Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3086: Escape successfully

Even the prince is so confident.

It wasn't that his injury improved and he was confident to defeat Lin Xue.

It was because the four Ouchi masters had already sent a message, summoning the surrounding Ouchi masters and the Forbidden Army.

Even the prince’s spiritual sense detected that within a radius of 20,000 miles, more than a dozen teams were rushing.

Among the dozen or so teams, there are more than 20 masters and more than 800 bans.

After at most a hundred breaths, these masters can complete the encirclement.

By then, Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue and others will not escape!

Lin Xue and Ji Tianxing also realized that something was wrong, and released their spiritual knowledge to investigate the surrounding situation.

Suddenly, the two also noticed that a dozen teams were approaching, and the situation was very critical.

Lin Xue no longer wasted time, and shouted towards the empty sky: "To break through with all my strength, cover Tianxing to leave here!"

As her voice fell, three figures suddenly appeared behind the four great masters.

One of the figures was an elusive cloud of blood, obviously without a body.

That is the deputy master of the blood fantasy god!

The other two, Ji Tianxing, are no strangers, they are Jin Zuoshi and Blood Dragon Right!

The three of them had been lurking for a long time, suddenly showed up, and launched a surprise attack on the four great masters.


Several magical secrets broke out in an instant, blooming with bright blood, lighting up the sky.

The attention of the four great masters was on Lin Xue and Ji Tianxing.

Unprepared, the four of them were recruited on the spot, and were hit by the magical secret technique, making screams.

"Boom bang bang!"

Flesh and flesh flew across the sky, and the four of them were badly injured and flew out, raining blood.

Lin Xue also held the demon sword and tried to kill Prince Xianglian.

"The End of the World is slashed!"

With a wave of the blood knife, it brought up the dark red blood that covered the sky and turned it into a bloodbath to the Prince Lian.

Even the prince’s soul is locked, and the surrounding hundreds of miles are blocked, and there is no way to avoid it.

He can only wield a sharp gun, burst out his ultimate strength, and go all out to resist.


A deafening muffled sound burst out, resounding through the clouds.

The thousand-foot-long gun shadow of the fire dragon was smashed to pieces by the Qianzhang blood blade on the spot.

Even the prince was shocked and flew out, tumbling and hitting the mountain a hundred miles away.

That thousand-meter-high mountain was smashed to pieces, splashing earth and rocks in the sky.


After struggling a few times, he shook away countless earth and rocks and flew out of the ruins.

But the injury worsened so severely that he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and he staggered a bit.

"Damn maidservant!"

Even the prince was angry and mad, cursing sharply.

He managed to suppress the injury, regained his strength, flew into the sky with a sharp gun, and slew towards Lin Xue.

The dozens of teams around are getting closer.

He only needs to hold on for dozens of breaths, and Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue and others will be surrounded.

At that time, he will not only kill Ji Tianxing, but also Zhenhong and Lin Xue!

Of course Lin Xue knew this too.

Therefore, after she smashed the prince with a single blow, she did not take advantage of the victory to pursue it.

Neither was greedy for merit, nor did he expect to kill Prince Lien.

She didn't forget her purpose, which was to save Ji Tianxing out of trouble.

Therefore, she covered Zhen Hong and Ji Tianxing and fled towards the south.


Zhen Hong did not hesitate, and burst out at the fastest speed, like lightning piercing the sky.

Lin Xue, Blood Illusory God Lord, Jin Zuo Envoy, and Blood Dragon Right Envoy were guarded by Ji Tianxing.

Everyone worked together and made no progress.

Even the prince was dissatisfied, brandishing a sharp spear and hunting down.

But as soon as he approached a few dozen miles, Lin Xue intercepted him, and was slashed back into the air.

He was very tenacious, holding on to the injury and attacking again, vowing to hold back Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue and others.

However, Xue Lin joined forces with Xue Huan and Jin Zuo envoy and gave him another head attack.

This time even the Prince's fate was even more miserable.

Not only was he flew hundreds of miles away, he was also severely wounded and vomited blood, and his whole person became bloody.

The strength was further weakened, and he could no longer compete with Lin Xue.

If he continues to fight, he is likely to be destroyed by Lin Xue's demon sword.

By then, the loss will be too heavy.

Even the prince could only endure full of grief and unwillingness, and watched Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue and others escape.

"Asshole! Fortune telling you this time, this king will kill you sooner or later!"

Standing in the sky, the prince Lian yelled as he watched the crowd go away quickly.


Ji Tianxing and others escaped five thousand miles away.

Encountered two teams of masters head-on, Zhuangruo rushed over crazy.

Ji Tianxing quickly shot, waved the Heaven Burying Sword, cutting out the overwhelming sword light.

Zhen Hong, Lin Xue, and Blood Fantasy God Sovereign also displayed their unique supernatural powers and launched a counterattack.

The war is about to start.

The magical powers and secrets released by the two sides, various magical lights and shadows, violently collided in the sky.

"Boom bang bang!"


The earth-shaking explosions and loud and deafening noises echoed endlessly between the sky and the earth.

Although there was a lot of movement, the battle lasted only three breaths before it was over.

The strength of Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue and others are much stronger than those of the two teams.

The two sides fought against each other, and the magical powers of the Ouchi masters were defeated.

By the time Ji Tianxing and others performed the second move, the Ouchi masters were wounded and retreated blood dripping.

When everyone performed the third move, both teams of big inside masters were hit hard~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The gods were mostly destroyed.

They shed blood, dropped a lot of stumps, and ran away in embarrassment.

Ji Tianxing, Zhen Hong and others continued to fly south.

After a while, three more guards surrounded Ji Tianxing and others.

The strength of these imperial guards is even worse.

It's just that the number of people dominates, there are more than three hundred people, and it looks mighty.

But after the two sides fought hand in hand and fought each other, only one of the imperial guards who faced each other was defeated.

Lin Xue was the most sturdy, holding the demon sword to take the lead, bravely charging and killing.

She is like a group of dark red blood, rolling up a hurricane of death in the sky.

Once the Guards touched the hurricane, they were strangled to pieces by the **** knife, and even the godhead would collapse.

The crowd rushed all the way, tearing the three Forbidden Army teams to pieces, and rushing out of the encirclement with fierce momentum.

Really invincible, no one can stop!

Before long, everyone flew out more than 10,000 miles, and there was no obstacle ahead.

The twenty big inner masters and the Forbidden Army team finally arrived on the battlefield and gathered together.

They failed to complete the encirclement, watching Ji Tianxing and the others break through the encirclement and walk away.

Under the anger and unwillingness, many great masters and the imperial guards all pursued and killed them.

However, the speed of their flight is too far behind that of Ji Tianxing and the others.

After chasing 20,000 miles, they were thrown away for more than 10,000 miles, and they lost the trace of Ji Tianxing and others.

No matter how helpless, they can only stop chasing and sighing at the end of the horizon.

In this case, they can only report the news to the palace and ask for their next plans and actions.


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