Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3229: It didn't come in vain

The situation is just as Yan Tiangang expected.

Black fierce beasts slaughtered the wounded gods wildly in the sapphire palace.

With the square and the main hall as the center, within a radius of a hundred miles are its hunting grounds.

The two hundred wounded gods had no resistance.

Under the claws of the black fierce beasts, they were all killed in seconds.

In just 20 breaths, there were more than forty gods and princes.

The surviving gods ran away in panic and despair.


Yan Tiangang, Ye Wuji and others rushed to the sky above the square in time.

More than fifty high-ranking gods took action at the same time to stop the black fierce beast that was killing wildly.

The two sides fought in the sky, chased, intercepted and broke through.

Seeing Yan Tiangang, Ye Wuji and others, dragged the black fierce beast, the more than 100 surviving gods showed their expressions after the disaster.

They finally understood that Qingyu Shrine was not so easy to explore.

If they don't get rid of the black beast, they won't be able to search for treasures.

As a result, many gods took the courage to join Yan Tiangang and others to jointly intercept the beast.

Most gods feel that their injuries are too serious, so it is better not to join in the fun.

They stayed away from the square and the main hall, hiding on the edge to watch the battle.


As early as when Yan Tiangang and others were fighting with the black fierce beast, Ji Tianxing quietly left the dark space.

Killing Yan Tiangang and many gods was not his goal.

It was not his goal to get rid of that black beast.

He came to Sapphire Shrine this time, just looking for some king-level artifacts and materials.

and so.

He didn't stay in the dark space, didn't even care about the result of the two sides fighting, and left quietly.

After returning to the ground, he remained invisible and began to observe the pattern of the shrine.

The residence of the azure jade king was destroyed and turned into a mess.

With this ruin as the center, within a hundred miles, there are all palaces and houses.

Ji Tianxing observed it roughly, and he had a judgment in his mind.

"There are so many palaces and houses, at least 100,000 people can live there.

But in the Qingyu Shrine, even in its heyday, there could not be more than 100,000 people.

Therefore, those palaces and houses are basically decorations.

I don’t need to waste time searching those places. "

Even the residence of the sapphire **** king did not have many valuable treasures, not to mention the unimportant palaces around him.

Ji Tianxing pondered for a moment, and finally his eyes fell hundreds of miles away.

Within a hundred miles are houses and buildings, and a hundred miles to the north, there is a big blue mountain.

Even after ten thousand years, the thousand-foot-high mountain is still lush.

The mountains are full of towering old trees, and the ground is also piled up with thick fallen leaves and corrupt branches.

Obviously, the trees will have withering and growing in ten thousand years to survive.

Ji Tianxing explored with his spiritual sense and saw that behind the Qianzhang Peak, there was a flat grassland.

The grassland stretches out for hundreds of miles, and there is a clear and mirror-like lake.

At the other end of the lake are two mountains and several peaks.

Such an elegant environment is refreshing.

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and thought to himself: "There are still mountains and grasslands in the temple? This should be a cave created by the King of Jade.

Since there are no treasures in the palace, it is better to go to the mountain side to have a look. "

After making up his mind, Ji Tianxing flew quietly across the sky and into the mountains.

Within a 10,000-mile radius, there are nine majestic mountains and hundreds of majestic peaks.

The peaks are lush and lush, and although there are various trees and flowers and fruits, there are no birds or beasts.

On the contrary, some ancient trees that have grown for tens of thousands of years gave birth to spiritual wisdom and began to practice.

Naturally, these ancient trees became dryads.

And because of their strength, they have reached the realm of true gods and heavenly gods, so they are all tree gods.

Ji Tianxing flew all the way through the mountains and found six tree gods.

He wanted to ask those tree gods about the situation.

But he changed his mind to think that the IQs of those tree gods were not high.

They may not know anything about ten thousand years ago, and there is no need to ask them.

Finally, Ji Tianxing flew thousands of miles away and reached the end of the mountain range.

It was a huge mountain of three thousand meters high, and it was shrouded in clouds and fog above the mountainside.

There is the edge of this cave and the deepest part.

Ji Tianxing used his spiritual sense to investigate and accidentally discovered that there was a stone house on the top of the giant peak.

It was a simple and plain stone house with a radius of one hundred feet.

It is made of large rocks with millstones, without exquisite shapes, and no luxurious sacred stones.

Filled with a strong original style, it also looks a little rough.

"Could it be that that stone house...is the real residence of the Sapphire God King?"

This idea flashed through Ji Tianxing's mind, and there was a vague expectation in his heart.

He stepped into the sky, teleported to the top of the giant peak, and landed in front of the stone house.

The stone house is indeed in a primitive state, without any decoration, or even a defensive array.

Without breaking the formation, Ji Tianxing entered the stone house directly and began to investigate the situation.

The stone house is divided into three rooms, with a secret room on the left.

On the rocks on the ground and walls, the formation patterns are carved, and many sacred stones are inlaid to form a mysterious sacred formation.

When Ji Tianxing used the Divine Pupil Secret Technique, he was surprised.

"It turned out to be the God of Time? The boy Chao Qingyu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ only broke through the God King that year, so he mastered the magic of time?"

This magical formation in the secret room has the effect of time acceleration.

The flow of time in the formation is three times that of the outside world, which is convenient for him to practice in retreat.

After the shock, Ji Tianxing changed his thoughts, and found it impossible.

"At best, he has cultivated a certain time supernatural power, and it is impossible to master the law of time.

After all, as the pinnacle **** king back then, I couldn't completely control the law of time..."

After expelling this thought, Ji Tianxing observed the second room.

The room in the middle is supposed to be the study room of the sapphire **** king. There is only a stone chair and a stone table in it, and many layers are excavated on the wall.

There are hundreds of jade slips scattered on the stone table, which are obviously old and gray.

Many treasure boxes, gold paper, jade slips, etc. are also stored in the layers of the walls.

Ji Tianxing picked up a few jade slips at random and read the information inside with his spiritual sense.

It turns out that those jade slips recorded various magical secrets, as well as various alchemy, medicine and formation methods.

Ji Tianxing guessed that the sapphire **** king was usually in this room, studying various magical powers and secrets, gathering all the world's miscellaneous knowledge, and wanted to create a king-level magical skill.

Putting down the jade slips, he stepped into the third room again.

The divine formation is arranged in this room, which obviously serves for alchemy and refining.

The pill furnace that was empty in the middle of the formation, which was supposed to be there, was obviously taken away by the Azure Jade God King.

There are many layers on the surrounding walls, and inside are placed treasure boxes, as well as various alchemy and refining materials.

When Ji Tianxing successfully found a king-level refining material among the many treasure boxes, he smiled with relief.

"Star River Golden Sands? This trip finally didn't come in vain!"


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