Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3250: Do everything and obey the fate

   The intimidation and lure of King Yanke really made many gods surrender willingly.

   But he is not only scheming, but also stingy.

   Even if everyone was enthusiastic about it, he didn't mean to reward everyone if he wanted to lead him.

  Only the lucky person at the beginning was given a gray rock and was rewarded with a king-level supernatural power.

   The others are jealous, but they are helpless.

   They can only perform harder and more attentively loyal to King Yanke in order to get rewards.

   In this way, King Yanke took 22 gods and turned around and hurried to Qingyu Shrine.

   Anyway, his goal was achieved, the Great Yan Emperor didn't have to go.

   He just wants to rush to the sapphire shrine as quickly as possible, slay the chao sapphire, and regain the treasure!


   Under the gate of the Green Jade Shrine.

   Twenty-two gods headed by Yan Tiangang, surrounded by King Yanke, looked like a follower and running dog.

   The laughter of King Yankee resounded through the sky like muffled thunder.

   But there was no reaction in the Qingyu Shrine.

   Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao and Ji Ke, who were arranging the **** formation and strengthening the defense formation, of course heard the voice of King Yanke.

   Furthermore, the three of them released their spiritual knowledge to explore the scene at the gate, and they also saw King Yanke, Yan Tiangang and others.

   The three of them changed their complexions on the spot, frowned, their expressions very solemn.

   "Damn it! I guessed it!"

   "Yes! The **** king who chased Chaoqingyu has found here!"

   "Yan Tiangang and those gods are really damn! They actually made dog legs for that **** king and brought him here!"

   Yunyao and Ji Ke were very angry, and wanted to kill Yan Tiangang and others.

  The King Yanke will chase here. As early as Ji Tianxing expected, they were psychologically prepared.

   But Yan Tiangang and the others went back, but they exceeded their expectations.

   A god-king powerhouse is already a headache.

   In addition to the more than 20 high-ranking gods, the situation of Qingyu Shrine is even more dangerous!

   "Damn it! We have completed ten sacred formations, and we are still short of the last two to reinforce the defensive formation.

   It's a pity that the **** king actually came at this time! "Ji Ke said angrily.

   Ji Tianxing only took a look at the situation outside the gate with his divine sense, and then concentrated on casting the formation.

   Hearing what Ji Ke said, he just said calmly: "It's okay, just ignore those bastards, let's continue to line up."

   Yunyao asked with some worry: "Can this work? Can the gate of the temple last for so long?"

   Ji Tianxing said in a low tone: "If you want to complete the last two Xuanwu Conferred God Formations, with the three of us, it will take at least three days.

   Although the formation of the gate of the shrine has been reformed, if those people attack with all their strength, they will definitely not be able to sustain it for three days! "

   The two women were even more worried, and the worry between their eyebrows was even worse.

   Ji Tianxing comforted: "You don't have to worry too much, let's do our best and obey the fate.

   I wake up everyone else, and everyone casts spells together, which should save a lot of time. "

   Anyway, Lin Xue, Bai Long and Nie Feiyun have been in retreat for some time.

   Their mental state and strength should also be restored.

   As expected.

   Ji Tianxing sacrificed the godship and the **** tower, and after awakening everyone, everyone appeared.

   "Wh! Wah! Wah!"

   Compared to before the retreat, the tiredness on everyone's faces disappeared, and the spirit and energy have also recovered a lot.

   After everyone arrived, Ji Tianxing briefly explained the current situation and situation.

   When everyone heard it, a **** king took Yan Tiangang and others and killed him outside the gate of the divine palace. There was a wave of tension and anxiety.

   However, when everyone saw that Ji Tianxing was calm, their hearts were much settled.

   As long as Ji Tianxing is calm, they will feel more at ease, and they will have a little confidence in their hearts.

   So, Ji Tianxing explained his thoughts, plans, and layout techniques to everyone.

   He arranged positions for everyone, arranged formations, and arranged the magical formations for their respective duties.

   For everyone, with previous experience in transforming the reincarnation formation, there is no difficulty in arranging the Xuanwu Conferred God Formation.

   Anyway, they follow Ji Tianxing's command and cast the spell with all their strength.

   The real difficulty is that Ji Tianxing can analyze the divine formation so thoroughly and understand so deeply.

   Soon, Ji Tianxing led the people and began to cast spells and arrange the gods.

   And this time.

   Yanke Shenwang, Yan Tiangang and others stood outside the gate of the shrine for a while, but there was no movement, and they were a little anxious.

"what happened?"

   God King Yanke frowned, looked at Yan Tiangang with some discomfort, and asked: "Did you not enter this shrine before and still fight in it?

   Didn’t you tell this king that there are fierce beasts guarding the shrine? "

   He brought so many gods to the gate, not only provoking with a loud voice, but also deliberately releasing a powerful divine might.

   It stands to reason that the fierce beasts and the sapphire **** king in the shrine should have been spotted long ago!

   Regardless of whether it is proactive or tenacious, there should be a response.

   Yan Tiangang was a little bit troubled, and quickly explained: "Enlighten the Lord God, the old man doesn't know what's going on.

   When we left the shrine, there was indeed a fierce beast inside, and there was a human youth to help it.

  Although we were defeated and evacuated, the fierce beast was seriously injured and dying. Only the human youth was slightly injured..."

   "Why is there a youth of individual race again?" King Yanke frowned, his face even more unhappy.

   Kaitian Palace Lord quickly explained: "My Lord God, the human youth also went to the divine palace to hunt for treasure. I don't know why he wants to help the beast."

   God King Yanke thought for a while, and asked: "You mean, maybe that human youth is also in the shrine?"

   Yan Tiangang nodded quickly, his face was cold, and his tone was cold and said: "It is possible! Of course, the old man also hopes that he is still in the palace!"

   If Ji Tianxing is really in the shrine~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then his wish is fulfilled.

   It happened that King Yanke came to take revenge, and by the way, he killed Ji Tianxing, and he could also avenge all the major forces!

   God King Yanke put his giant palm, disapprovingly said: "No matter who hides in the shrine, it is impossible to escape death today!

  Since they were tortoises with their heads down and refused to show up, let's break through this shrine and go straight in! "

   After finishing speaking, King Yanke gave an order to everyone: "Go up together and blast this door open!"

  If King Yanke acts alone, of course he has to do it himself.

   But it's different now. Twenty-two lackeys followed him, all of them enthusiastically performing.

   Breaking the door, of course, has to be done by the lackeys.

  Lingfeng Pavilion Master volunteered: "My Lord God, we have cracked the defense formation of the gate before.

   Wait a moment, we will open the door for you immediately! "

   After speaking, the Master Lingfeng flew to the gate of the divine palace and began to cast the spell.

   Kai Tianfu Lord, Sect Master Qian Yuan and Lei Qianjie were not to be outdone, and quickly flew over to help.

   Even Yan Tiangang didn't want to miss this opportunity to perform and work with the four strong men.


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