Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3144: Sword League

South of Yunyang City.

About fifty thousand miles away, there are endless mountains.

Hundreds of branches eventually gathered in the depths of the mountains, in the most majestic Yunyang Mountains.

This mountain range is three thousand meters high and stretches for millions of miles from east to west.

In Yunyang County, this is the largest dragon vein and a sacred place for cultivation where divine power gathers.

The fourth-ranked Shendao League in the Kingdom of God, Shanmen is located on this dragon vein.

On a gently undulating hillside, there are row upon row of houses and houses.

Hundreds of houses and courtyards extend all the way to the top of the mountain.

On the cloud-shrouded mountain top, there is a flat land with a radius of two hundred miles.

There are countless palace buildings standing here, a group of glorious images, full of sacred and solemnity.

This is the mountain gate of the Magic Blade League, where the headquarters has lasted for nearly ten thousand years.

In the past, this was a shrine to Shinto, and I don’t know how many protoss worshipped and worshipped.

But now, the magnificent palace buildings are still there, but the sacred and majestic momentum is gone.

One after another, the disciples of the Divine Sabre League, under the leadership of the Deacon Heizhao, boarded the divine ships.

With a heart of grief and anger, everyone left the League of Magic Swords on the Divine Ship.

Not only thousands of disciples, but also tens of thousands of servants and handymen, were also carried away by divine ships.

Of course, many disciples and servants packed up their belongings and wealth before leaving.

Although, the elder and leader of the sect did not explain why.

It just said that it was a temporary transfer and took the disciples to some place to experience.

But everyone got the news and knew it well.

This is to abandon the Shanmen headquarters, flee to other places, and take refuge!

All because the demon named Tianxing is about to kill the magic sword league!

The dignified Sword League, the fourth largest sect in the Kingdom of God, a powerful force like a giant, was actually forced to this step by a kid from another country!

This is simply a shame!

Therefore, many disciples left with sadness and humiliation.

Many disciples who are full of energy are thinking in their hearts.

It's best if the sky doesn't come. If they really come to the Shendao League to kill people, they will fight to death.

I would rather have thousands of disciples killed in battle, and have to squeeze the sky to cushion your back, at least not to fall into the reputation of the Shendao League!


Seeing that in just half an hour, more than a dozen divine ships had taken off.

Bailong, who had been hiding in the nearby mountains and observing the situation in secret, became more and more anxious.

"Damn it, these cowards, who were greedy for life and fear of death, of the Shendao League escaped directly?

These **** would rather bear the humiliation and be dogs for even the prince.

If they publicly announced that they would no longer serve Prince Lien, would Master forgive them? "

Bai Long also understood that no matter how much the Shendao League feared Master, it was impossible to publicly announce its separation from Prince Lien.

But the Magic Blade League is destined to be eradicated by the Master for the service of Prince Lien.

Otherwise, the Magic Sword Alliance will become a sharp blade in the hands of the Prince Lien, taking their lives.

"Master, master, come hurry up.

If half an hour later, the cowards of the Sword Alliance would have escaped! "

Bai Long muttered to himself.

Zhen Hong, who was hiding not far away, heard his voice and said in a voice transmission: "The son has his own plans and arrangements, what are you worried about?

Stop speaking out, if we are found out, we will have to hurt the son again to save us. "

Bai Long rolled his eyes and said disdainfully: "Just rely on the cowards of the Sword Alliance? They can't escape now, so how can they dare to deal with us?"

As soon as his voice fell, a familiar voice rang in his ears.

"It is humiliating for the Shendao League to do so, but it is also wise.

If you think that the leader of the magic sword is a coward, then you are quite wrong. "

Suddenly hearing this voice, Bai Long was overjoyed.

Turning around and looking around, he saw the familiar figure standing a hundred steps behind him.

It is Ji Tianxing!

In the woods behind him, Lin Xue, Blood Illusory God Sovereign and Jin Zuozhu were also present.

Bailong hurriedly greeted him, bowed and saluted, and reported the situation.

"Master, the people of the Shendao League made up their minds to escape.

When the disciples came here, the disciples of the Shendao League packed up their clothes and gathered in the square.

Half an hour ago, they began to board the godship and left here one after another.

Fifteen divine ships have now left, and probably more than 3,000 people have been taken away.

There are still thousands of people in the Magic Blade League, and they have not had time to escape. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and asked, "Apart from the disciples and servants of the Sword League, have you ever seen the elders and leaders of the Sword League?"

"This..." Bai Long hesitated, and after thinking about it for a long time, he shook his head and replied: "I didn't see it, it may be because of the low strength of the disciple..."

Before he finished speaking, Ji Tianxing waved his hand and interrupted: "It's not your low strength, but the elder and leader of the Divine Sabre League, who have fled here long ago.

Not only that, they mostly took away the elite main force of the Shendao League.

Those who stayed in the Magic Blade League and boarded the Godship to escape one after another were just ordinary disciples and lowly handymen. "

"This... The Magic Blade League is so cunning, is it to fight us hard?" Bai Long frowned fiercely, revealing a trace of disappointment and anger.

Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "Although the Shendao League fears us, they are even more afraid of Prince Lien.

Or, they trust and rely more on Prince Lien.

Maybe ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Lord of the Swordsman still imagined that through this action, he could make a contribution and get the reward and promotion of Prince Lien. "

Lin Xue was not interested in these questions, holding the demon sword in her hand, pointing at the gate of the magic sword alliance not far away, and asked: "Then what shall we do now? Those little trash fishes, kill or not?"

Ji Tianxing expression calmly said: "Although, the main force and elite of the Shendao League have escaped, it is useless to kill those miscellaneous fish.

But we must do nothing less, we must destroy the gate of the Shendao League as a warning!

Before we intercept the main force of the Sword Alliance, as long as the Sword Alliance leader declares a break with Prince Lien, there is still a chance to survive. "

Lin Xue was relieved immediately, carrying the demon sword and flew towards the gate of the Shendao League.

"It's pretty much the same! Otherwise, we'll run in vain and lose face?"

When her words fell, the person had turned into a **** light and flew over the magic sword league.

"Heaven's Fury and Blood Slash!"

Holding the demon knife in both hands, she burst into the sky with blood, and in a state of opening up the world, she cut out a huge **** blade that was thousands of feet long.

Suddenly, the entire Magic Blade League was shrouded in dazzling blood.


With a loud bang, the guardian formation of the Shendao League started.

A multicolored mask with a radius of two hundred li blocked the huge blood blade.

The blood blade collapsed and exploded into thousands of **** fragments.

The colorful mask also trembled, bursting out strong divine power fluctuations.

Such a huge movement immediately shocked thousands of disciples and servants.

Countless people were panicked, screaming and shouting in anger and panic.

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