Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3110: Under siege

The night was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers.

There was no starlight in the sky.

The divine ship, as black as ink, cuts through the night sky like a black shadow, galloping through the God Burying Mountain Range.

The left ambassador of Jin and the right ambassador of the blood dragon are concentrating on manipulating the divine ship.

Looking at the gloomy sky ahead, Jin Zuozhu couldn't help but sigh: "Five thousand miles south, you will fly out of the Burying Mountain Range and enter the Kingdom of Rage Flame.

I have never left the Kingdom of Blood and Flames in my life, and I don't know what the Kingdom of Rage and Flames looks like?

Compared with our Blood Flame God Kingdom, what is the difference? "

The blood dragon right envoy chuckled and said, "It's all the kingdom of God under the rule of the Great Yan Empire, how much difference can it make?

It is nothing more than being more prosperous, with more population and stronger people. "

"That's true." Jin Zuo nodded, and said with some emotion: "I have been driving in the God Burying Mountain Range these days, and I have only realized what a forbidden land is.

They are attacked by divine beasts several times every day, and they are all divine beasts of the Divine Sovereign Realm, and they also act in groups.

Fortunately, we are on the divine ship, and there are many strong people who will travel with us.

If you cross this mountain alone, it would be a life of nine deaths! "

The right envoy of the blood dragon smiled again and nodded: "So, without being overshadowed by the strong, the gods will be unable to do anything. It is impossible to travel throughout the Great Yan Empire.

Only strong men like the sect master and Young Master Tianxing can leave the Great Yan Empire and travel the entire northern region..."

The two were chatting, and both felt a little emotional.

At this moment, the envoy Jin Zuo suddenly frowned, and said in a low tone: "Slowly... five thousand miles away, there seem to be many protoss moving?"

The right envoy of the blood dragon was also full of vigilance. After releasing the divine sense exploration, he said with a solemn expression: "Yes! I have detected the Jiubo Protoss, close to 300 people.

Seeing them, what seems to be searching? "

Jin Zuozhu said without hesitation: "Slow down and stay hidden. I will inform the gatekeeper and Young Master Skywalker."

The right envoy of the blood dragon frowned, and said with a chuckle: "Don't be nervous, I have already probed, those people are not much threat.

Eight Chengdu is the strength of the Heavenly God Realm, there are only a dozen gods, and they are all lower gods.

Even if they want to be disadvantageous to us, even the defense of the divine ship cannot be broken, it is not as good as the group of blood-wing divine birds encountered before! "

The envoy Jin Zuo nodded slightly and said, "Well, then don't notify the master and Young Master Tianxing.

This is close to the border of the Kingdom of Fury, so we still have to be more vigilant. "

After the two negotiated, they steered the godship cautiously and flew into the night sky in stealth.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer, four thousand miles, three thousand miles, two thousand miles...

Finally, when the distance between the two parties is only a thousand miles away.

The nine groups of gods seemed to have discovered the invisible divine ship, and they surrounded them one after another, urging their mighty divine power, and releasing the magical secret technique that covered the sky and the sun.

Hundreds of magical powers and secrets have formed a sky full of swords, swords and shadows, and various beasts, meteors and open sky light blades poured down towards the godship.

The Jin Zuo Envoy and the Blood Dragon Right Envoy were not only not worried, but also some inexplicable excitement and anticipation, and their blood boiled over.

"Ha ha ha ha, a bunch of lifeless things!"

"Anyone who can break through the defenses of the divine ship is considered a loss, come on!"

The two have cooperated in combat many times, and their actions are very tacit.

Jin Zuo envoy turned on the divine cannon of the divine ship, and launched a bombardment on the nine protoss.

The blood dragon right envoy opened the defensive formation of the divine ship, condensing a **** light shield on the surface of the divine ship.

In the next instant, only loud noises of "bang bang bang bang" burst out one after another.

The sky, the sword, the shadow of the sword and the brilliance of the gods, slammed the divine ship severely, splashing out the divine light fragments that covered the sky and the sun.

And the blood-colored light shield on the surface of the divine ship blocked all attacks without even a trace of cracks appearing.

Immediately afterwards, the two sides and bow of the divine ship stretched out ferocious divine artillery, releasing a beam of light that ruined the world and blasted towards the nine-pronged protoss.

"Boom boom boom!"

Amid the deafening noise, more than two hundred beams of light tore through the night sky and blasted toward the gods.

Although, half of the beam of light was lost, blasting between the surrounding mountains and the earth.

The peaks were blasted into ruins, and the earth was blasted out of deep pits and gullies, splashing dust that covered the sky and the sun.

But half of the beam of light blasted down among the crowd of the Jiubo Protoss.

Suddenly, those Protoss wearing fiery red robes and armor, the people who were bombarded by the beam of light turned their horses back, and their flesh and blood flew.

All kinds of screams, painful roars and angry curses exploded in the night sky.

There is no doubt that the Protoss in the red dress is a disciple of the Holy Fire Sect.

The strength of most of the disciples is only from the seventh to the ninth level of the Heavenly God Realm.

Only the deacon who leads the team has the strength of the Divine Sovereign Realm.

After this round of shelling, nearly 300 disciples of the Holy Fire Sect were bombarded and killed more than 60 people on the spot, and more than 30 people were seriously injured.

Such heavy casualties failed to deter them.

On the contrary, it aroused the ferocity of the disciples of the Holy Fire Sect, making them more brave and rushing to the divine ship desperately.


"It's the divine ship, stop it!"

"Tian Xing must be in that divine ship, as long as you stop him, the Sect Master will have many rewards!"

"Don't worry everyone, this seat has already sent a signal, and other teams will rush to support!"

"The Sect Master and several elders are in the rear, and we must not shame the Holy Fire Sect!"

The deacons in the fiery red armor shouted hoarsely to boost the morale of the disciples.

They took the lead, led the disciples to rush, and went all out to perform unique tricks.


It was the magical light and shadow that obscured the sky and sun, pouring down like a monstrous flood, flooding Lin Xue's ship.

The divine ship hovered in the night sky, constantly adjusting its angle, and a beam of divine power burst out from the divine cannon, blasting towards the disciples of the Holy Fire School.

"Boom bang bang!"

Countless magical lights and shadows hit the divine ship, bursting with deafening noise.

The divine ship was shuddering and trembling, and the blood-colored light shield also rippled, cracking open.

However, the Blood Dragon Right Envoy continued to manipulate the large array to repair the cracks in the light shield and replenish the power of the light shield.

On the other side, half of the hundreds of light beams fired by God Cannon hit the disciples of the Holy Fire Sect.

With the muffled sound of ‘Rumbling’ burst out ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There was a bright divine light in the crowd, splashing blood and bones.

In the blink of an eye, there were dozens of disciples of the Holy Fire Sect, and there were no bones bombarded by the gods.

You come and I will fight for five rounds within ten breaths.

When the disciples of the Holy Fire Sect rushed to the vicinity of the divine ship, 80% of them had been killed and injured, and only more than fifty people were still alive.

The Divine Ship was unharmed, but the Scarlet Light Shield was full of cracks, and its strength weakened a bit.


Before the blood dragon right envoy repaired the light shield, Sheng Wuyin and the four Holy Fire Sect elders rushed to the vicinity of the divine ship and made a bold move.

In the night sky in all directions, more than a dozen teams received signals and rushed forward.

After a while, the divine ship will be surrounded by the Holy Fire Sect!

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