Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3125: Upper god

When it comes to Sapphire Shrine, even Er's expression and eyes become more solemn.

Because he knows very well that this is the most important thing the prince cares about.

After all, that sapphire shrine is a relic of thousands of years ago.

After various investigations of the Great Yan Empire, a conclusion was drawn from numerous historical books and legends.

The owner of that ruin is probably...the sapphire **** king who came out of the arrogant Yan Empire thousands of years ago!

Although the Qingyu God King had long since disappeared, he did not know whether he lived in seclusion, or left the Tianbei region.

But it is an indisputable fact that the Qingyu God King was born in the Great Yan Empire and has lived in the Great Yan Empire for more than three thousand years.

All the forces of the Great Yan Empire believe that the Qing Jade Shrine is the cave mansion of the Qing Jade God King in the Great Yan Empire.

There must be hidden secret treasures!

Whether it is the king-level magic weapon and magical medicine, or the king-level magical powers and secrets, they are all supreme treasures.

Taking a step back, even if there are no such things in Qingyu Shrine.

Only the cultivation experience of the azure jade **** king, and the insight and experience of creating supernatural powers, is also the treasure that countless gods dream of.

Especially, those peak gods of the Nine Realms.

If you can refer to the cultivation experience and experience of the azure jade **** king, you will have a greater chance to break through the **** king realm!

It is conceivable that the appearance of the Qingyu Shrine caused a sensation in the Great Yan Empire!

Almost all the pinnacle gods and top forces are determined to explore the sapphire temple and get a share!

Even if the imperial family of the Great Yan Empire came forward and occupied the sapphire divine palace strongly, it would not be able to deter the major forces and the powerful.

Even the actions of Emperor Dayan caused public outrage.

Dozens of top forces from the empire and various divine kingdoms all united to resist the Great Yan imperial family.

In the end, as the situation intensified, Emperor Dayan could only choose to compromise and retreat in order to stabilize the situation.

Led by the Great Yan imperial family, cooperate with forty-nine top forces to jointly research and explore the Qingyu Shrine.

These fifty forces formed an alliance to keep secrets together and block the news of Qingyu Shrine.

All research and exploration activities are conducted in secret, and few people know it.

But it is a pity that the sapphire temple is too powerful and mysterious, and there are king-level gods everywhere.

Fifty powers have studied for nine years, and they have only cracked a few outer divine formations.

They haven't even seen the gate of the Sapphire Shrine.


Even the Hetian Sect behind the prince, as one of the major sects of the Great Yan Empire, is naturally within the fifty powers.

Therefore, he is bound to win the Sapphire Shrine.

He had fantasized more than once, after the gate of the Sapphire Shrine opened in the future.

He can certainly represent Hetianzong and enter the temple to explore the treasure.

If he can obtain a king-level divine tool, or the cultivation experience, experience and inheritance of the sapphire **** king, then he will have a greater certainty to break through the **** king realm.

Once he becomes the King of God, the entire history of the Great Yan Empire will be rewritten!

At that time, he will definitely kill the imperial capital, punish Emperor Dayan in public, and avenge his brother and mother!

The entire Great Flame Empire will also fall into his hands!

There is no doubt that Sapphire Shrine is his opportunity to avenge his hatred and seize the throne, and it is also his greatest opportunity in this life!

Lian Er bowed respectfully, and the sound transmission reported: "Prince Qi, the deputy suzerain heard news yesterday that there has been progress on the Qingyu Shrine.

The twelve forces joined forces to crack a king-level sacred formation outside the ruins.

They are one step closer to the gate of the shrine, and it is estimated that they will be able to reach the main gate of divine art in two or three years. "

Prince Lian nodded to express his understanding, and waved his hand: "The progress of the Qingyu Shrine is very slow, and it will not be effective in three to five years. There is no need to pay attention in the short term.

This king wants to solve the current problem first, so go down and pass the order! "

"Subordinates obey." Lian Er bowed, bent over and exited the secret room, sending the order.

It didn't take long for even the prince's order to be passed on to the nine sects and forces.

As a result, the various forces moved quickly and began to gather south to close the defensive circle.

Everyone knows that the little prince wants to complete the final encirclement outside the city of the raging flames, and give Tian Xing a fatal blow!


Tianhuo County, the scorching sun is in the sky.

A black **** ship with a hideous appearance is flying above the vast sea of ​​clouds, heading southward in a gallop.

This is Lin Xue's ship.

The left envoy of Jin and the right envoy of the blood dragon were still driving the divine ship and focused on them.

Twenty days have passed since the divine ship entered the territory of the Kingdom of Rage Flame.

During this period of time, Jin Zuoshi and Blood Dragon took turns to heal their injuries, and most of their injuries have recovered.

At this time, the two were talking in low voices.

"Blood dragon, the more I think about it, the more weird it becomes!

We are making such a big noise in the Burial Mountain Range, even the prince must be mad, right?

It stands to reason that he will surely assemble a heavy army to encircle us desperately, right?

However, since we entered the Kingdom of Rage Flame, we have been calm.

For twenty days, no one came to intercept us!

This is too evil, right? What exactly does Prince Lian want to do? "

Jin Zuoji frowned, with a puzzled look on his face.

The blood dragon right envoy thought for a moment, and said with a light smile: "Maybe we are on the road too fast, even the prince's people can't catch up with us? Or did we not find our trace?"

"Is it impossible?" Jin Zuoshi shook his head subconsciously, and said: "The speed of the godship is very fast, but even the prince has many forces, and there is always someone who can find us."

The blood dragon right envoy smiled and said: "It may be the destruction of the Holy Fire Sect and Canglang Palace, which hit Prince Lien too much, making him completely terrified and dare not deal with us anymore?

Or maybe, his injury suddenly deteriorated and his life lost? "

Envoy Jin Zuo glanced at him and said with a strange expression: "Are you serious?"

"Hehe..." The right envoy of the blood dragon chuckled slightly, and said: "Of course it is fake! What is the identity of the prince? How can you be hit by this setback?

I guess he must have been ashamed and mad after losing to Young Master Tianxing so many times.

Now that he has suffered a great loss and learned a lesson, he must not dare to make a move easily.

He may be plotting a bigger conspiracy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to gather the strongest force and give us a fatal blow! "

Envoy Jin Zuo quickly nodded in agreement: "Yes, I think so too!

Therefore, not only can we not relax our guard, we must be more vigilant..."

In the secret rooms of the divine ship, Lin Xue, Zhen Hong and others are still practicing and healing.

In Ji Tianxing's secret room, the tower is still on the stone table.

He sat under the blood flame **** tree in the twisted time and space of the **** tower to practice.

At this time, he was at the final moment of breaking through the Seventh Layer of God Sovereign Realm!

He was full of golden light, fluctuating with a mighty breath of divine power.

Nine hours later, he suddenly ignited a golden divine flame, transforming into a golden divine dragon and soaring into the sky.


With a thunderous loud noise, he finally broke through the shackles and obstacles, and successfully broke through to the seventh layer of the gods!

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