Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3083: Another turnaround

A full quarter of an hour.

Ji Tianxing and Prince Lian had been chasing them and escaped sixty thousand miles away.

Along the way, all the mess was left, the mountains and the earth were all fragmented and covered with gullies.

Both of them consume a lot of strength, their breath is getting weaker and weaker, and their speed is constantly slowing down.

After all, both of them were badly injured and have not had time to heal.

The injuries are similar, and no one has much advantage.

Of course, Ji Tianxing's self-healing ability is stronger, and his divine body is stronger.

If he delays for time, he will definitely recover faster than Prince Lien.

But he was alone and had no support.

Unlike Prince Lien, he has a powerful force under his command, able to summon countless gods and powerhouses.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing cannot delay time, let alone entangled with Prince Lien.

He must get rid of the pursuit of Prince Lien and leave the royal city as soon as possible.

Find a place to retreat and heal your wounds, refining the sacred tree of blood flames, and greatly increase your strength!

"Xinghui repeatedly cut!"

"Seven Star Town World!"

The two continued to chase and fight, and even the prince continued to use magical powers to attack Ji Tianxing.

"Boom boom boom!"

The light and shadow of the gods from the sky kept falling between the mountains and rivers, bursting with deafening loud noises.

Seeing, even the prince was about to catch up with Ji Tianxing.

He sacrificed several concealed weapons, waved five silver pointed shuttles with his palm, and attacked Ji Tian.

At the same time, he waved the Seven-Star Silver Moon Spear, stabbing hundreds of Silver Moonlight Blades, covering Ji Tianxing's figure.

Ji Tianxing was locked in the soul, unable to avoid, can only resist and counterattack.

He waved the Heaven Burial Sword, slashed out the sky dazzling golden sword light, and defeated the Silver Moonlight Blade.

But for those five silver pointed shuttles, he was too late to fight back, so he could only manage to resist.

Just at this moment, an angry dragon chant sounded suddenly in the sky.


Along with the deafening dragon chant that pierced through the golden cracked stone, a blood-red figure as high as a thousand feet suddenly fell from the sky.


With a flash of blood, the tall, vigorous figure appeared in front of Ji Tianxing.

Five silver pointed shuttles struck, but were blocked by the sky of blood.

"Boom bang bang!"

With a series of muffled sounds exploded, the dazzling blood-colored light wall was crushed, exploding countless fragments.

The tall and fit figure was also shaken back thousands of feet, and her body trembled again and again.

Fortunately, Ji Tianxing shot in time and supported her back with a giant golden palm, which made her stop.

That's right!

This figure with a height of a thousand feet and a blood-filled figure is really red!

In order to explode with all her strength, she rushed to rescue Ji Tianxing at the fastest speed, not hesitating to enter a violent state.

"My son, how is your injury?"

She looked at Ji Tianxing anxiously, and asked in a worried tone.

"I'm fine." Ji Tianxing shook his head, frowning and asked: "What are you doing?"

Zhenhong replied without hesitation: "I'll save you... No, I want to help you!"

Ji Tianxing frowned again, and said in a low tone: "You know that I am already an enemy of the Kingdom of Blood Flame, so dare you to help me?

Do you want to become a public enemy of the Kingdom of Blood Flame like me? "

Zhen Hong nodded firmly and said: "I have already thought about it! The son has the grace to recreate me, even if I am an enemy of the entire kingdom of God, I must repay it!"

"You...what the **** is this?" Ji Tianxing felt quite complicated.

Zhen Hong made this decision, which surprised him very much.

At this time, even the prince rushed over with a grinning smile.

"Ha ha ha ha... It's really a concubine's intention!

It's a pity, you guys and girls, you are going to Huangquan together soon! "

While laughing, even the prince wielded a sharp spear to pierce the sky with stars, covering a hundred li.

Without hesitation, Ji Tianxing swung the Heaven Burial Sword, exposing thousands of colorful sword lights.

"Boom bang bang!"

A series of muffled noises burst out, echoing endlessly between heaven and earth.

The colorful sword light and the starlight blade are all shattered.

The two are evenly matched, and neither one takes advantage.

Zhen Hong didn't make a move, but made up his mind long ago to help Ji Tianxing escape from here.

and so.

When the sky of sword light and starlight collapsed, she did not hesitate to grab Ji Tianxing, turning around and fleeing like an aurora.

"call out!"

She was burning with blood to the sky, bursting out of her life's potential, like a cannonball out of a chamber.

In an instant, she flew more than two hundred miles.

The tall and slender legs slammed on the ground and popped out more than two hundred miles again.

She turned into a stream of blood flames, galloping between the mountains and rivers, speeding to the extreme.

In the blink of an eye, she took Ji Tianxing and escaped thousands of miles away.

At this time, she flew into the sky, using the law of space to teleport continuously.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

The blood light flashed in the sky one after another, her speed was getting faster and faster, throwing the Prince Lien farther and farther.

Seeing this scene, even the prince's angry face turned blue, and his eyes gloomy murmured: "Damn maidservant! Her power and speed are so terrifying!"

Although, Zhenhong only has the strength of the four levels of the gods.

But when she did not hesitate to consume lifespan, when she burst out of the limit speed, she was actually comparable to the high-ranking **** of the seventh realm!

And even the prince and Ji Tianxing suffered extremely severe injuries.

The flying speed at this moment is not much better than the upper gods of the seventh realm.

This situation is quite embarrassing.

Obviously, Prince Lian is the upper **** of the Ninth Realm~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know how many times stronger than True Red.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't catch up with Real Red, instead he was thrown farther and farther.

Originally, Prince Lian had a chance to win.

He chased and killed Ji Tianxing, just like a cat playing with a mouse.

But now, Zhen Hong suddenly came out, ruining his plan.

He played off again!

Why doesn't this make him angry?

But he was not reconciled to give up, so he could only hold on to his injuries and pursue Zhen Hong as quickly as possible.



Zhenhong and Prince Lian teleported one after another in the high sky.

Soon, a quarter of an hour passed.

The two have chased one hundred thousand miles, but they are still a hundred miles away.

Finally, things turned around again.

In the sky on the left front, a dazzling blood stream appeared, rushing over like a flash of electricity.

Even the prince fixed his eyes and found that six figures were wrapped in the blood.

Those were six old men with different appearances, all wearing the same black robe, with royal emblems embroidered on their chests and skirts.

There is no doubt that they are masters in the palace guarding the palace!

The most loyal guard to the Blood Flame King!

On weekdays, they are responsible for protecting the safety of the palace and the monarch.

When the monarch has secret orders to deal with certain important events, they are the butcher knife in the hands of the monarch!

The most important thing is that the six great masters are all high-ranking gods in the seventh realm!

When recognizing the identity of the six people, Prince Lian suddenly sneered triumphantly.

"Hehehe... God helps the king too!"

Although, he didn't pay attention to those great masters at all.

But now, those six great masters can play a role in reversing the world!


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