Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3182: Yunwuguan

Chapter 3181 Yunwu Pass

Princess Yanwu thought that Ji Tianxing had other intentions.

Either rob money or kill.

After all, this person is called a killer.

Princess Yanwu will naturally think of something related to murder.

Who knows, Ji Tianxing's request is so simple, just to borrow the teleportation array.

When he heard these words, Princess Yanwu relaxed himself, and his hanging heart fell back into his stomach.

He let out a long sigh, with a smile on his face, and said with a polite smile: "Ahaha... it turned out to be this thing, I thought it was something else.

Lord Tianxing, don't worry, how could I not help with such a small matter?

Do you use it now, or when?

Otherwise, it’s the first time you come to Yanwu County. As the host, I have to do my best to entertain you..."

This last sentence is of course a pointless polite remark.

The true thoughts in the heart of Princess Rock Witch, wishing this killer **** to leave quickly, how dare to delay with him?

But he couldn't show it, trembling when facing Ji Tianxing, very cautious.

Fortunately, Ji Tianxing's answer relieved him again.

"Don't delay, I will leave now."

Princess Yanwu finally confirmed that Ji Tianxing had only this request and no other purpose, so he was completely relieved.

He did not hesitate to open the door of the secret room and walked out of the secret room with Ji Tian.

"Lord Tianxing, please come with me."

Afterwards, the two passed through the dark passage, entered the center of the underground palace, and entered a wide hall.

There are eight lower gods guarding the hall around, all staying in their own secret rooms to practice.

Once someone approached the hall, the eight gods all woke up.

Although they didn't know Ji Tianxing, they saw Princess Yanwu taking Ji Tianxing into the hall, and stayed in the secret room without moving.

There was silence in the gloomy hall, only a large array on the ground in the middle.

Princess Rock Witch walked into the big formation and cast a spell himself to activate the **** formation.

Soon, a white light gate measuring more than ten feet high appeared in the middle of the array.

Princess Yanwu finished casting the spell, bowed to Ji Tianxing, and said, "Master Tianxing, the teleportation array has been opened, and you can reach Xiangliu City on the border."

Ji Tianxing nodded, stepped into the big formation, and walked into the portal of teleportation light.


The white light flashed, and Ji Tianxing's figure disappeared in the light gate.

Seeing him really leaving, Princess Yanwu's tense nerves relaxed, and he let out a long sigh, and wiped the cold from his forehead.

"Huh... Fortunately, this killer is just borrowing the teleportation array, and has no other purpose, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Muttered, he began to close the teleportation array.

When leaving the hall, he muttered to himself again: "Although the strength of this killing **** is unfathomable, his disposition does not seem to be as cruel as the rumors?"


From Yanwu County City to Xiangliu City on the border, there are tens of millions of miles away.

With Ji Tianxing's speed, it would take at least three days to reach it.

However, by teleporting the divine formation, he arrived in just one breath.

When he appeared in Xiangliucheng, he stood in an underground palace.

Hundreds of guards guarded the palace, as well as a lower god.

Everyone was stunned when they saw Ji Tianxing's sudden appearance, and then they gathered around.

They clenched their swords vigilantly, and stared at Ji Tianxing.

Once Ji Tianxing showed hostility and murder, they would do it without hesitation.

If Ji Tianxing showed timidity, fear, and guilty conscience, they would also surround him and capture Ji Tianxing.

However, Ji Tianxing ignored everyone and left the underground palace blankly.

He used the teleport technique, and his figure left Xiangliucheng in a flash and continued to fly south.

The hundreds of guards in the underground palace looked at each other and were full of doubts.

A captain of the guard courageously asked the lower god: "Master, who is the alien kid just now? Why don't we stop him and question him?"

The next **** glared at him and shouted coldly: "Have you got water in your mind? That man's strength is unfathomable, do you want to die?

What's more, he came from Yanwu County. He must have been approved by the county lord, so why bother to question? "

The captain of the guard shrank his neck and quickly apologized.


Before long, Ji Tianxing left Yanwu County.

Three days later, he arrived at the county seat of Kushinan County.

This time he followed the law and broke into the princess mansion quietly to borrow the teleportation array.

Surprisingly, the princess was not in the mansion, so he didn't know where to do the errand.

The person with the highest status in the princess's mansion is the princess's son, a frivolous and frivolous dude.

Ji Tianxing took a little trick and captured the son of the princess, scared him almost to pee his pants.

He didn't even give his name, and the son of the princess was so frightened that he begged for mercy and promised to open the teleportation formation for him.

This is even simpler. Ji Tianxing carried the son of the princess into the underground hall.

The son of the princess ordered the guards guarding the altar to open the teleportation array as quickly as possible.

After a while, the Teleportation Array was opened, and Ji Tianxing released the son of the princess and left.

In this way, he quickly left Kushinan County and continued to rush south.

In the next few days, he passed through several counties one after another, using the same method.

The princesses of all counties were shocked by his prestige, and they didn't even dare to resist or call for help.

Several princesses were very wise to open the teleportation formation and sent him away.

Unconsciously, ten days passed.

In the middle of the night of the tenth day, Ji Tianxing finally left the Kingdom of Fury and set foot on the border of the Great Yan Empire.

What appeared in front of him was the boundless mountain range.

One after another giant peaks up to more than two thousand feet tall stand on the ground, and are shrouded in clouds and mist halfway up the mountain.

This is the border between the Kingdom of Fury and the Great Yan Empire, the famous Cloud Mountain Range.

Five hundred miles away in front of Ji Tianxing, is Xiongguan, Yunwuguan, on the northern border of the Great Yan Empire.

Hundreds of thousands of frontier defense troops are stationed there~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are guarded by the upper gods.

Ji Tianxing flew into the sky without hurries and rushed towards Yunwuguan.

On the way, he was still thinking to himself: "Even the prince escaping from the Kingdom of Rage and Flame, should be the same as me, using the teleportation formations of the counties and cities.

He only left more than an hour earlier than me, and I didn't delay time, it should be not far from him.

With his mentality, he managed to escape from the Kingdom of Fury and finally entered the Great Flame Empire, and he would definitely relax.

Yunwuguan is guarded by a large army and a high-ranking **** is in charge, which is very safe.

He will probably escape into the Yunwu Pass, and then use the Yunwu Pass's teleportation array to return to the Great Yan Empire.

I have to go to Yunwuguan to investigate. If he hasn't left yet, that would be great!

Even if he has left Yunwu Pass, I can find out which direction he has gone. "

(End of this chapter)

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