Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3218: War between parties


Nearly a hundred high-ranking gods under the gate of the shrine were all emotional and energetic.

Everyone was ecstatic, cheering and shouting in excitement, and couldn't wait to rush into the shrine.

But Yan Tiangang's words seemed to pour cold water on everyone.

Suddenly, there was silence under the gate of the shrine, and everyone calmed down.

The excitement soon subsided, the excitement calmed down, and the smiles on everyone's faces gradually faded.


When the fifty powers formed an alliance, they had discussed this matter many times.

All forces want to enter the shrine to find the inheritance and treasures of the sapphire **** king.

But this is absolutely impossible.

There are more wolves and less meat, and there are always a few people who can enter the sapphire shrine.

Therefore, at that time, the Great Yan imperial family and the top powers put forward a suggestion.

When the gate of the shrine is opened, the fifty powers will compete in a fair and open arena.

Each faction can send eight strong men, a total of four hundred people to compete.

Only the one hundred strong men who win in the end are eligible to enter the Sapphire Shrine.

Moreover, the hundred strong must also be ranked high and low.

The strongest ranked first entered the Sapphire Shrine.

The strongest ranked 100th, then finally entered the shrine.

This plan is fair and won the approval and recognition of many forces.

Although, more than half of the forces expressed opposition.

But apart from this, no one can give a fairer and just solution.

After a long time, the fifty powers had to acquiesce in this agreement.

Before the gate of the shrine was opened, everyone was tacitly aware, and no one would take the initiative to mention it.

But this day has finally come!

The fifty powers must face reality, abide by the original agreement, and select the strong to participate in the competition!

Seeing that many strong men were silent, their expressions became solemn and worried.

Yan Tiangang looked majestic, and said solemnly: "If there are too many, the old man will not say it. The rules are here. If you don't want to follow it, leave!

Everyone has an hour of preparation time. After an hour, each of the forces will select eight strong men to participate in a fair fight.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't have enough eight strong players, and it doesn't matter if you want to abstain.

As for the competition arena, right outside the gate of this shrine, in a sea of ​​clouds with a radius of several hundred miles.

Anyway, this sea of ​​clouds contains special power, and it is unlikely to be destroyed by battle..."

Yan Tiangang is not only the strongest person in the Great Yan Empire, but also the most noble ancestor of the Yan family, the oldest and the oldest.

He has full authority to host this competition, and no one dares to object.

Of course, that was also under the circumstances that he was fair and open and did not favor favoritism.

After Yan Tiangang finished speaking, nearly a hundred high-ranking gods quickly left the gate of the palace.

Everyone went back to the camp, urgently discussed countermeasures, and selected personnel to participate in the competition.

Everyone understands in their hearts,

If you want to participate in this competition, only the upper gods are qualified to enter the top 100.

The Great Yan imperial family and the top sect families all have a dozen to twenty high-ranking gods, and you can select eight of the strongest.

However, those forces with weaker strengths have made difficulties on this issue.

The upper gods of some powers have fewer than eight people in total.

But they were unwilling to abstain, so they added a few middle-ranked kings and gathered eight people to join the war.

There are also high-ranking gods of some forces, barely enough for eight people, but the realm of strength is low, and the hope of winning is very slim.

All in all, many forces are cautious and weighed before making a decision.

The Great Yan imperial family and the powerhouses of several top sect families were calm and relaxed, and they were in a position to win.

Long ago, they determined the candidates to participate in the war.

Moreover, they also have absolute certainty that they can get into the top 100 and enter the Sapphire Shrine smoothly.

For a while, the atmosphere around the sapphire shrine became quite complicated and subtle.

Some are happy and some are worried, and some are calm and some are worried.

Even if those forces with a slightly weaker background feel injustice and grievances, there is no way.

The situation is better than people, they can only swallow their breath and pray for a miracle.

Soon, half an hour passed.

The various forces discussed the conclusion and confirmed the candidates.

One after another, teams appeared from various camps and gathered outside the gate of Qingyu Shrine.

The leaders are naturally the warriors of various forces.

But behind them, there are hundreds of disciples and elite main force.

These people will all be there to watch the game and watch the competition in person.


Ji Tianxing has remained invisible, hiding in the dark to observe.

At the beginning, he did not understand the situation.

Hearing Yan Tiangang's words, he immediately guessed the result, and immediately showed a playful smile.

"Before, I was still thinking about fifty powers coming together to explore a sapphire shrine.

Even if there are any treasures and heritage in the shrine, it is not enough at all, and it will definitely lead to fights and wars.

Unexpectedly, the Great Yan imperial family and several major sectarian families had been prepared for a long time, and they had done absolutely nothing.

On the surface, this is more fair than fair.

In fact, based on the background of those dozens of forces, they are not qualified to compete with the top forces ~www.wuxiaspot.com~. In the end, those dozens of forces are wasting ten years here, and they are also making wedding dresses for others. "

Ji Tianxing thought to himself, anyway, the fifty powers have to compete, and it will not be over for a while.

He was not in a hurry, so he hid away and watched a good show for a while.

After half an hour, people from the fifty powers were all here.

Outside the gate of the shrine, in a sea of ​​clouds with a radius of two hundred miles, nearly 20,000 people stood in a huge circle.

These people are divided into fifty groups, very distinct.

Everyone's eyes are gathered in the sea of ​​clouds.

There, four hundred gods and powerful men were divided into fifty teams and formed a big circle.

What's interesting is that among the four hundred strong men, 90% are upper-ranking gods, but there are still more than forty middle-ranking gods.

In addition, the Great Yan imperial family sent eight high-ranking gods, including Yan Tiangang!

It stands to reason that Yan Tiangang, as the ancestor of the Yan family, has a transcendent status.

He only needs to host the contest, and he doesn't need to participate in person.

But he still chose to go to battle in person, leading the seven royal family powerhouses against the major forces.

Because he is the most urgent and eager person to enter the shrine!

It has been nearly 10,000 years since he reached the Ninth Level of the God Sovereign Realm, but he has never been able to break through.

For too long, the practice of retreat and the desire for the Divine King Realm have almost become torture and curse!

He has lived until now and has remained in the Great Yan Empire, supported by this belief.

He would never let go of any chance to advance to the Divine King Realm!

For this, he can pay any price, even regardless of identity, majesty and face.

Even if the powerhouses of the major forces secretly criticize and laugh at him, he doesn't care.


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