Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3222: God king level?

Ji Tianxing only thought that behind the Shimen was the secret room of the Qingyu God King.

Even if there is a bit of coldness in the passage, it may be because of some formation in the secret room that this power is overflowing.

He was not guarded at all, and did not expect that there would be living creatures in the secret room!

After tens of thousands of years, lifelessness was long gone, and there were living creatures hidden in the dusty sapphire shrine!

Through the gap between the stone gates, Ji Tianxing clearly saw that there was boundless darkness behind the stone gates.

And behind Shimen, in the deep darkness, there was a pair of fist-sized, scarlet eyes, staring straight at him.

The oval scarlet eyes contain the meaning of extreme coldness, flashing tyrannical murderous intent.

The two eyes looked at each other for a moment.

Before Ji Tianxing could see clearly, what was the owner of those scarlet eyes.

There was a pair of pitch-black claws the size of a cattail leaf, which came out from the crack in the door.

Both sharp claws are hairy, with pitch-black sharp nails more than three inches long.

Both claws grabbed a stone gate each, bursting out a huge unparalleled force, and violently pulled both sides.


Suddenly, the black stone gate, which was three feet high and about two feet wide, was completely opened.

At the same time, a pitch-black cold air like a flood rushed crazily from the darkness and rushed towards Ji Tianxing.

The jet black, ink-like air flow, contains icy and trembling power.

No matter how strong Ji Tianxing was, once he was swept by the dark torrent, his life would be in danger.

Because that dark cold air is already very close to the **** king level!

Fortunately, Ji Tianxing had already heightened his vigilance, and at the moment of the moment, he acted decisively the world of Promise.


His body instantly became transparent and blurry, blending with the entire sapphire shrine, without any strength at all.

The mighty icy black air passed through him without lag and rushed into the dark passage.


The pitch-black passage, which was hundreds of meters long, was shattered by the icy cold and black air, and immediately collapsed.

Even the gravel and soil that had collapsed and blocked the passage became dark and cold and extremely hard.

The violent power still couldn't be completely resolved, and he rushed out of the hundreds of meters long channel.

The secret door of the wall of the cyan jade king's bedroom was blasted out and turned into a pile of rubble scattered in the bedroom.

Countless black air poured into the bedroom, making a mess of the bedroom, and half of it collapsed.

Such a violent impact, of course, caused a loud and deafening noise.

Even the earth in a radius of tens of miles was swayed by the shock.

Seeing this result, Ji Tianxing frowned, secretly stunned: "The secret room passage and the secret door are all made of quasi-king-level materials, and no one can destroy it except for the king and the strong.

How strong is the monster in the dark? Ruined the entire passage? "

Just when this thought flashed in his mind, the pair of shaggy claws swayed ten dazzling blood rays, and they killed him like a sharp blade.

Ji Tianxing is in a transparent and fuzzy state, almost invincible, of course he can't avoid it.

However, the ten rays of blood, like the light of a sword, slammed into the channel where the rubble was piled up, and burst into a loud noise.

Not only was most of the blocked passages emptied, but the walls of the passages that were already broken were also exploded into large holes tens of feet deep.

The passage completely collapsed and blocked, and countless rubble and smoke agitated.

Most of the sapphire shrine was shaken violently.

The muffled sound of ‘Rumbling’ came from the ground and spread in all directions.

As a result, Ji Tianxing frowned, a look of worry flashed in his eyes.

"Broken! This monster is making such a big noise, as long as the gods outside are not deaf, they will definitely be able to hear it!"

Ji Tianxing could imagine how the gods and powerful men of the fifty powers would react when they noticed movement in the azure jade temple.

It is estimated that it will not be long before hundreds of gods and powerful people will flock to it.

At that time, his whereabouts must be exposed.

Even, they will be attacked by mysterious monsters and many gods.

He didn't worry that his life would be in danger, but his goal of coming to Qingyu Shrine this time had not yet been achieved.

Now revealing his whereabouts will inevitably affect his plan.

Thinking of this, he crossed the stone gate without hesitation and got into the dark ‘secret room’.

Although, he found that the mysterious monster could only stay in the dark, and could not cross the stone gate and leave the secret room.

But he still chose to move forward, not backward.

Because, going backwards will fall short.

Even at the risk, he has to enter the ‘secret room’ to see what the mysterious monster is.

At the same time, he had to search the dark secret room for anything he wanted.


With a flash of light and shadow, Ji Tianxing entered the secret room and was swallowed by darkness.

At the same time, he played two supernatural powers and closed two heavy stone gates.


After the stone gate was closed, the ‘secret room’ was completely dark.

Those scarlet eyes were obviously stunned, and a look of puzzled eyes flashed.

However, the monster immediately let out an angry, low-pitched roar, frantically swinging sharp claws like a knife, and Chao Ji Tianxing launched an attack.

Ji Tianxing remained transparent, ignoring the monster's onslaught.

He released his divine sense to explore the surroundings, only to discover that this was not a secret room ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but a special space, surrounded by boundless darkness.

The pressure in this space is huge, staying here is like being pressed by a huge mountain at all times.

At the same time, the ice here is so cold that it seems to be able to freeze flesh and blood into ice.

It makes people's consciousness and spirit extremely tired and drowsy, and feels like a deep sleep.

Ji Tianxing thought for a while, and immediately guessed the role of this space.

"Isn't this a special space for suppressing and sealing the strong?

Unexpectedly, the bedroom of the Sapphire God King was not connected to the secret room.

But is it such a space that suppresses a god-king monster? "

Thinking of the monster, Ji Tianxing's attention fell on that monster.

I see.

It was a pitch-black humanoid monster with a height of more than three feet.

It looks very similar to the Great Flame Protoss, with a head, limbs and torso, and two pairs of blood-red wings on its back.

However, it was covered with burrs and purple sarcoma, and its body was bloated and rickety, and it looked particularly hideous and ugly.

Not only does it look like a mutated black ape, but its hands and feet have become sharp claws.

Even rows of sharp bone spurs appeared on the back vertebrae and shoulders!

In addition, on this monster's hideous face, there are big scarlet eyes and a big mouth with a blood basin with fangs, which is a tyrannical and murderous beast!

However, in the darkness in all directions, a dozen purple beams of light stretched out, which tied the black fierce beast like a rope.

The dozens of purple light beams should be formed by a powerful divine formation combined with the power of this space.

The black fierce beast was tightly bound, no matter how hard it struggled, it could not leave the darkness, and could not escape at all.


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