Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3180: Da Yan does not welcome him

Great Yan Empire.

This is a super kingdom with vast territory and abundant resources.

At the same time, it is also the northernmost empire in the Tianbei Region.

Since the establishment of the Great Yan Empire, it has a history of tens of thousands of years, and it can be described as extremely strong.

Under his command, there are 18 affiliated kingdoms of God, which govern hundreds of billions of people of the gods.

The Great Yan Empire lives in the middle, and the eighteen kingdoms of God are clustered around, forming a guarding force.

As for the territory of the Great Yan Empire, it was about five times that of the Kingdom of Blood and Flame, and more than four times that of the Kingdom of Rage and Flame.

Since its development, the Great Yan Empire has 78 counties, thousands of main cities, and tens of thousands of important towns.

The Yan clan ruling the empire has been inherited for more than 50,000 years and is a veritable ancient noble.

Yan's bloodline is very noble and powerful, and can reach the highest grade of the king in terms of grade, very close to the quasi-king grade.

As long as they are descendants of the Yan family, as long as they have no birth defects, and have normal aptitude and understanding, they can basically become high-ranking gods.

Even some geniuses with outstanding talents still have a glimmer of hope to become the king of the world.

Unfortunately, since ancient times, the Yan family has only seen one **** king.

That was more than 40,000 years ago, and the strong **** king has long disappeared without a trace.

Since the establishment of the Great Yan Empire, starting with the first emperor, the Yan family has had one biggest goal.

That is to cultivate a **** king!

Only in this way can we lead the Great Yan Empire to its peak, crush other empires, and be proud of the Northern Territory.

However, this wish has never been realized.

For thirty thousand years, the Yan clan has never seen a strong **** king.

The most powerful, but also the previous emperors, have reached the limit of the gods, only one step away from the gods.

But that one step away is like a moat that cannot be crossed.

The previous emperors, after passing the throne, concentrated on practicing in retreat, striving to attack the Divine King Realm.

However, there are three old emperors who have practiced for thousands of years, and they have never been able to break through.

They lost the patience to practice in retreat, left the Great Yan Empire, and began to travel the Vast Sky Continent, looking for opportunities for breakthrough.

I don't know if they succeeded, or they died outside.

In short, the few old emperors had no news.

So far, there is only the last emperor, who has remained in the empire and has been in retreat.

The last emperor was the father of the present Emperor Dayan, and he was honored as the Supreme Emperor.

The last emperor was the grandfather of Emperor Dayan and was honored as the ancestor.

Under these two strongest men, the Great Yan Empire also recruited talents, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and I don't know how many top high-ranking gods were recruited.

Even the young Great Yan Emperor was the high-ranking **** of the Ninth Stage, and his strength was a bit stronger than that of the Prince Lien.

At this moment.

The Great Yan Emperor Capital, which occupies a thousand li, is shrouded in the dark night with brilliant lights.

The Great Yan Emperor is extremely prosperous and prosperous, with more than 15 million people of the Protoss.

Even in the middle of the night, the lights in the imperial capital are brilliant, and the streets are dazzling.

Therefore, the Great Yan Emperor is called the city that never sleeps.

It is also a place of pilgrimage for the surrounding eighteen kingdoms of gods, and the highest Shinto shrine.

At this time, the palace of the Great Yan Emperor's Capital was still magnificent, extremely splendid and noble.

In the depths of the imperial palace, in a noble and luxurious wide study.

A young man wearing a golden dragon robe with five claws and a crown of nine dragons facing the sky was sitting behind the desk of Shenyu, closing his eyes and resting.

This dark red, tall and burly young man with royal majesty and domineering, is the contemporary helm of the Yan family.

The contemporary emperor of the Great Yan Empire, Yan Yongning.

On the desk in front of him, hundreds of memorials and jade slips piled up into a hill, and countless imperial affairs were waiting for him to deal with.

It seemed that he was tired and tired, so he closed his eyes and rested for a while.

But in fact, he is a **** of the Ninth Realm, even if he doesn't eat or drink or rest for a hundred years, there is no problem.

At this time, he was listening to a black robe man reporting news.

This middle-aged man in a black robe, covered in black mist, couldn't see his true face, and looked extremely mysterious.

Moreover, the strength of this person has reached the ninth level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, and his background is stronger than that of the Great Yan Emperor.

This is the commandership of "Black Yan" and one of the most important henchmen of Emperor Dayan.

Because Heiyan is an intelligence organization of the Dayan imperial family, which is specifically responsible for inquiring and monitoring the news and movements of the Eighteen Kingdoms of God.

The Heiyan Governor bowed respectfully and said in a low tone: "Your Majesty, the subordinates have sent people to check repeatedly, and the news from the two kingdoms of Blood Flame and Fury is indeed true.

That alien young man named Tian Xing went all the way south from the Kingdom of Blood and Flame. He was unstoppable, repeatedly creating miracles, and his record was very exaggerated.

Now, that person has left the city of the King of Fury and is coming towards the border of the empire. It should be about to enter the empire. "

Heiyan Governor reported a lot of news before, and these few words are just a final summary.

Emperor Dayan was silent for a moment, and declined to comment on this, but he asked: "Where is the old eight? He was defeated so miserably, he should escape like a mourning dog?"

The old eight he said refers to the eighth prince, which is now the prince Lien.

Heiyan Governor said in a calm tone: "Prince Lien left the City of Rage Flame on the night of the decisive battle and returned to the Empire.

Just last night, he returned to the empire with his entourage and confidant.

According to a report by the frontier's eyeliner, the direction of the prince's journey is not like returning to the imperial capital, but more like going to Hetianzong. "

Emperor Dayan sneered immediately: "Ha ha ha... no matter how big the emperor is, where is his home?

Although the Eighth Prince's Mansion was there, it was dusted and turned into an abandoned house. How could he come back?

Now he, besides the mountain gate of Hetianzong, where else can he go? "

The Heiyan Governor did not comment on this, nor did he answer any words, but calmly asked, "Your Majesty, please make a decision. What should I do with Prince Lien?"

Emperor Dayan leaned on the big jade chair with a joking sneer and said, "The old man is so embarrassed that he is defeated, so let him hide for a few years.

He is still too tender. He thinks he is acting concealed, but how can he escape my eyes?

When I sent him to the Kingdom of Blood Flame, I guessed that he was hiding evil intentions and plotting revenge.

He wooed the forces in the major kingdoms ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to form a team, and I pretended not to know it and turned a blind eye.

After all, those forces still can't be on the stage and threaten me.

I have just ascended the throne and just killed the fourth and their mother. If we deal with the eighth, the people of the world will surely let the people in the world scold me for being unkind and cold-blooded.

Unexpectedly, an alien youth named Tian Xing suddenly appeared and clashed with Lao Ba.

Moreover, that alien boy was so brave that he actually destroyed the power of the old eight and made him so embarrassed.

Speaking of it, I have to thank the alien kid for eradicating the old eight's power for me..."

The Heiyan Governor understood the emperor's meaning, and asked: "That alien boy, what is your Majesty's plan to do?"

The Great Yan Emperor frowned, and said solemnly, "It won't be possible to deal with it, but the Great Yan Empire does not welcome him!"

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