Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3151: The weak make the choice

In the end, this earth-shattering battle lasted for nearly half an hour, and finally came to an end.

People from the five major sects were the first to die, and almost all the elders and guardians died.

The few remaining leaders were also covered in blood, embarrassed and miserable, and their combat effectiveness dropped sharply.

At this time, they were still a thousand miles away from the edge of the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation.

In such a situation, several heads were completely desperate.

They know that there is no hope of breaking through in this life.

Now they are at the end of the fight, and if they want to save their lives, there is only one way to go.

That is to converge with the powerhouses of the Shendao League and Wanliu Sect, fight together to the end, or desperately break through.

However, when they saw the situation of Shendao League and Wan Liuzong, they were cold from head to toe.

Just because the people of the Shendao League and Wan Liuzong suffered heavy casualties.

Almost all the middle gods were killed.

There are only a few people who are still fighting in blood, but it is also a battle between trapped beasts.

Among them are the left and right guardians of the sword Qianqiu and the Shendao League, the Sect Master Wanliu and the Deputy Sect Master.

These five powerhouses are all high-ranking gods, and it is difficult to kill them in a short period of time only by relying on the Heavenly Sword Array.

Ji Tianxing is alone, no matter how strong he is, it is impossible to kill them quickly.

The situation has temporarily fallen into a stalemate.

But overall, Ji Tianxing still has the advantage.

Not only was he unscathed, his combat effectiveness was also at its peak, and his divine power was still abundant.

It's like, he will never be injured, not tired, and invincible!

Such a strong performance made Dao Qianqiu, Sect Master Wanliu and others completely desperate and helpless.

"My God... how can this world be like a perverted guy?"

"Fighting for so long, even if it is an iron fight, it will be full of pits.

What kind of monster is he, why is he not hurt at all, and his combat effectiveness is still so strong? "

"Until this moment, I finally understand why the little prince calls him the enemy of fate."

"This lesson has taught us that we should never underestimate the enemy, especially the enemy with far-reaching reputation.

Unfortunately, when we understand this lesson, it is too late! "

"If time can go back, even if I betray the little prince, I will never participate in the interception!"

"Hehehehe... We are all treated as cannon fodder by the little prince, and we are destined to die here today!"

The feelings of the heads and the sect masters are similar, gloomy and hopeless.

They were all afraid and regretted.

If they can choose again, they would rather betray the Prince Lien, and never follow the order and participate in this decisive battle.

But they also know that it is too late to say anything now.

People make mistakes throughout their lives, and they must pay for their mistakes and cannot escape.

This is the end of the matter, and anything else is useless.

Only by doing the last bit of effort and draining the last drop of blood can you win the slim chance of survival.

Thinking of this, Dao Qianqiu and Sect Master Wanliu came to the heart with grief, and couldn't help but shout: "Since you have chosen the decisive battle to the end, then you will never look back until you die!"

"Life cannot be repeated, regret is useless, only fight to the end!"

After shouting, the two took the left and right guardians and the deputy suzerain, and launched the final charge to Ji Tianxing.

At the same time, the heads and sect masters of the five major sects also rushed forward desperately.

"Senior Dao! Senior Fall! I am waiting to fight side by side with you and fight to the end!"

"Two seniors, let's help you!"

The heads of the five major sects all shouted like Hong Zhong, waving their swords to kill Xiang Ji Tianxing.

Seeing this reaction from the heads of the five major sects, Dao Qianqiu and Luo Liushui were not excited, but showed a contemptuous smile.

"A group of mobs, what do they want to do if they fail to escape?"

"A stupid fool! Didn't you try to break through before?

how? Think of us when the breakout fails? "

Anyway, life and death are at stake, and they will soon die. Dao Qianqiu and Luo Liushui did not show mercy, and directly ridiculed and criticized them.

The faces of the five heads were very ugly, blue and red, shameless.

But at the juncture of life and death, the five did not dare to be angry with the sword and the falling water, they could only explain.

"Don't blame the two seniors, we were also confused for a while before we made a big mistake.

Now that the sheep are dead, I hope it is not too late. "

"Since there is no way to survive, we can only fight to the death, willing to fight side by side with the two seniors!

I hope we can slay the evil thief Tian Xing in one effort and complete the task entrusted by the little prince! "

The five heads found themselves to step down, and Dao Qianqiu and Luo Liushui no longer pursue them.

In fact, they took the left and right guardian and deputy suzerain, and they almost had no chance to break through.

With the help of the five heads, at least the strength will be much stronger, and there will be more opportunities.

As a result, ten high-ranking gods gathered together and worked together to besiege Ji Tianxing.

However, Lin Xue, Blood Fantasy God Sovereign, and Bai Long also rushed over.

Ten high-ranking gods besieged Ji Tianxing, and they were on the periphery, harassing and attacking those gods.

Even if you can't kill those high-ranking gods, it can still play a role in dragging, greatly reducing the pressure on Ji Tianxing.

This is the final battle tonight.

At the same time, it is also the life and death battle of the seven major sects.

The seven heads and ten high-ranking gods do everything they can to fight with Ji Tianxing and others.

But it is a pity that the arm never twists the thigh.

The strength gap lies there, and it is by no means courage and fighting spirit can change.

Thirty breaths later, the head of the Feihong faction was killed by Ji Tianxing and died tragically under the Heaven Burying Sword.

After fifty breaths, the right guardian of the Shendao League was killed, and the **** body and godhead collapsed.

After a hundred breaths of time passed, the Zuo Guardian of the Shendao League and the Sect Master of the Azure Thunder Sect were also bombarded and killed by Ji Tianxing.

As time passed, ten high-ranking gods were killed one after another, and the number continued to decrease.

Half a quarter of an hour later, all five heads were killed.

Two of them died under the siege of Lin Xue, Blood Fantasy God Monarch and others.

Only Dao Qianqiu and Luo Liushui survived to the end.

Of course, they were also scarred, with stumps and arms, and their combat effectiveness was extremely weak.

Dao Qianqiu was still domineering, knowing that he was bound to die, he blew himself up, and wanted to die with Ji Tianxing.

However, Luo Liushui still had a fluke, and instead of blew himself up, he avoided it in panic.

At the critical moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ji Tianxing used his unique magical powers to kill Dao Qianqiu with one move to the world and interrupted his self-destruction.

Of the ten high-ranking gods, only Liu Liushui is still alive.

Not only did he not blew himself up, he also cried out a truce to surrender and be loyal to Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing refused on the spot and did not need to be captured.

Luo Liushui said firmly, "No! That old guy Nie Feiyun is not dead, he must give up and rely on you.

If you can forgive him, why can't you forgive me?

As long as you spare my life, I will be able to play a greater role and help you more than Nie Feiyun! "

"You are very sincere, but you don't need it, goodbye!" Ji Tianxing didn't even think about it, and directly swung the Heaven Burying Sword to kill him!

So far, the seven sects have been wiped out!

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