Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3079: Signs of Fall


The monarch fell from the sky, smashed into the ruins of the mountains, dust was everywhere.

By the time he climbed out of the ruins, he was completely unrecognizable and horrible.

Not only was it dark as coke, but also with thick black smoke.

All skin and flesh decayed rapidly, revealing the darkened **** bones.

The meridians are broken, and the flesh and blood are turned into mud, mixed with mud and wrapped around the body.

The unparalleled pain made him tremble like chaff.

There was also a vague roar in the long distorted throat.

The poison is rapidly corroding his **** body and attacking his godhead.

His divine body will undoubtedly be destroyed, and his divine personality will also be severely damaged.

This ending is irreversible.

The two princes and the four commanders of the Forbidden Army were all dumbfounded, showing a look of horror.

They never expected that the monarch, who was still awe-inspiring before, would become so miserable at this moment!

What did Ji Tianxing do?

The two princes knew Ji Tianxing best, and they immediately reacted, exclaiming in unison: "Very poisonous! You poisoned the monarch!"

Thinking of this, the two of them and the four commanders of the Forbidden Army also changed their faces on the spot.

Not daring to attack Ji Tianxing, he quickly checked whether he was poisoned.

At this time, Ji Tianxing detonated the poison in the bodies of the four Forbidden Army leaders.

"Boom! Boom!"

A few more muffled noises erupted, and the four forbidden army commanders stiffened, and opened their mouths to eject jet-black blood arrows.

The poison in their bodies also broke out, their flesh and blood became scorched, and black poisonous smoke emerged.

The meridians were broken, their flesh and blood were corroded, and they were suffering from inhuman pain, screaming and falling to the ground.

The two princes didn't need to look at them, and knew that their fate was no better than the monarch.

"Tian Xing! How can you be so vicious? To us so cruelly?" The third prince roared at Ji Tianxing, both frightened and angry.

The second prince was also anxious, staring at Ji Tianxing guardingly.

Unexpectedly, Ji Tianxing glanced at them, and the sound transmission said: "You are poisoned, but if you do not detonate the poison, you will be fine."

Hearing what he said, the two princes were relieved and quickly backed away.

He didn't dare to attack Ji Tianxing and couldn't stand by.

So they flew to the side of the monarch to help the monarch suppress the poison.

Ji Tianxing wanted to take the opportunity to kill the monarch, but it was a pity that even the prince attacked again and blasted him out.


He rolled and smashed into a mountain, and half of the mountain collapsed.

When he flew out of the ruins, he was already covered in golden light, and blood was pouring out of his mouth and nose.

This time, Ji Tianxing suffered internal injuries, and the injuries were not minor.

Before he could fight back, the four gods rushed to the battlefield with the five princes.

One of them looked after the five princes, and the other three came without hesitation and launched a siege.

Ji Tianxing frowned fiercely, his eyes flashed with cold killing intent, and immediately performed his trump card stunt.

"Zhutian Sword Formation!"

He tried his best, even absorbed the power of the sacred tree stored in the dzi beads, and released 20,000 giant swords.


The multicolored giant sword that covered the sky and the sun formed a sword net with a radius of thousands of miles, sealing this area.

The huge sword flew back and forth, bursting with dazzling light, releasing the power and sword intent that suppressed the world.

Ji Tianxing split his mind and manipulated Wanjian to resist Prince Lien.

And his other half's attention was on the five princes and the four gods.


He stared at the fifth prince with cold eyes and gave a cold drink.

With a thought, he manipulated thousands of colorful swords and turned into a hurricane of blades to kill the five princes.

The five princes were unhealed. Although they could move freely, they could not participate in the war.

Seeing the storm of swords that ruined the world and the earth, his face changed drastically and his soul went wild.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

He flew backwards desperately, but he thought it was too slow.

The divine prince who looked after him was also distressed, and took him away in disregard of the fact.

However, the combined speed of the two is not as fast as Blade Storm.

Seeing that they were about to be swept by the sword blade storm and strangled on the spot.

The **** who was looking after the five princes even jumped out and used himself to resist the sword storm and protect the five princes.

Seeing this scene, a thought flashed in Ji Tianxing's mind.

"Sure enough! Even the prince not only regards the five princes as his nephew, but also regards him as a puppet who controls the kingdom of blood and flame, and protects the five princes extremely carefully."

Just at this time.

The three gods gave up attacking Ji Tianxing and joined forces to resist the sword hurricane.

"Boom bang bang!"

The three of them tried their best to perform various magical skills, trying to defeat the sword storm.

However, all sorts of supernatural skills were shattered.

The three of them couldn't escape, and were swept by the sword storm.


The three gods were engulfed by the storm of sword blades, and under the strangulation of the gods, countless debris and blood splashed out, and they also made thrilling screams.

After a while, when they rushed out of the blade storm with all their strength, they were already scarred and not human-like.

The armor and clothes he was wearing had all turned into powder.

All of them had stumps and broken arms, and their whole body was covered with wounds, revealing the bones and internal organs.

Having suffered such a heavy blow, their divine body is not far from the collapse.

Fortunately, even the prince has been on a fierce attack on Ji Tianxing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and gradually used his full strength and the tricks of his hole cards.

Ji Tianxing's pressure soared and he had to fight with all his strength.

With the help of the power of the sword formation, the onslaught of Prince Lien was blocked.

The three gods finally had a chance to breathe, and retreated to the distance with lingering fears.

The four of them joined forces to protect the five princes and retreated toward the edge of the sword formation.

The purple-robed old man who was cut off at the waist also temporarily suppressed his injuries and worked with them to protect the five princes.

The six old, weak, sick and disabled teamed up to resist the strangulation of the Divine Sword all over the sky, supporting it very hard.

The other side of the sword formation.

The monarch, two princes, and the four commanders of the Forbidden Army had a miserable end.

At this time, the monarch, whose divine body was highly poisonously corroded, only had a skeleton left.

Unexpectedly, countless divine swords struck, slicing the skeleton to pieces.

The **** body was completely destroyed, and his godhead was also severely damaged.

Can only escape from the body and hide in the **** floating tutu.

The Blood Sea Buddha is a supreme monarch-level artifact, which can stop ten thousand swords from strangling, and is still holding it tenaciously.

The four commanders of the Forbidden Army were also badly corroded by the poison, and were swept by the Heavenly Divine Sword. Before long, the **** body was completely destroyed.

Their godheads also fled from the body and hid beside the two princes, hoping that the two princes could save them.

However, the two princes were too busy to take care of themselves, and were also wounded all over by the huge swords.

If it weren't for the life-saving artifacts, they would have been destroyed long ago, so how can there be a godhead who can spare the four commanders of the Forbidden Army?

In this way, they hid in the corner of the sword formation, stubbornly supporting, shivering.

The middle area of ​​the sword formation became a battlefield for Ji Tianxing and Prince Lien.

These two strongest men are doing their best to fight desperately.


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