Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3201: you are serious?

The man's voice is low and steady, without anger.

If you were waiting for a while, you would have been shocked by the voice of the soul-suppressing, and immediately kowtow to pay respect.

Ji Tianxing didn't respond, still standing in the hall calmly.

He raised his head to look at the first place, his eyes on the wide golden throne.

I saw that sitting on the throne was a dark red young man, wearing a five-claw golden dragon robe and a Nine Dragons Crown.

He is tall and sturdy, his eyes are deep and sharp, and his body exudes great majesty and domineering.

This is the contemporary Emperor Great Yan, Yan Yongning.

In the dark corner behind him, there was still a black mist that seemed to be nothing, and I couldn't see what it was.

However, Ji Tianxing could see through it at a glance. The looming black mist was actually a powerful master of the Ninth Realm.

"Should be Yan Yongning's loyal servant? Or a capable man?"

He thought this way in his heart, calmly on the surface, and said to Yan Yongning: "Sure enough, he is the Emperor of the Great Yan. He is so transparent and admirable."

Yan Yongning raised her eyebrows and chuckled: "Hehe...If I don't even have this brain, how can I sit on the throne and control the huge empire?

Tianxing! I am very kind to you, don't you even want to call your Majesty?

Or do you want to be a courtier of the Great Yan Empire at all? "

On the surface, Yan Yongning was only blaming Ji Tianxing for being arrogant and unreasonable, not knowing the superior and inferior.

But in fact, this sentence has a different meaning.

He is testing Ji Tianxing, will he surrender to him? Is there any disobedience?

Ji Tianxing smiled immediately, and said indifferently: "Whether you are kind or jealous to this monarch, we all know well, why bother to break?

Furthermore, this monarch is a foreign race, he is not a courtier of the Great Yan Empire. "

Seeing Ji Tianxing's answer so simply and decisively, without any hesitation, Yan Yongning frowned fiercely.

But he did not attack, and said blankly: "Tian Xing, although you have some strength, you are indeed impressive.

But you have to know that this is the Great Yan Empire, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and the strong like clouds.

The tens of thousands of years of the entire empire is beyond your imagination.

It is normal for young people to be proud of their talents, but overconfidence is arrogant and will suffer a lot! "

Ji Tianxing smiled again and said indifferently: "You will say this because you haven't completely seen the Lord.

Whether the Great Yan Empire is strong or not, what does it have to do with the monarch? "

Before this, Yan Yongning had been pondering and considering.

Ji Tianxing will definitely come to the imperial city.

If he sneaked into the imperial city quietly, he would definitely have no plans, he would probably cause a huge disturbance and he had to be guarded.

But his swaggering entry into the imperial city is equivalent to declaring to everyone: I have no other intentions, my goal is very clear, don’t worry...

Now, when Yan Yongning heard these two sentences again, his brows suddenly relaxed, and his heart was much calmer.

Ji Tianxing's meaning is obvious: Whether the Great Yan Empire is strong or not, it has nothing to do with me. Anyway, I am not an enemy of the Great Yan Empire.

That being the case, Yan Yongning's mentality was much calmer, and she asked: "I asked the imperial envoy to tell you clearly that the Great Yan Empire does not welcome you, so why are you still coming?

Do you think that even the prince who fled back to the Great Yan Empire will return to the imperial city to seek refuge?

So, you came to the imperial city this time to hunt him down? "

When he asked this sentence, there was a faint smile on his mouth.

Obviously, he was waiting for Ji Tianxing to nod and give an affirmative answer.

In that case, he could tell the truth and defeat Ji Tianxing's hopes.

Deep down in his heart, he wanted to see Ji Tianxing's disappointed expression after his mistake.

After all, he is also a confident and arrogant young genius who can't get used to such arrogance as Ji Tianxing.

Unexpectedly, Ji Tianxing shook his head and said with a smile: "You and I know that the Prince is not in the imperial city, so why bother to ask?

Even the real hiding place of the prince, I believe you know better than me. "

Yan Yongning frowned and asked suspiciously: "Since it's not to hunt him down, what are you doing in the imperial city?

As far as I know, this is the first time you have entered the Great Yan Empire, and you are here for nothing.

There is no power behind you either.

Therefore, you have no reason to come to the imperial city. "

Before Ji Tianxing came, Yan Yongning asked Hei Yan to investigate and inquire.

He also analyzed and figured out many times, but he still couldn't understand why Ji Tianxing came to the imperial city besides chasing and killing Prince Lien.

Ji Tianxing's smile became even more interesting, and he said: "The surrounding eighteen kingdoms of God all surrender to the Great Yan Empire.

In the northern part of the Tianbei Region, the Great Yan Empire was the overlord.

Moreover, the Great Yan Empire has been handed down for more than 30,000 years, and its influence is very deep..."

When he heard this, Yan Yongning raised his head slightly, with a little pride in his heart.

However, Ji Tian's jargon turned his head and said a request that made him dumbfounded.

"So the Great Yan Empire should know the most about the history of tens of thousands of years, ancient and modern.

Moreover, the history books and classics collected by the Great Yan Empire should also be the largest.

This time I came to the imperial city, UU reading www.uukanshu.com wants you to do me a favor.

This monarch wants to investigate a very important matter, and wants to check the library of the Great Yan Empire. "

After listening, Yan Yongning stared at Ji Tianxing with wide eyes, showing a look of astonishment.

He was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses, and asked in disbelief, "You came to the imperial city at the risk of being besieged and fallen for this reason?"

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why? Is there any problem? Or is it embarrassing for you? Are you unwilling to help?"

"No, no..." Yan Yongning waved his hand quickly, crying and wondering: "What's the embarrassment of this? I just can't believe it, you actually did it for this little thing?

This is too...too a fuss, right?

The library of the imperial palace, as long as officials of the sixth rank or above of the empire can enter and exit and check books at will, as long as they register..."

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and explained: "You have misunderstood, this monarch is not talking about a library that is open to the outside world and anyone can consult.

It's a collection of secrets and important events, and the things I want to investigate are extremely confidential.

Before in the two great kingdoms of Blood Flame and Fury Flame, the Lord did not find the corresponding clues. "

This time it was Yan Yongning's turn to wave his hand and refused without hesitation.

"No! Don't think about it!

The collections in the library are all top-notch secrets. How can you check them out?

Not to mention you, even if I want to enter the library, several elders will have to register and make a book, cross-examine and supervise the whole process..."

For this answer, Ji Tianxing was not surprised at all, and was also prepared.

He stared at Yan Yongning, and said with a smile but a smile: "Then Benjun insists on entering?"

Yan Yongning's face immediately collapsed, his expression became serious, and his eyes became serious.

"you are serious?"

Sword breaks nine days

Sword breaks nine days

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