Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3199: Don't know me?

"Humph! Are you talking about it, why don't my old mother understand?"

Of course Lin Xue was not convinced, her tone a little depressed.

Ji Tianxing didn't explain to her, he just said with a chuckle.

"Try to figure it out for yourself."

Lin Xue was even more depressed, but she couldn't ask him the reason anymore, so as not to be laughed at.

She fell into silence, wondering to herself why.


Ji Tianxing walked towards the square in the middle of the imperial city along the avenue lined with fire phoenix trees on both sides.

The speed of the news spread far faster than he walked.

Along the way, the people of the Protoss on the road shunned him and ran away.

Countless people knew that there was a war under the city gate.

An alien youth in a white robe and black hair smashed hundreds of city guards and broke into the imperial city swaggeringly.

Although everyone believed that the bold guy would soon be taken by the Guards.

But the guards hadn't arrived yet, and everyone didn't dare to get too close to Ji Tianxing.

In case of a catastrophe, Ji Tianxing casually killed him, it would be too wrong to die!

However, many Protoss people retreated to both sides of the avenue, hiding under the big tree, in the house and palace.

Seeing Ji Tianxing walking indifferently, there was no sign of slaughter, everyone was relieved.

They hid in the dark observing Ji Tianxing, whispering talking.

"Who is that guy? Why do you want to trespass into the imperial city?"

"Even a three-year-old child knows that it is an unforgivable crime to attack the city guard and force the city gate... Is that guy tired of life?"

"Looking at his appearance and temperament, he is also very strong, doesn't he look like a lunatic?"

"Does that guy believe in his strength and want to openly provoke the majesty of the royal family?"

"Ha ha ha... Since ancient times, people or forces who dared to oppose the royal family have been killed no matter how powerful they are."

"He is alone in his family and dare to provoke the royal family? Isn't that a mayfly shaking a tree and a man's arm as a car?"

"Look! Look, everyone, the city guards and imperial guards are here!"

Suddenly, someone in the crowd let out a shout of joy.

Suddenly, countless people looked towards the center of the city.

I only saw that there was a dazzling group of colorful lights in the sky, flying fast.

In that group of huge colorful divine light, there are hundreds of elite masters wearing dark red armor and holding swords and halberds.

There are a total of four hundred red armor masters, all of whom are above the eighth level of the Heavenly God Realm, and are well-trained, exuding an aura of iron and blood.

Such an eye-catching attire, such a special look and aura, are the guards of the Great Yan imperial family!

And the other side.

To the southeast of the imperial city, there is also a group of dazzling multicolored lights, rushing like lightning.

That group of divine light is like a cloud, in which there are thousands of figures, all of them are masters wearing black armor and holding swords.

The strength of these black armored fighters is above the sixth level of the Heavenly God Realm.

Among the strong in the team, there are ten leaders of the first and second levels of the gods, and a leader of the fifth level of the gods!

Seeing this scene, the Protoss people on both sides of the avenue all exclaimed, showing excitement and expectation.

"Wow! The Imperial Guard and the City Guard are dispatched together! It seems that the situation is very serious!"

"There are so many city guards and imperial guards, that kid is dead!"

"Hey... Since that kid forcibly broke through the city gate, he has been a dead man."

"You said, will the city guards or the imperial guards take action later?"

"Although the Imperial Guard directly belongs to His Majesty the Emperor, its status is even higher.

But the kid rushed through the gate and hit the city guard in the face. The city guard must save his face and take the lead, right? "

"There's a good show to watch now! I don't know, how long can that kid last under the siege of the city guard?"

"I bet ten interest time!"

"I think three breaths time is enough!"

"Hahaha...I bet they can't fight, that kid will surrender in fright before the city guards do it!"

Thousands of Protoss people gathered on both sides of the road.

Everyone whispered, a gesture of gloating and watching the show, and the atmosphere was a bit cheerful.

Soon, the Janissaries were the first to arrive.


The group of colorful lights flew in front of Ji Tianxing and stopped in the sky, blocking his way.

Four commanders of the Imperial Guard, wearing dark red armor and purple cloaks, stood at the front of the team, staring at Ji Tianxing with cold eyes.

The four hundred imperial guards all clenched their halberds and arranged a defensive formation in the sky, watching Ji Tianxing vigilantly.

An invisible atmosphere of killing spread across the sky.

Everyone could see that the expressions of these imperial guards were solemn and solemn, as if they were approaching a major enemy.

The people of the Protoss around, vaguely felt something was wrong, and they all talked in secret.

"What's the matter? The guards are not usually very arrogant, are they high above?"

"Why do you feel that the guards are so nervous? They are so guilty that they can't beat that kid?"

"The Guards, who always look above the top, are sometimes timid? What's the origin of that kid?"

"Don't worry about so much. Seeing how aggressive the city guards are, they should go first."

Sure enough ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Thousands of city guards also arrived, scattered and surrounded Ji Tianxing from the side.

The commander and ten team captains all wielded magical swords, staring at Ji Tianxing murderously, and shouted: "Bold madman, you can capture without holding your hands?"

"Dare to break through the city gate, this is an unforgivable death!"

"Funny, if you are to be punishable now, you can still be dignified!"

Thousands of city guards were also emotional and passionate, ready to pounce on them at any time, tearing Ji Tianxing to pieces.

Seeing this, Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth.

He looked at the leader of the city guard and asked: "You don't know who this monarch is? He rushed over in a hurry, just wanting to avenge the waste guarding the city gate?"

Upon hearing these words, the leader of the city guard and the ten captains were stunned, showing a puzzled expression.

It is true that they only heard that someone had forcibly rushed through the gate, so they quickly assembled a team to support.

There is no time to inquire about the specific situation at all, and I don't know who is forcing the gate.

Now that they heard what Ji Tianxing said and saw the abnormal reaction of the Imperial Guard, they realized something was wrong.

The boy in white robe in front of him seems to have a lot of background and is not easy to provoke!

Just as the leader of the city guards hesitated and wanted to inquire about the specific situation, a captain of the Imperial Guard spoke.

"Leader Li, this person forcibly broke into the city gate and wounded nearly a hundred city guards. It should be handled by the city guards.

However, His Majesty ordered us to deal with the matter.

So, you can go back, we will deal with this matter. "

Suddenly hearing this news, thousands of city guards were stunned, showing incredible expressions.

Thousands of people of the Protoss on both sides of the avenue also had a devilish expression, and gave out bursts of exclamation.

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