Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3081: Sword of Destruction

The third prince suddenly reacted and guessed Ji Tianxing's purpose.

However, both he and the second prince were seriously injured and could not do anything about it.

Then rush into the sword formation to rescue the monarch?

That is not realistic at all.

First, they can't rush in.

Secondly, even if they rushed into the sword formation, they could easily be strangled into scum by the sword formation and died on the spot.

In addition, there is no real family relationship between them and the monarch.

Most of them are intrigues and struggles for interests.

It is absolutely impossible for them to sacrifice their lives to save the monarch!

Even for a man like the second prince.

The monarch was beheaded by Ji Tianxing, but it was the best result.


Zhutian sword array.

Ji Tianxing was among ten thousand swords, holding the Blood Sea Buddha in his left hand and a blood-red godhead in his right hand.

This is the godhead of a monarch, and the surface is full of cracks.

The monarch’s injuries were extremely serious, his godhead was severely damaged, and his consciousness was on the verge of coma.

He was hiding in the sea of ​​blood and was not strangled by Wanjian, and luckily survived.

However, Ji Tianxing easily captured the Sea of ​​Blood Buddha.

With a little bit of tricks, he pulled out the godhead of the monarch.

"I spared your life and gave you a chance, but you are obsessed with...goodbye!"

Looking at the godhead of the monarch, Ji Tianxing muttered to himself expressionlessly.

Then, his right hand squeezed hard.


The power of destroying the heavens and the earth instantly crushed the godhead of the monarch.

A generation of kings of the gods died and fell completely!

Ji Tianxing collected the Blood Sea Buddha and the fragments of Godhead into the space ring.

He was about to search for the fragments of the godheads of other strong men, but even the prince rushed over.

Even the prince is crazy, wearing a black gold-patterned **** armor, holding a seven-star silver-moon spear, and swaying the light and shadow of the magical technique.

His fighting power exploded to the limit, swaying more than 30 kinds of Shinto laws, vowing to smash the corpse into pieces.

In today's Zhutian Sword Formation, he and Ji Tianxing are the only ones left.

The other strong men were all dead, and the two princes were thrown out of the sword formation.

Ji Tianxing's plan is reached, it is time to evacuate.

He stared at Prince Lien, holding the sword in both hands without rush, and slashed the strongest blow.

"Sword of Destruction!"

It is still drawing the power of the five elements world, cutting out the golden light, destroying the sky and the world.

The power of the world can not only create the world, but also destroy a world.

This move is the strongest lore, and consumes twice the power of the world than the cut of the world!

In the short term, Ji Tianxing could not perform it a second time.

Not only will it damage itself, but it will also affect the Five Elements World, leading to accidents and disasters.

Therefore, this sword poured his strongest strength, the most surging killing intent.


Amid the earth-shaking loud noise, the Sword of Destruction smashed through the light and shadow of the heavenly divine technique, and hit Prince Lien fiercely.

The prince Lian was wearing a black gold-patterned **** armor, suddenly cracked open, and sunken a long gully.

He flew out upside down, his cheeks were painfully twisted, and blood spurted from his mouth and nose, and he couldn't help letting out a scream.


Man flew upside down in the Zhutian Sword Formation, and was attacked and killed by countless sword lights before finally falling to the ruins.

When he flew back to the sky, the top grade king-level **** armor he was wearing had already broken through a gap, showing more than a dozen cracks.

From his chest to abdomen, there was a deep blood mark, and the divine bones and internal organs were clearly visible!


Streams of blood poured out from the corner of his mouth and dripped onto his body.

With disheveled hair and bloodstained face, he was no longer the noble and calm before.

He actually lost!

Lost to Ji Tianxing, who looked down, underestimated, and looked down upon him!

Moreover, he was severely injured by a sword!

Had it not been for the Seven-Star Silver Moon Spear to dissolve 40% of the power of the Sword of Destruction, plus the protection of the Black Gold Divine Armor, he would have been split in half!

The unparalleled sense of frustration and humiliation caused even the Prince's face to be distorted and his whole body trembled violently.

He stared at Ji Tianxing with scarlet eyes, and roared in a low voice: "In three hundred years, you are the first person to severely injure this king!"

Ji Tian exercised this lore, his soul and body were very tired, and he wanted to find a rest.

But he could not reveal the flaws, looked at Prince Lian with a calm expression, and sneered: "No, you are wrong!

Not only can I hit you hard, I will kill you today!

Everyone else is dead, now it's time to send you on the road! "

While talking, Ji Tianxing slowly raised the Heaven Burying Sword, and began to accumulate supreme power, brewing shocking weather.

Even the prince squinted his eyes and roared fiercely: "You, very good! This king will always remember you!

From this moment on, this king will never die with you! "

After putting down this vicious and cruel remark, even the prince turned around without hesitation and rushed to the edge of the Heavenly Sword Formation.


During the charge, Prince Lian held the Seven-Star Silver Moon Gun in both hands and used the taboo secret technique to make the strongest blow.


He tried his best to stab it out, blasting the Heavenly Sword Formation into a gap, splashing out fragments of sword light.


Before the gap was healed, his figure flashed through and escaped from the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation.

Then, he fled without looking back, and his figure flickered and disappeared into the sky.


Seeing that Prince Lian finally escaped, Ji Tianxing was relieved.

He landed on the ruins from the air, holding the Heaven Burial Sword in both hands, half-kneeling on the ground ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ panting violently.

"The power of the world is strong, but I need to be strong enough to be able to bear it."

He muttered to himself, blood constantly pouring out of his mouth and nose, and his breath continued to weaken.

Although, on the surface, he was scarred, but some non-fatal skin injuries.

But in fact, he used the power of the world three times today to force the sword of destruction.

His divine body and divine personality were somewhat unable to bear the backlash.

The meridians and bones were cracked and the godhead was also traumatized.

It is no exaggeration to say that his injuries are heavier than Prince Lien!

However, the supernatural power of the Sword of Destruction was too terrifying and shocked Prince Lien.

Even if the prince couldn't figure out his details, he was frightened back by his bravado.

If the prince was crazy enough, he lost his mind and continued to fight with him.

That is another result.

Fortunately, the worst result did not appear!

Ji Tianxing gasped for a moment in silence, constantly absorbing the power of the dzi beads to suppress his own injuries.

After a full ten breaths, he eased slightly.

"Fortunately, I was the only one left in the sword formation, and no one else saw it."

Ji Tianxing murmured, waved his hand to remove the Heaven Punishing Sword Formation, and took the Heaven Burial Sword into the sky.

He searched around and found that the second prince and the third prince had disappeared, and they had already left the place.

"Fine, don't care about them, I have to find a place to heal."

After making up his mind, Ji Tianxing put away the Heaven Burial Sword and left.

At this moment, a **** light hit the face, and even the prince's sneer suddenly sounded.

"Hahaha...This king really guessed right, you are just bluffing!"

Ji Tianxing looked up and saw that even the prince had gone and returned!


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