Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3075: Won't break his promise


The third prince was speechless, but smiled wryly.

Only then did he realize that Ji Tianxing's self-confidence came from his bones.

He and Ji Tianxing were originally from two worlds.

He could not understand at all, where did Ji Tianxing's absolute confidence come from.

After a pause, the third prince continued: "Tian Xing, with your ingenuity and means, you can use other methods.

Spend more time, design a more precise and comprehensive plan, and use a more gentle way..."

Before he finished speaking, Ji Tianxing smiled and asked, "Use a gentler way to get the sacred tree? Isn't the final result still the same?

As long as I **** the sacred tree, I will be a mortal enemy to the blood flame kingdom.

Moreover, this ceremony of God's Blood is the best opportunity.

Why should I spend so much time and thought on things that can be easily solved? "

The third prince was speechless again, and sighed in his heart: "Yes! As long as you **** the **** tree, you will be a deadly enemy to the kingdom of god.

Even if this king becomes a monarch, he will never forgive you, otherwise he will not be able to confess to his people and face his ancestors even more shamelessly. "

At this time, Ji Tianxing went on to say: "I have thought before that I have no hatred with the Kingdom of Blood Flame.

I can pay the corresponding price, or help the kingdom of God grow, in exchange for the blood flame tree.

But this is certainly unrealistic, and the monarch never believes me.

Even if I give him another kingdom of God, he will never give me the tree of God.

Therefore, I can only dispel those naive thoughts.

As a strong person, you can never talk nonsense.

I have obtained the Blood Flame God Tree, and I will leave the royal city soon.

Judging from the previous love, I can do it without hurting the innocent, and I will spare your father's life.

He lives with the people of the city, and it's that simple to replace this tree of blood flames! "

"You? Give your father his life?" the third prince asked in a weird tone, his expressions twisted.

Obviously, Ji Tianxing is the one who is under siege and besieged by the army!

How does it feel upside down, as if he is the winner?

At this moment, the second prince arrived in time.

He saluted the monarch, asked briefly about the situation, and flew towards Ji Tianxing.

As soon as the two met, the second prince blinked at Ji Tianxing, and said in a playful voice: "You are really lawless!

You pierced the sky today and will be remembered by history for thousands of years. "

"Second prince praised." Ji Tianxing said indifferently.

The second prince gave him a thumbs up and said sincerely: "Although you committed this capital crime, we must meet each other.

But this king still said from the heart, you are really awesome! "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said, "It's better for you to be more clear, just look at the interests and the situation, and not be hampered by personal emotions.

I am most worried about the third prince, he is a little indecisive. "

The second prince grinned and said with a sneer: "That's right! That's why the civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty talked secretly, saying that this king is a troubled king, and his third brother is Shengshi Mingjun.

But in the eyes of this king, he can only be a Taiping prince, how can he compete with this king? "

Ji Tianxing ignored him, turned his head to look at the third prince, and said, "I know you are hesitant, but you must take action later and lead the imperial army to besiege me.

If you want to keep your prince's position, you must pay the monarch certificate.

Moreover, you must sever the grace of me to prove your innocence to the people of the kingdom of God. "

The third prince smiled bitterly and said, "This king understands all of what you said, but in fact, you are more suitable for conspiracy fights than this king.

But it's a pity that your heart is higher than the sky, and you don't look down on the throne of a kingdom of God, right? "

Ji Tianxing said with satisfaction: "Although your words are still conservative, it is very rare for you to make such progress."

The third prince smiled awkwardly again, shocked by his confidence and domineering.

At this moment, the monarch lost his patience and dignifiedly asked: "Three princes, how are your negotiations with the rebels?

Why didn't he kneel down and surrender, confess his guilt and lead to death? "

The third prince knew that the time had come.

The play must be performed.

Therefore, he looked solemn and shouted in a majestic tone: "The rebels steal the sacred tree and destroy the foundation of our kingdom of God. This is an unforgivable sin!

The soldiers of the Forbidden Army were ordered to capture the rebels immediately and hand them over to the monarch to dispose of them. "

Although the third prince gave an order in public to let the forbidden army soldiers besiege Ji Tianxing.

But he was talking about capturing and killing, not on the spot.

Obviously, he still couldn't bear it and left room for Ji Tianxing.

When the second prince heard these words, he immediately sneered in his heart: "Third brother, third brother, you are so pedantic!

Your father is dissatisfied with you, but you are kind, isn't this looking for death?

How can you fight this king based on your wife’s kindness? "

The monarch also heard the meaning of the words of the three princes, and suddenly narrowed his eyes, and his eyes became colder.

He added, dignified and angrily shouted: "Everyone attacked and killed the rebel Tianxing on the spot!"

In this way, many banned soldiers and Ouchi masters have no more scruples.

They all went all out to kill Xiang Ji Tianxing at any cost.


The earth-shaking shouts broke out.

Thousands of the imperial army and many masters in the inner world all wielded swords and artifacts, releasing the overwhelming magical light and shadow, submerging Ji Tianxing's figure.

Seeing this scene, the corner of the monarch's mouth evoked a cold grin.

The second prince raised his brows~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and secretly said a pity.

The third prince frowned, feeling complicated and difficult to understand.

Really red was full of grief, and could no longer hold back the tears in his eyes, sliding down his cheeks.

No matter what kind of person Ji Tianxing is in the eyes of others.

At least in her eyes, he is the most real, most mysterious and noble son, and he has the grace to recreate her.

But now, it's too late to say anything.

Under the blast of thousands of people, Ji Tianxing will undoubtedly die!

After all, 80% of those thousands of people are masters of the eighth and nine levels of the gods, and there are more than five hundred gods.

Even the monarch could not withstand such a storm.

However, no one saw Ji Tianxing standing in the sky, looking around calmly, and whispered to himself.

"I have said that I will spare your life, so I won't break my promise."

Therefore, in the face of the first round of siege by thousands of people, he chose to resist and did not counterattack.


The moment the sky magic attack descended, Ji Tianxing floated into the tower.


"Boom boom boom!"

In the next instant, tens of thousands of magical lights and shadows hit the tower one after another, bursting with a deafening noise.

The colorful divine light covering the sky and sun flooded the Hall of Prayer for Souls and the surrounding squares and palaces.

The Hall of Prayer for Souls and the surrounding ten miles were instantly flattened.

The palaces and houses no longer exist, and only a huge pit remains in place.

Ji Tianxing also disappeared.

The Nine Heavens and Ten Jue Towers also escaped into the ground and flew to the edge of the palace.

In the front is the defensive array of the palace, composed of nine layers of divine formations, whose power has reached the supreme king-level.

Ji Tianxing flew out of the sacred tower and appeared at the gate of the palace, closing his palms and cutting out a brilliant golden light.

"The cut of the world!"


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