Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3098: Peerless Shuangjiao

The dozens of strong men of Hetianzong have long been unable to restrain their violent killing intent.

While resisting the sword light's attack and killing, they waited for Long Fen's order.

When Long Fen gave an order, everyone broke out with the most ferocious aura, letting out a murderous roar.

Everyone wielded magic weapons and launched a rush to kill Ji Tianxing and others.

"Zhanlong flashed!"

"Halloween Sword!"

"Thousand Cracked Emperor Jiblade!"

"Nine Heavens Royal Dragon Breaking Star Sword!"

"Eight poles collapse!"

All the gods are doing their best to use the strongest lore, releasing the light and shadow of the gods that cover the sky and the sun.

The world, hundreds of miles around, was suddenly shrouded in endless divine light, turning into chaos.

Seeing that Ji Tianxing and the others were flanked back and forth, falling into an extremely dangerous situation.

The expressions of Lin Xue, Xue Huan and Zhen Hong all became extremely solemn.

Only those fierce sacred beasts made it difficult for them to fight against and burned.

What's more, the many powerhouses of Hetianzong are more terrifying than that group of mythical beasts.

If there is no miracle, they will lose in this battle.

Everyone will die here, torn to pieces by the people of Hetianzong, and reduced to food for many sacred beasts.

"The dragon flame burns the sky!"

Long Fen rushed to the forefront, arms spread out, waving his palms to release an overwhelming golden dragon flame.

The unparalleled violent power, with the momentum to destroy everything, severely suppressed Ji Tianxing and others.

Looking at the audience, he is the strongest.

The power of this unique skill must also be terrifying.

The dragon flames that obscured the sky and flooded the sky were enough to burn everyone to ashes.

Before the Dragon Flame arrived, Lin Xue, Zhen Hong and the others felt a great deal of pressure, and deep fear and fear grew in their hearts.

At the critical moment, Ji Tianxing stepped forward.


With a flash of his figure, he greeted Long Fen, holding the Heaven Burial Sword in both hands, splitting the sky full of light and shadow with all his strength.

"Thanglong Duankong Slash!"

He slashed out with a single sword, but brought up hundreds of sacred golden sword lights, forming a wall of light 100 miles wide.


The sacred light wall is like a giant axe, cutting the sky instantly.

Between Ji Tianxing and Long Fen, the sky was cut out a hundred miles of gully, like a dark abyss.

The dragon flame that covered the sky and sun all rushed into the black abyss and was swallowed by the void.

Even the powerhouses of Long Fen and Hetian Sect were blocked by the sacred light wall, unable to approach Ji Tianxing and others.

In this scene, it is as if space is cut off, and the two sides are in different time and space.

Really weird and amazing!

Lin Xue, Zhen Hong and the others breathed a sigh of relief, showing a look of surprise, refreshed.

However, Long Fen, Granny Yuyu and the others changed their expressions drastically, showing incredible expressions.

"How is this possible? He... actually cut off the space?"

"Ahhhhh! Damn it! The connection between the old man and the children was broken!"

"What magical power is that? Can it cut the sky through?"

"It's terrible! Except for the legendary king, who has such a terrifying power?"

Long Fen and a dozen gods were all shocked.

The mother-in-law Yuyu was also forcibly severed from the connection with more than two hundred beasts.

No matter how she casts the spell, she can't give orders, nor can she manipulate the beasts.

As a result, those sacred beasts lost control and restraint.

They no longer obey orders and rules, and act with their violent nature.

They roared angrily, rushed out of order, and vented the fire of killing frantically.

"Boom bang bang!"


The formation of the mythical beasts was in chaos, and they began to rampage, chasing after Ji Tianxing and the others.

The battlefield became chaotic.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Xue, Zhen Hong and the others went on a slaying precept, beheading dozens of divine beasts in the chaos.

Ji Tianxing also manipulated the Zhutian Sword Formation, forming a storm with thousands of giant swords, sweeping the two hundred beasts.

A bright golden hurricane swept across the battlefield.

Wherever they went, those sacred beasts were swept away, and they were immediately strangled to pieces, turning into powder and blood.

In just ten breaths of time, hundreds of sacred beasts were killed.

There were only more than one hundred and twenty divine beasts left, and they were also in chaos and mania, rushing to kill in disorder.

The pressure on Lin Xue, Zhen Hong and others was greatly reduced, and they were relieved.

Ji Tianxing opened the tower again and summoned Yun Yao and Ji Ke.



With a flash of silver moonlight, Yunyao appeared in a white dress and unparalleled holy.

With a flash of scarlet fire, Ji Ke, wearing a long red dress and holding a source stone gun, also appeared beside Ji Tianxing.

These two glamorous and peerless beauties have already broken through to the realm of the gods and have consolidated the foundation of the gods.

Now, they are finally qualified to fight alongside Ji Tianxing.

The first time I shot, I faced such a dangerous situation.

But they are not afraid, they are very confident, and their fighting spirit is high.

"Seven stars with the moon!"

Yun Yao gave a soft drink, holding the Origin Stone Divine Sword, swaying the boundless star and moon divine light, and slew the beasts not far away.

Suddenly, a crescent moon and seven meteors appeared in the sky, falling from the sky.

"Boom boom boom!"

Xingyue brilliance fell into the herd, bursting with a deafening noise, splashing out the sky full of bright moonlight.

Under such a gorgeous and beautiful scene, it was a powerful and terrifying killing.

More than a dozen sacred beasts, all of them were broken and sprinkled with blood.

"Seven Flames of the Burning God!"

Ji Ke turned into a shattering fire, brandishing the source stone magic spear, spilling seven colors of divine flames, pouring into the herd.

"Huh! Huh!"

Colorful divine flames covered the herd of animals~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After the light flashed, more than 30 divine beasts disappeared, leaving only the sky with black and gray.

Although everyone can see that Yun Yao and Ji Ke are the first level of the gods.

But their powerful combat effectiveness is no less than that of True Red, Blood Illusion, and Jin Zuoshi.

Moreover, their peerless elegance is more dazzling like the sun and the moon in the nine heavens.

At this moment, everyone was stunned, their eyes focused on both of them.

Xue Huan, Jin Zuo Envoy, and Blood Dragon Right Envoy all showed extremely amazing expressions, and couldn't help exclaiming.

"God! There is such a beautiful woman in the world?"

"It's incredible! The beauty is thrilling, even if it kills the beasts, it doesn't carry the slightest smoke..."

"What a stunning beauty this is! What kind of perfect man is necessary to be worthy of them?"

These three men didn't have much thoughts, they were just amazed and shocked.

But Lin Xue and Zhen Hong's mood is a bit subtle.

Zhen Hong stared at Yun Yao and Ji Ke in a daze, with a sense of inferiority flashing in her heart, and muttered silently: "Such a perfect beauty is enough to make women feel amazing and envied.

They should be... the two wives the son mentioned before, right?

No wonder Wushuang's little lord is so beautiful and cute. Probably only a peerless beauty like them can give birth to an elf like Wushuang..."

At this moment, Zhenhong suddenly felt.

Son of Heaven and these two beautiful ladies are a perfect match made in heaven.

And she can stay with the son, as a conscientious maid, it is enough.

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