Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3220: Within the shrine


The invisible and shadowless Ji Tianxing passed through the crack of the door silently and entered the sapphire shrine.

The gap between the two gates was only three feet long, just enough to accommodate him.

The defensive array of the gate has been cracked and stopped functioning.

When he crossed the palace gate, the big array did not respond.

Therefore, the five closest gods and powerhouses did not notice the abnormality.

It's just that there are two gods of the Ninth Stage, vaguely feeling strange.

There seemed to be a faint air current passing by them.

At the same time, there seemed to be a pair of eyes that swept past them.

These two powerhouses of the Ninth Level of the Divine Sovereign Realm have both cultivated for more than 10,000 years.

For that matter, they didn't find Ji Tianxing either, but thought it was a bit weird.

With doubts in their minds, the two once turned their heads and looked behind them, looking around looking around.

However, there was no abnormality around.

Many gods and powerful men nearby stared at the battlefield intently, observing the situation.

The fighting not far away also burst into deafening loud noises, releasing violent shock waves.

In this way, the two gods of the Ninth Stage only thought it was the result of a battle between the strong in the field.

The two of them didn't think much, they retracted their eyes and attention, and continued to watch the battle.


More than 20,000 people from the fifty powers are still competing and fighting outside the gate of the shrine, worrying about who can enter the shrine.

No one would have imagined that the fruits of their painstaking labor that they spent nearly ten years were actually cheaper than Ji Tianxing.

They have not yet entered the Sapphire Shrine, and Ji Tianxing has already taken the lead and grabbed the fruits of victory.

Behind the gate of the shrine is a blue avenue that is three feet wide and paved with **** jade.

The avenue stretches straight beyond a hundred meters and connects to a wide square.

On the left side of the square is the garden, which has mountains, lakes and jungles, but it has been left unattended for the first time in ten thousand years.

On the right side of the square is the animal garden where the beasts and mounts are raised, which is also very delicate.

However, tens of thousands of years have passed, and there have been no beasts and mounts inside, and they have been completely abandoned.

Ji Tianxing walked along Shenyu Avenue to the gray-white square.

This square is also very luxurious, the ground is paved with precious white jade rock, which is mixed with many precious stones and sacred jade.

Ji Tianxing could imagine that if the gods of the fifty powers came here, they would definitely dig out the ground.

He looked around and found that the square was empty and there were no statues or steles built.

"If it were other **** kings, there would definitely be thousands of servants in the shrine.

In the square and the main hall, their own statues will be erected to show their majesty, for the servants to pay their respects and worship.

The sapphire **** king doesn't even make statues, and doesn't know if it is shy or low-key? "

A smile was drawn from the corner of Ji Tianxing's mouth, and he flew across the square to the opposite palace.

Directly facing the square is the main hall of Qingyu Shrine.

Under normal circumstances, if there are any major events that need to hold a meeting, or there are guests visiting, they must be received in the main hall.

The main hall of a shrine is the face of the **** king.

If the building is not luxurious and majestic enough, others will look down upon it.

Ji Tianxing stepped over ninety-nine steps and came to the gate of the main hall.

There is no doubt that the palace gate as high as ten feet is also protected by a king-level **** array.

Ji Tianxing didn't feel surprised at all. After two quarters of an hour after using the Divine Pupil Secret Technique to observe, he began to cast a spell to break the Divine Formation.

This is an elementary king-level divine formation, not too profound and complicated.

Compared with the magical formation at the gate of the Sapphire Shrine, this formation is much simpler.

Of course, simplicity is only for Ji Tianxing.

This is still a huge problem for the gods and powerful men of the fifty powers.

Ji Tianxing discovered that there are many similarities between the formations of this **** array and the gate of the temple.

After all, they were all arranged by the sapphire **** king, which contained his unique ideas and opinions, and there was little change.

Therefore, it took Ji Tianxing only one hour to crack the divine formation on the gate.

When cracking the divine formation, he kept an eye on it.

He did not destructively crack this divine formation, but opened a gap in the divine formation.

Then, through the gap, he pushed open the gate of the palace and stepped into the main hall.

After he entered the main hall, he closed the door again and cast a spell to close the gap in the **** array.

As a result, the sacred formation resumed its normal operation and continued to protect the gate.

In this way, when the powerhouses of various factions come here, they won't find him swiftly ascending.

Many powerful people who want to enter the main hall have to rack their brains and spend a lot of time to crack.

The light in the wide main hall is dim.

There were hundreds of gem lights on the surrounding walls.

There is also a star map inlaid with gems on the dome, which emits light day and night.

However, tens of thousands of years passed, the power of the gem lamp was exhausted and all went out.

Only the star map on the dome, and a few dozen gems, shone with a faint light.

Ji Tianxing strolled in the hall, looking around calmly.

Whether it is the floor of the main hall, the nine pillars of carved dragons, or the furnishings around the main hall, they are all covered with dust~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But after dusting the surface, Ji Tianxing found that these things are still as new.

Even the first place in the main hall, the throne of the **** jade inlaid with precious stones, is as clean as new.

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and murmured to himself: "Although the main hall is well furnished, it obviously hasn't been used much.

It is conceivable that the Azure Jade God King spends most of his time in retreat in this palace.

This hall has become a decoration, and he has rarely held meetings and celebrations, nor has he received many friends.

Or... After he became the **** king, he had no friends at all? "

Thinking like this in his heart, Ji Tianxing's consciousness enveloped the entire main hall.

After a closer inspection, and found that there was nothing of value, he walked to the small door in the corner on the left.

According to common sense, the small door is the passage from the main hall to the residence of the King Jade.

The small gate is also protected by a magical formation, although it is still an elementary king-level magical formation, its structure is simpler.

It took Ji Tianxing only three quarters of an hour to crack the formation.

Pushing open the three-foot-high small door, a passage appeared in front of him.

After walking a hundred steps outside along the pitch-black passage, he entered the courtyard behind the main hall.

In the spacious house, a layer of floating ash and fallen leaves was thrown on the ground.

Those fallen leaves have a history of thousands or tens of thousands of years.

The environment in the house is simple and elegant. Several acres of nursery have been reclaimed and many flowers and trees are planted.

But it is a pity that those flowers and sacred trees died long ago and turned into black ash and dross.

Ji Tianxing looked around, inspected with his spiritual sense, and confirmed that there was nothing unusual about this dead house, before he walked to the residence of the Azure Jade God King.


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