Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3096: Mother-in-law

When Ji Tianxing checked the situation, he was only a thousand miles away from the beasts.

At this time, the more than three hundred divine beasts seemed to have been ordered.

They were no longer dormant, they all flew out of the darkness, rushing into the sky like a flash of electricity.

More than three hundred divine beasts are arranged in a fan shape, and each divine beast is separated by ten miles, forming a circle of more than three thousand kilometers wide.

Their goal is obvious, they are directed at this divine ship.

The Golden Left ambassador and the Blood Dragon Right ambassador, who was driving the divine ship, also found the group of divine beasts, and they were shocked.

If you continue to fly forward, you will plunge into the encirclement of the beast.

The most urgent thing is to stop the divine ship and turn around to avoid it.

The two hurriedly cast spells, controlling the great formation of the godship.

However, this will take a while.

Because of the huge inertia, the divine ship continued to rush forward a long way to stop.

As a result, the distance between the divine ship and the divine beast was further shortened.


After three breaths, the divine ship finally stopped advancing, turned around and flew to the northwest, trying to avoid the group of divine beasts.

However, the herd is only more than three thousand miles away from the godship.

In the night sky to the northwest, more than a dozen brilliant lights suddenly lit up, condensing into a light blade that opened up the world, and suddenly killed it.


Each light blade is thousands of feet long, carrying the power of destroying everything, covering a hundred miles.

The divine ship couldn't avoid it, and was immediately overwhelmed by the divine light.

"Boom boom boom!"

A loud and deafening noise burst out, reverberating fiercely between heaven and earth, breaking the tranquility of the night.

The jet-black divine ship, which was thousands of feet long, was trembling and crumbling by the bombardment.

Although, the divine ship did not suffer any substantial damage.

However, the defensive formation on the surface layer was destroyed by two layers, and dozens of divine artillery pieces on both sides were also cut off.

This result made Lin Xue realize that the dozen or so people who attacked were all strong in the Divine Sovereign Realm.

Moreover, at least the strength is above the median god!


The divine ship shook violently for dozens of times before it stopped firmly in the night sky.

Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue, Zhen Hong and others were all awakened.

Everyone stood in the discussion hall, observing the situation outside with their spiritual consciousness.

I saw that there were more than three hundred beasts approaching quickly in the south.

When they were hundreds of miles away from the divine ship, they stopped advancing one after another and began to gather the encirclement.

And in the northern night sky, there are also thirteen figures galloping in.

There are thirteen gods and powerful men, men and women of all ages, with different appearances and costumes.

The strongest headed by him is a burly man who is three feet tall and looks like a tower.

This person is a four-winged protoss, with four dark red bone wings on his back, and his hands and feet are like the claws of a beast.

He was dark red, wearing black armor and a large purple cloak.

A huge bald head shone in the night, shining with dark red blood.

This person's divine power is extremely violent, and his breath is as powerful as the sea, which is daunting.

Lin Xue couldn't help frowning, and whispered to everyone: "That big bald head is much stronger than me!

I am the eighth realm, he should be the 9th realm! "

The crowd was silent, and then looked at the other twelve people with their spiritual knowledge.

I saw that the twelve gods with different appearances were all lined up in the sky.

There are gray-haired old men, middle-aged protoss who are as strong as bears, women with good looks, and two unruly young men.

The three with the strongest strength reached the eighth layer of the Divine Sovereign Realm.

The five weakest people are also the sixth layer of the Divine Sovereign Realm.

These thirteen gods and powerful men are a very powerful force.

The major sects and forces in the Kingdom of Blood and Flame, none of them have such a luxurious lineup.

Xue Lin frowned for a while, and suddenly guessed the answer.

"It should be from Hetianzong!

Only the Hetian Sect, who ranks first and has a superb status, has such a terrifying power! "

Suddenly hearing this answer, Zhen Hong, Blood Illusion, Jin Zuoshi and others all showed fear and their expressions became very solemn.

"Hetian Sect? The first sect of the Kingdom of God?"

"I heard that Hetianzong is different from us. They are the top superpowers in the entire Great Yan Empire!"

"That's right! Those people in front of me should be from the blood flame gods."

"Except for the Kingdom of Blood Flame, Hetian Sect has a semicolon in each Kingdom!"

Just when everyone was talking about it.

Ji Tianxing's figure flashed, leaving the divine ship and flying into the night sky.

He stood in front of the divine ship, looking at the Hetianzong people blankly.

The eyes of the thirteen gods and powerful men immediately gathered on him.

The corners of the mouths and eyes of many people showed mocking sneers.

At the same time, the only trace of doubt in everyone's hearts was immediately dispelled.

Before Ji Tianxing showed up, they were a little worried.

What if the target of interception is wrong?

The target is not in that divine ship, what should we do?

Well now, it turns out that the overlord is very wise!

The two sides looked at each other and were silent for a while.

The headed bald protoss spoke vigorously: "Introduce yourself, this dragon burning is now the Sect Master of Hetian Sect's Blood Flame Division.

Your Excellency, I have been waiting for you for a long time! "

Ji Tianxing was expressionless, and said in a cold tone: "Sure enough, he belongs to the Heavenly Sect! Where's the prince?

Why are you lying in wait here, but he is nowhere to be seen?

Could it be that I was afraid of being beaten by the monarch before, afraid to show up, afraid of losing my life? "

The bald dragon was not angry, and he calmly said: "It's true~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The little prince was injured too badly before. He has been in retreat for recuperation and has not been out so far.

However, the little prince cares about you too much, and you are expected to wait for the limelight to pass, and then quietly escape from the Kingdom of Blood Flame.

Therefore, the little prince specially asked this seat to wait for you here. "

When he said this, Long Fen grinned and sneered, and said: "The little prince has repeatedly warned that you don't need to keep alive, you will be killed anyway.

Even if the jade and the stone are burned, we have earned it! "

Obviously, even the prince issued a kill order.

Long Fen and the twelve Hetian Sect powerhouses are burdened with arduous tasks.

Even if they die with Ji Tianxing, they must complete the task.

Ji Tianxing nodded, and said indifferently: "This gentleman had anticipated this day, and knew he could not hide.

Since you are so upright, I appreciate it very much, so I will send you to Huangquan.

As for the ugly and dirty beasts, let them all fall apart.

It's just a pile of cannon fodder, it will only dirty my hand! "

Long Fen raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "The owners of those sacred beasts are not my seat, you should talk to Zuo Hufa."

As his voice fell, an old woman in black robe with a snake-head crutches walked out from behind him.

"The old man Shuyu, known as the mother-in-law who controls the beast, has met Young Master Tianxing.

The mother-in-law Yuyu bowed her body slightly, and said with a dry and hoarse voice: "Those sacred beasts are old friends, and they are treated like nephews.

The son dislikes them so much, is it that he is afraid in his heart, afraid that the children will tear you into pieces? "

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