Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3113: Invincible

Shengwuyin has always been the spiritual leader of the Holy Fire Sect.

He is not only the founder of the Holy Fire School, but also the strongest.

All the disciples of the disciples admired and admired him very much.

Therefore, when he ordered a proactive attack, search and besieged Ji Tianxing.

Many disciples took their orders gladly, and rushed to the death.


Shengwuyin's performance surpassed everyone's expectations, and the disciples of the Holy Fire Sect were extremely disappointed!

He only fought with Ji Tianxing dozens of moves before he was severely injured and destroyed the body.

Is this strength too weak?

Is the strength gap between him and Ji Tianxing so big? !

Everyone couldn't believe it, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

As a result, there was a moment of silence on the battlefield, and many of the Holy Fire Sect disciples were stunned.

When everyone returned to God, they all made roars of pain, grief, or unbelievable exclamations.

In an instant, the combat effectiveness of the disciples of the Holy Fire Sect plummeted, and their momentum plummeted.

They were slaughtered by Zhenhong, Heilong, Qianyue and others, with heavy casualties.

After experiencing the heavy blow of Shengwuyin's destruction of the divine body, many disciples suddenly broke down and fled.

Zhen Hong, Jin Zuoshi, and Bai Long took advantage of the situation to hunt down and harvest the lives of the disciples of the Holy Fire Sect.

Lin Xue and the Blood Illusion God Sovereign also became more aggressive and brutally injured the four elders.

As for Shengwuyin, the end is doomed.

After his **** body was destroyed, the godhead quickly escaped into the earth, trying to escape from the Burial Mountain Mountain.

The sky had been blocked by Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue and others, and he couldn't escape at all.

Only through the earth, there is still a ray of life.

But it's a pity that Ji Tianxing kept staring at him, how could he let him run away?

"Break the Eight Wastes!"

Ji Tianxing snorted coldly, pinched the magic art in both hands, manipulated the laws of the earth, and performed a magic trick.


The ruins with a radius of thousands of miles split open several wide gullies instantly, dividing the ruins into eight pieces.

Sheng Wuyin's escape route was cut off and was blocked by two huge gully.

Before he turned around and fled, the infinite power of the earth condensed into a giant palm with a radius of a hundred miles, and suddenly gathered.


The dark yellow giant grasped his godhead and flew out from the ground.

While the giant palm flew into the sky, it continued to condense and condense.

When he flew in front of Ji Tianxing, the giant palm of Baili had shrunk to a radius of a thousand feet.

At the same time, the dark yellow soil and rock also condensed to the limit, turning into a golden and transparent appearance.

That is the appearance of the laws of the earth condensed to the limit.

A dark red godhead, surrounded by the raging flame, struggling desperately in the palm of a thousand feet.

Without a word, Ji Tianxing manipulated the giant palm to crush the godhead.

Only the sound of "Kacha Kacha" was heard, and Shengwuyin's godhead was crushed on the spot.

The high-ranking **** of the eighth realm, the strong man who has become famous for thousands of years, has fallen!

Shengwuyin didn't even have the chance to admit defeat and beg for mercy, so he was bombarded and killed by Ji Tianxing.

Of course, Ji Tianxing had given him a chance to survive before, but he did not cherish it.

Now that he fell into the hands of Ji Tianxing, Ji Tianxing didn't talk nonsense, and directly killed him.


The golden palm dissipated, and nine pieces of the godhead flew in front of Ji Tianxing, and he took them into the space ring.

The four elders not far away, and many disciples of the Holy Fire Sect, witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

Suddenly, everyone showed extremely horrified expressions, and their eyes were full of horror.

"Master Sect Master has fallen!"

"Oh my god! Sect Master... was actually killed!"

"Tian Xing, who kills a thousand swords, we're fighting with you!"

"Avenge for the suzerain!"

"Don't be impulsive, the most important thing is to preserve your strength!"

The exclamation and shouts of the disciples of the Holy Fire Sect sounded in the night sky in all directions.

Everyone was extremely sad and angry.

Many disciples were angry with their eyes, and subconsciously rushed to Ji Tianxing to avenge Shengwuyin.

However, more people were full of horror, and they didn't even have the courage to do it.

They trembled, with a retreat in their hearts, they couldn't help turning and running away.

At this time, there were more than a dozen teams far away, rushing to support them in a hurry.

The situation was very chaotic, and many deacons and disciples couldn't make up their minds.

Shengwuyin is dead, and only the four elders are left in the field who are qualified to give orders.

However, among the four elders, two of them have been killed by Xue Lin and the God of Blood Illusory, and fragments of the godhead are still scattered on the battlefield.

The two surviving elders were also seriously injured and dying.

They tried their best to support, but they couldn't delay for long, and they couldn't escape.

Soon, more than a dozen disciples of the Holy Fire Sect rushed to the battlefield with murderous aura.

Zhen Hong, Jin Zuoshi, Bai Long and others were besieged by the disciples of the Holy Fire Sect, and they fought fiercely.

Those disciples of the Holy Fire Sect who were seriously injured and embarrassed were immediately caught in a dilemma.

They witnessed the suzerain being killed and saw Ji Tianxing's formidable strength. They didn't want to stay for a moment, just wanted to escape the battlefield.

However, hundreds of reinforcements have just arrived, with great momentum.

If they fled in embarrassment, what would the hundreds of disciples do?

After hesitating and tangling for a while, some deacons finally discussed a countermeasure.

"We have already fought a fight, everyone is injured, and the divine power is consumed very much.

Now that the reinforcements have arrived, let them go up first, and let's heal and adjust our breath for a while. "

Several deacons' orders were approved by more than one hundred surviving disciples.

Everyone retreated to the edge of the battlefield, observing the battlefield situation and healing their injuries.

These people are very cunning and have the same thoughts in their hearts.

If the reinforcements are strong enough to defeat Ji Tianxing and the others, then they will join the battle.

If the reinforcements are too weak, then they act on their own, ready to escape at any time.


After Ji Tianxing killed Sheng Wuyin, he teleported to Lin Xue's side.

He joined forces with Xue Lin and the God of Blood Illusory to deal with the two elders who survived.

The two elders were already seriously injured and their combat effectiveness weakened.

When he shot, he set the world with one punch.

The two elders only killed three moves~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The two elders were killed by him on the spot.

Not only was the body shattered, but the godhead was also blasted to pieces.

After solving the four elders, Ji Tianxing took Lin Xue and the Blood Illusory God Sovereign, and rushed to the last battlefield.

This battlefield has the largest number of people, the greatest momentum and movement.

A total of more than 700 disciples of the Holy Fire Sect, desperately besieged Zhenhong, Bailong and Jin Zuozhi and others.

Heilong and Qianyue also showed a hundred-mile-long real body, rushing fiercely in the night sky.

Originally, the two sides were fairly evenly matched.

But with the addition of Ji Tianxing, Lin Xue, and Blood Fantasy God Sovereign, the battle became a one-sided massacre.

Especially Ji Tianxing and Lin Xue, turned into two golden, blood-colored hurricanes of death, sweeping wantonly on the battlefield.

Wherever he went, all obstacles were shattered, really invincible!

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