Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3152: You are already surrounded

Luo Liushui's identity, status and fame were all one level higher than Nie Feiyun.

If it wasn't for the moment of life and death, how could he have a proud head underneath?

Even to survive, he surrendered to Ji Tianxing.

Who can guarantee how sincere he is?

After saving his life, the hatred and humiliation in his heart attacked, and he would probably wait for opportunities to retaliate.

After all, he is the suzerain of the dignified Wanliu Sect, the top figure in the raging kingdom of God, how can he swallow this bad breath?

Although, Luo Liushui had more news and secrets than Nie Feiyun.

But after comprehensive consideration, Ji Tianxing decided that one thing is worse than one thing less.

Kill Liu Liushui on the spot to prevent future troubles.

Anyway, even the nine major sects under the prince's command were destroyed.

The only people he can use today are those of Hetianzong, the people who split the rudder, and the powerhouse of the royal family.

Ji Tianxing's next goal is to point his sword at Wangcheng and kill Prince Lien!

Of course, it would be great if he could extract the secrets of the Great Yan Empire from Prince Lien and the news about the Vast Sky Continent and the God Emperor Shura.

The fighting is over, and the world returns to peace.

When it was early morning, the morning sun had already risen.

Although, the record of Ji Tianxing and others is amazing, enough to shock Rage Flame God Kingdom.

But Lin Xue, Xue Huan, Bai Long and others all suffered serious injuries, and their bodies were covered with wounds and blood stains.

While resting, everyone cleaned the battlefield and packed up the spoils.

The battlefield with a radius of 2,000 miles was originally a rolling mountain range, full of ravines and deep valleys.

Now, all was razed to the ground, and the middle area was deeply sunken.

In a few years, this battlefield will be filled with water and it will become a huge lake in the vast mountains.

The people who participated in the war this time were the main force and strong of the seven major factions, with excellent equipment and elite strength.

Moreover, the previous seven sects evacuated ahead of schedule, all of which moved away from the treasure house.

Most of the cultivation resources and treasures are carried by the heads, guardians and elders, and stored in the space ring.

As a result, the spoils gained this time were the most exciting and exciting for Lin Xue and others.

Everyone found nearly two thousand spatial rings on the battlefield, and more than one thousand sets of magic weapons that could be used.

Open a few space rings at will, it is a dazzling collection.

All kinds of sacred stones, sacred pills, sacred materials and rare treasures are dizzying.

The disciples of the Celestial Divine Realm of each denomination often have millions in their possessions.

The disciples of the Shendao League and Wanliu Sect were more wealthy, and their belongings were worth tens of millions.

As for the deacons of each denomination, the resources stored in the space ring are worth over 100 million.

As for the elders of the middle gods, the protectors and suzerains of the upper gods, the wealth in the space ring is incalculable.

All of them have cultivating resources worth billions of dollars, as well as all kinds of invaluable magical treasures.

Roughly estimated, the total value of the spoils harvested by everyone exceeds 100 billion!

Such a huge amount of wealth is already comparable to Ji Tianxing's savings.

Lin Xue, Blood Illusory God Sovereign and Jin Zuoshi and others have never seen such a huge amount of resources and treasures in this life.

Everyone was in high spirits, cheering and wondering from time to time.

Lin Xue said with emotion, "If my elder mother swallows over 100 billion worth of cultivation resources and treasures, she won't have to worry about cultivation resources in this life."

Of course, she was just talking, and she wouldn't really have the idea of ​​monopolizing.

Xue Huan, Jin Zuo Shi, Zhen Hong and others also understood that she was simply sighing and shocked.

After all, they had the same idea and were shocked.

After a quarter of an hour, everyone cleaned the battlefield and counted the gains.

There are a total of two thousand and dozens of space rings, more than 1,200 sets of artifacts and equipment, and more than one hundred pieces of the gods of the strong.

Everyone gave these trophies to Ji Tianxing's hands.

Ji Tianxing is not only the leader of the crowd, but also the core of this battle.

Most of the middle and upper gods were killed by him.

Most of the more than 2,000 disciples of the seven major sects were also killed by the Heavenly Sword Formation.

It can be said that about 2,000 people of the seven major sects were killed by him in about 70%!

Therefore, the spoils must be distributed to him.

Everyone felt that even if Ji Tianxing won 90% of the spoils, it would be fair to allocate only 10% of the resources to everyone.

However, Ji Tianxing obviously doesn't think so.

He only needs more than a hundred pieces of the godhead, and the space ring of the seven sect masters and heads.

The remaining two thousand space rings, more than one thousand sets of equipment, and things worth six to seventy billion sacred stones were distributed to everyone.

"The battle last night was extremely dangerous. Everyone fought hard to the end and worked hard.

These trophies have not been sorted out, and they will be distributed to everyone after they are sorted. "

After speaking, Ji Tianxing put away the spoils first.

After taking the time to organize, we will distribute it to everyone.

Everyone has no objection.

Lin Xue sacrificed the godship, and everyone was about to leave.

But at this moment, a dazzling divine light lit up in the direction of Sirius City.

A group of elite warriors wearing armor and holding swords and halberds appeared thousands of miles away from the crowd, and rushed forward quickly.

Facing such a sudden situation, everyone frowned and watched vigilantly.

I saw that there were thousands of people in that group, all wearing standard black armor and covered helmets, in a murderous posture.

At the forefront of the team, there is a middle-ranked prince wearing a golden armor and a dark red cloak, dressed as a general and commander.

Behind this person, there are ten lower gods wearing silver armors and sabers hanging on their waists. It seems that their official positions are not low.

As for the thousands of fighters, they were all masters of the Heavenly God Realm, with strength ranging from four to eight.

Ji Tianxing and others knew at a glance that these people were not sectarian forces.

More like the guards of a certain city, or a team from a military camp.

As the group of people came from the direction of Sirius, Ji Tianxing frowned and muttered: "Could it be the city guards of Sirius? They are also coming to the muddy water?"

In a short while~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the thousand-man team came to the front.

When there was still a hundred miles away from everyone, the team of thousands of people dispersed, forming a huge encirclement, surrounding Ji Tianxing and others.

The headed General Jinjiao shouted coldly and solemnly: "Who Xiaoxiao, dare to slaughter the people wantonly outside Sirius City without giving the head absolution?"

Several lower gods wearing silver armors also roared murderously, increasing their momentum.

"Foreign thief, this place is under the jurisdiction of Sirius City, dare to make chaos here, a dead end!"

"We are the Sirius City Guards. We are now ordered by the city lord to arrest the villains who committed the disturbance!"

"You cruel and bloodthirsty thugs, do you want to catch them without your hands?"

"Damn villains, you are already surrounded, don't want to escape!"

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