and others suddenly showed expressions of gloat and relief.

"Hahaha... he committed a serious crime, but he still wants to escape?"

"The palace is the most tightly defended place in the kingdom of God. Did he leave if he wanted to?"

"Let's go over too, and see what happens to him!"

"Yes! Your Majesty has been prepared for a long time, and he will definitely not let him escape. Let's see what His Majesty will do with him!"

While talking, Shang Qi, Qin Yu and others all flew into the sky and flew towards Ji Tianxing.

The red face was a bit ugly, and his eyes were full of worry and anxiety.

Seeing Shang Qi and others leave, she quickly took out the jade slip to explain the situation to the third prince and ask for help.

After sending the subpoena, she quickly followed Qin Yu and others and flew towards Ji Tianxing.

at this time.

There was a roar from the bottom of the palace, and a blood-red figure flew out.


With a flash of blood, the monarch, covered in blood and disheveled, appeared in the sky.

He held the Excalibur in his left hand and the Blood Sea Buddha in his right hand.

With both eyes fixed on Ji Tianxing, his body was burning with killing blood flames, and he laughed fiercely: "Hahaha...Dog thief! Do you still want to escape?

This monarch has long opened the net of heaven and earth, waiting to catch turtles in the urn!

Now that you are all enemies, you still don't kneel down to lead death, when will you wait? ! "


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