Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3088: Li Daitao

After breaking into the Eighth Layer of the God Sovereign Realm, Lin Xue set off for the royal city.

When she arrived in the royal city, the ceremony of God's blood had ended.

Ji Tianxing has already become famous in the ring competition and won the crown.

At that time, he and Zhen Hong and others entered the blood flame secret realm and were receiving the baptism of the sacred tree.

When Lin Xue learned these news, she was also relieved and proud of Ji Tianxing.

But she always felt that things might not go so smoothly.

After Ji Tianxing enters the Blood Flame Secret Realm, something big will probably happen.

Just in time, the envoy Jin Zuo and the right envoy of the Blood Dragon also finished their affairs and rushed to the king city to join her.

She sent two envoys to inquire about the news and understand what Ji Tianxing did in the city.

In just two days, she inquired clearly about the previous matter.

At this time, Ji Tianxing had already seized the sacred tree and destroyed the blood flame secret realm.

He fled the royal city and was chased by the monarch, two princes and a large number of forbidden troops.

When Lin Xue got the news, it was a quarter of an hour late when he chased out of the royal city.

Therefore, she has not caught up with Ji Tianxing.

She didn't arrive in time until the critical moment when Prince Lian chased Ji Tianxing.

Knowing the whole story, Ji Tianxing was a little moved, and had a better impression of Lin Xue.

He gradually felt that Lin Xue just looked sturdy on the surface, even a little bit arbitrary.

But in fact, she is not a real bloodthirsty demon.

It's just that before, her temper stimulated by the sea of ​​blood was even more grumpy.

Now that the feud has been avenged, and the knots have been untied, we can see her nature.

A bit straightforward and pungent, but kind-hearted.

Seeing Ji Tianxing's silence and a contemplative look, Lin Xue couldn't help but joked, "Why? Was she moved by the affectionate friendship of the old lady?

Don't get me wrong, my old lady has no idea about your little white face!

The old lady did this just to repay her favor.

After all, you avenged your grievances. "

After speaking, she still wanted to reach out to pat Zhenhong's shoulder and tell her a few words.

It's a pity that the height difference is a bit big. She withdrew her hand without showing a trace, and said to Zhen Hong: "Little beauty, my old lady is your senior. You have a relationship with Young Master Tianxing, and we are friends.

So, don't think that my old lady is here to grab a man from you..."

"Uh..." Zhenhong's expression was very embarrassing, her cheeks were flushed, her head was lowered, and she didn't know if she should answer.

Ji Tianxing was also quite embarrassed, with some headaches, and thought to himself: "This demon girl is really open-mouthed and has no taboos, why there is no formality..."

The blood illusion **** on the side was also a little confused by the awkward atmosphere.

Seeing that Lin Xue hadn't noticed it, and didn't mean to converge.

He coughed twice quickly, interrupting Lin Xue.

Ji Tianxing also took the opportunity to change the subject, staring at the **** of blood illusion, and asked with concern: "Deputy Sect Master, I have always wanted to ask you before, how did you get hurt back then?

Why haven't you recast the body?

Was it because of the cultivation techniques, or did not find the right opportunity? "

The Blood Illusory God Sovereign also wanted to resolve the embarrassment, and quickly replied: "Young Master Skywalker, the Bloodblade Gate no longer exists. You must not call me the Deputy Sect Master, just call me the Blood Fantasy.

Regarding my divine body, this is a long story..."

He explained the cause and course of the incident to Ji Tianxing exactly.

In fact, it was very simple. Back then, he met Lin Xue, who had first arrived in the Kingdom of Blood Flame.

He had hatred with the Blood Sword Sect himself, and Lin Xue hated the Blood Sword Sect again.

The two were like-minded and decided to join forces to deal with the Blood Sword Sect.

In a fighting battle, the two were besieged by the strong of the Blood Sword Sect.

In order to save Lin Xue, Xue Huan helped her block Lin Shan's fatal blow.

Since then, his body has been destroyed.

Moreover, Lin Shan destroyed his **** body with a blood sword, and inflicted severe poison and curse on his godhead.

As a result, he has not been able to recast flesh and blood.

For nearly a thousand years, he can only cultivate a special supernatural power to maintain an illusory state.

When Ji Tianxing understood the situation, he frowned and thought for a while, and suddenly he had an idea.

"Blood Illusion, do you want to recast the body and return to normal?"

The Blood Illusory God Sovereign froze for a moment, and laughed bitterly to himself: "The son is joking. For hundreds of years, I have dreamed of recasting my **** body...

But this is as difficult as reaching the sky, I tried countless ways, but ended in failure.

Over time, I have long been discouraged and hopeless. "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said with a smile: "In fact, this kind of thing is not uncommon, but most people don't use the right method, so they can't recover."

The Blood Illusory God Sovereign was taken aback for a moment, and asked with a bit of excitement: "My son, what do you mean... do you have a way?"

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "Of course!"

The tone is firm and confident.

The spirit of the blood illusion **** became more excited, and the spirit that had been silent for many years immediately shook.

Although he was just a ball of blood, he had no body and could not see the change in expression.

But the whole group of blood light accelerated and the light became more dazzling.

Not only him, Lin Xue also showed a look of surprise, looking at Ji Tianxing in disbelief.

"Hey! This matter is very important, you can't be kidding!"

Ji Tianxing turned his head and glared at her, and said angrily: "Am I like a joke?"

Xue Lin thought about it seriously~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and nodded.

Ji Tianxing rolled his eyes and ignored her.

The voice of the **** of blood illusion was a little trembling, and he was full of expectation: "My son, please enlighten me, how can I restore my body?"

Ji Tianxing said solemnly: "I know a magical secret technique called Li Daitaozuo.

A **** like you who can't recast a **** body can use some kind of **** as a carrier to reshape the **** body.

Of course, the higher the level of the **** item used, the stronger the reshaped **** body. "

"Divine object?" The Blood Illusory God Sovereign was silent for a moment, and asked in confusion, "What kind of divine object is needed? A weapon of magical weapon? Or a treasure of heaven and earth? Or what kind of medicinal material?"

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "Basically all these things you said can be used!

However, the grade of this fetish cannot be too high or too low, it must be the most suitable for you.

The grade is too high, Li Daitao’s stiff supernatural powers cannot be used, and you can’t control the reshaping of the divine body.

If the level of the divine object is too low, reshaping the divine body is simple, but your future achievements are limited and your strength will be greatly reduced. "

The Blood Illusory God Monarch nodded slightly, and said solemnly: "Thank you for your advice, I probably understand.

I have to consider it carefully and ask you for advice after I have decided. "

Ji Tianxing smiled and said, "I still remember the magical power of Li Daitaozheng.

I will teach it to you when you need it.

As for the fetish of reshaping the body, I have already thought about it.

After I recover from the injury, I can get it for you. "

The Blood Illusory God Lord was even more surprised, and asked expectantly: "Dare to ask the son, what kind of fetish are you talking about?"

Ji Tianxing said with a smile: "How about the branches of the Blood Flame God Tree?"


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