Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3257: Been tricked

   The King Yanke is concentrating on breaking the battle.

   suddenly heard Ji Tianxing's voice, he also trembled.

   Out of strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge, he subconsciously asked: "What's the matter?"

   Ji Tianxing looked down at him condescendingly, with a calm expression and a low tone of voice, and said: "One winter more than a thousand years ago, a handsome and martial king of swordsmanship appeared in the Tianshan Mountains.

   That god-king kendo unparalleled, challenged nearly a hundred strong men in a row within ten years, never failed.

   At that time, the reputation of the **** king was as high as the sky, and it was close to the landlord of Tianshan Mountain. "

   When I heard this, King Yanke frowned, his mind was attracted, and the casting movement of his hands slowed down and gradually stopped.

   Ji Tianxing showed a face full of memories, and slowly said: "Although, at that time, you should still be training in Feng Yantian's eyes, and you were not qualified to deal with family affairs.

   But you should know that the domain master of the Tianshan region was your father's cousin.

   The second strongest and genius of the Yan clan, Yan Taixian. "

   Upon hearing this familiar name, King Yanke was shocked, his pupils tightened, and his nerves tightened.

   He completely stopped casting spells, forgot to break the formation, fixed his eyes on Ji Tianxing, and asked in a deep voice: "How do you know this? What are you trying to say?"

   Ji Tianxing ignored him at all, and said to himself: "There is no room for two tigers in a mountain, and the reputation of the king of swordsmanship is enough to shake the position of Yan Taixian.

   What's more, the emperors of the major empires in the Tianshan Mountains have more or less friendship with the swordsman **** king, or have been instructed and taught by him.

   Iwa Taixian felt that the position of the domain master was in danger, so he sent a secret letter to your father, asking for his help.

   He wants to ask your father to take action and join hands with him to deal with the king of kendo! "

   God King Yanke's eyes became colder and sharper, his fists squeaked, and three cold words popped out in his mouth.

"go on!"

   Ji Tianxing said without changing his face: "Iwa Tae-hyun has thought of many ways, such as poisoning, trapping, assassination and conspiracy...

   But your father still has a bit of conscience, persuade him not to destroy his reputation.

  Your father meant that he helped Yan Tae-hyun in the battle and asked Yan Tae-hyun to fight the **** king and fight on the top of Tianshan Mountain.

  Only an upright victory can demonstrate the power of the domain master.

   Iwa Tae Hyun agreed, but repeatedly begged your father, no matter if you win or lose, you must cut the roots.

  According to Yan Taixian, he was also to stabilize the power of the Yan clan. "

   Ji Tianxing talked freely, narrating calmly, as if he had experienced it personally.

  The God King Yanke listened intently, he dared not miss a word, and said with a gloomy expression: "Boy, you not only insulted my father, but also slandered my uncle?

   No matter what, you are dead!

   This king will never let you go! "

   Ji Tianxing ignored his words, and went on to say: "After Yan Taixian posted the battle, the king of God arrived as scheduled, and the two sides fought against the top of the Tianshan Mountains.

   But Tae Hyun Yan concealed the news, no one else was watching the battle, only he, the **** king, and your father were present.

   Iwa Taixian fought fiercely with the **** king for more than two hundred moves. He was severely injured by the **** king, but he insisted on refusing to admit defeat.

   So, the two sides fought more than 300 moves.

   Iwa Taixian's injuries were even more serious, and his body almost collapsed before he had to admit defeat with hatred.

   But he surrendered on the surface, hidden evil intentions secretly, and deliberately distracted the divine king to paralyze his carelessness.

   And your father took the opportunity to sneak attack and assassinate the **** king with all his strength..."

   When he said this, Ji Tianxing looked at King Yanke with scorching eyes, showing a playful sneer.

   "Guess what the result is?"

   The King Yanke shook his body, his face was very embarrassed, and he cursed angrily: "You bastard, you have turned black and white and confused right and wrong!

  How could this king’s uncle be such a sinister and despicable person?

   There is also the king’s father, who is a model of majesty and integrity, how can he sneak attack? "

   Ji Tianxing suddenly smiled, and gently shook his head: "It looks like you have been kept in the dark, you don't know the truth."

   God King Yanke saw his calm tone and said vividly, not as if he was false, so he couldn't help asking: "The truth? Hahaha...Then you are telling this king, what is the truth?"

   Ji Tianxing laughed but said nothing.

   King Yanke's face was darker, and he sneered: "What? Can't you tell?

   You have compiled all this, deliberately slandering the reputation of my father and uncle..."

   Before he could finish speaking, Ji Tianxing pointed at the gate of the shrine under his feet and said with a teasing smile: "When you break the formation and come to this king, this king will tell you again."

   God King Yanke reacted and almost vomited blood.

   Just now for a quarter of an hour, he has been listening to Ji Tianxing telling stories and forgot to cast a spell to break the formation.

  So much so that the divine power injected into the big formation was chaotic and dissipated.

   The hard work of the day before was wasted, and I have to start again.

   "Ahhhhh...you despicable bastard, this king can't spare you!"

   God King Yanke roared angrily, trembling with anger, his chest rising and falling sharply.

   Ji Tianxing said slowly: "Boy, continue to break the line! If you want to know what is going on, let's listen to the next time."

   God King Yanke was fooled, he was furious with anger, but he was helpless.

   He had to suppress his anger, tried his best to keep calm, and recast the spell to break the formation.


   There are thousands of dazzling divine lights, shooting like a rain of arrows, into the reincarnation killing array.

   Yanke God King suffocated his breath, resisted endless killing intent, and broke the formation with all his might.

   This time, he broke the formation faster.

   After only ten hours, his progress in breaking the formation has reached 80%.

   During this period, Ji Tianxing kept his eyes closed and meditation, and he practiced silently without saying a word.

   But at this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and sighed with emotion: "Oh...Although your father's disposition is still upright, he also has the demeanor of a **** king.

   But he couldn't hold back Yan Tae-hyun, and his heart softened for a while, and he actually attacked the **** king. "

   The sudden sound disturbed the mind of King Yanke.

   But he kept casting spells, and sneered contemptuously: "Boy, you don't want to disturb the king again!

   This time, no matter what you say, this king will break through this big formation in one go! "

   He made up his mind and would never be affected by Ji Tianxing.

   However, Ji Tianxing said to himself: "Unfortunately, your father's strength is too weak. Even if the **** king is not prepared to make a sneak attack, he still fails.

   Besides, your father's defeat was miserable and embarrassing.

   Even that, he is not as good as Iwa Tae-hyun, he was severely wounded by the **** king and vomited blood after only ten strokes, and he knelt on the ground begging for mercy! "

   God King Yanke didn't want to listen to him, but when he heard this, he was furious.

   He roared without hesitation: "Fart! You despicable bastard!

   How wise is my father? How can it be defeated by ten moves?

   My father has always been hard-hearted, how can he beg for mercy from others? "


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