Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3100: But we take it seriously

"Boy, you are tired of life!"

"If you don't break your corpse into pieces, this seat will live in vain!"

"You are so anxious to die, this seat will fulfill you!"

"People are invincible, boy, you are already on the road of invincibility!"

The powerhouses of Hetianzong cursed in anger and madness, brandishing swords and magic weapons, and launched a siege to Ji Tianxing.

"Huh! Huh!"

The colorful magical brilliance once again covered the sky, pouring down like a monstrous flood.

This time, the thirteen powerhouses of Hetianzong shot at the same time, and they all broke out the strongest combat effectiveness.

The power of their joint attack has reached the limit of the gods, very close to the gods.

Even the prince of the Ninefold Peak would be severely injured.

Ji Tianxing remained motionless, a satisfied smile flashed in his eyes, and his heart also filled with expectations.


The previous scene appeared again.

The magical powers that destroy the sky and the earth passed through Ji Tianxing without hindrance, scattered between the sky and the earth, and soon collapsed and dissipated.

The powerhouses of Hetianzong, again in vain, failed to hurt Ji Tianxing.

Everyone was furious, angry and helpless.

If Ji Tianxing had been in a state of nothingness, it would be invincible.

It is impossible for them to hurt Ji Tianxing, let alone behead him.

How can this be done?

Ji Tianxing was very satisfied with this result, showing a relieved smile on his face.

"This trick is so mysterious and unparalleled, and it is extremely powerful.

I clearly felt that I had reached the limit of defense just now.

If their attacking power is a little stronger, it might hurt me.

This is enough to prove that the defensive limit of Chaotic Sky Promise is the limit of Divine Sovereign Realm.

As long as I use this magic trick, only the strong of the **** king realm can hurt me! "

These thoughts flashed through Ji Tianxing's mind.

He has tested the effect of the Heavenly Promise and the limit of defense.

With this life-saving trump card, you can walk sideways in the Divine King Realm in the future.

of course.

Even if he hadn't practiced this magic trick, he still had the Heavenly Replenishing Pearl, the God Tree of Blood Flame, and the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers.

at this time.

On the other side of the Golden Light barrier, the fight between Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others and the beasts has come to an end.

Just now, in this hundred breaths time, they even joined forces to kill hundreds of sacred beasts.

Before the sky was still mighty and mighty, and there were beasts as big as mountains everywhere.

At this moment, the sky was very clean.

Except for Yunyao, Ji Ke, and Lin Xue, there was only a rain of blood in the sky.

Everyone is in very good condition, almost no one was injured, but a lot of supernatural power was spent.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing quickly used his supernatural powers and removed the golden barrier that was thousands of miles wide.


After the golden barrier disappeared, the dark abyss that separated the sky quickly healed.

Within the Zhutian Sword Formation, the space of thousands of miles was restored to integrity.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Lin Xue and others were all worried about Ji Tianxing's situation and hurried to his side.

At this time, he also stopped using Chaotian Wuji, and returned to his true body from a state of virtuality.


Yun Yao, Ji Ke and the others gathered around and looked at him with concern.

"Tianxing, are you okay?"

"Big Brother Tianxing, so many people besieged you just now, are you not injured?"

Ji Tianxing waved his hand, indicating that everyone does not have to worry.

Seeing that he was unscathed, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He is now the backbone of everyone, and if anything goes wrong, it will shake everyone's will and determination.

Ji Tianxing held the Sky Burial Sword in his hand, pointed at Long Fen and the beast-controlling mother-in-law, and sneered: "The sacred beasts you drove have been killed.

Now, it's your turn to die! "

Long Fen, Grandma Yuyu and others stared at him vigilantly, their faces gloomy as ice, and their bodies were filled with murderous intent.

Not only were they dignified, the faces of the right guardian and the elders were also ugly.

Everyone realized that Ji Tianxing’s combat effectiveness was stronger than imagined!

Even the prince once said that he fought with Ji Tianxing for thousands of tricks, and has always been fighting against Ji Tianxing.

That means that Ji Tianxing's true strength is not as good as the prince Lien of the Ninth Layer of God Sovereign Realm.

But now this situation is obviously very wrong.

Not to mention that even the prince, even Long Fen, who has a stronger foundation, is not Ji Tianxing's opponent!

what's the problem?

Haven't seen him in just a month, Ji Tianxing broke through again, his strength skyrocketed?

Long Fen, the mother-in-law Yuyu and the others shudder even thinking about it.

However, there are still a few weaker elders who have not seen the clues.

They are also immersed in the powerful and transcendent status of Hetianzong, and as always they despise Ji Tianxing and others.

A red-haired young man grinned and said with a sneer: "Boy! Although your magical powers are very weird, you have been besieged by us for so long without injury.

But you must use a lot of magical power to use that magical power.

Now I can't hold on anymore, and stand up and get beaten honestly, right? "

Another green-haired woman holding a divine bow also sneered grimly: "Although the divine beasts controlled by Zuo Hufa are dead, it's not a big deal.

The more than three hundred divine beasts were originally the cannon fodder that she had summoned temporarily in the God Burying Mountain Range.

Our strong men of Hetianzong came out from the nest, killing you is easy! "

There are more sturdy young people who are like black bears, shouting with a grinning smile: "Tian Xing! If you are still a man~www.wuxiaspot.com~, surrender and die by yourself, don't hurt others!

Look at your companions, those four rare beauties...

They were dragged down by you to death, turned into scum, what a violent thing!

As long as you surrender, we can consider and spare the four of them from death! "

Upon hearing the words of these three young elders, Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Lin Xue and others all had cold eyes and burst out with strong murderous intent.

Even Long Fen, Mother-in-law Yuyu and several older elders frowned, showing a look of surprise.

They did not expect that the three young elders' insights would be so short.

Without even realizing that the situation has turned upside down, they themselves are in a dangerous situation.

Ji Tianxing spoke.

Secretly shook his head, glanced at the three young elders with sympathy in his eyes, and said in a pity-filled tone: "You are as stupid as you are, but you can live to this day and still be the elders of the Hetian Sect. It really makes my lord be puzzled.

Perhaps it is also a kind of happiness for you to keep being stupid. "

No matter how stupid the three young elders were, they realized that the atmosphere was not right.

They were ashamed and angry, but did not dare to attack on the spot, and quickly looked at Long Fen, Granny Yuyu and others, with questioning eyes.

That expression seemed to say, what's going on?

Aren't we in our hands, can we easily kill Tianxing?

Why do you look so guilty and worried?

Could it be that before the start of the action, your overwhelming confidence and domineering were all pretending to be?

But we take it seriously!

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