Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3265: Invincible

no doubt.

   The girl in the green shirt is not someone else, it is Laner!

   More than a month ago, she took the **** pill that Chao Qingyu brought back.

   After refining and absorbing the power of medicine, she not only healed her injuries, but also restored the cost from a ferocious beast.

   She also used the power of the **** pill to break through to the first layer of the **** king realm.

   After all, she was also the pinnacle god.

   Even if he is sealed and imprisoned in the dark for thousands of years, his strength will continue to rise, reaching the limit of the gods.

   What she lacks is an opportunity, a huge opportunity.

  The Fenglei Soul Washing Pill brought back from the life of Qingyu is the opportunity she needs.

   Therefore, it is logical for her to break into the Divine King Realm.

   Hearing Lan'er's cry, Ji Tianxing stepped back three hundred miles, quickly suppressing the injury and recovering his supernatural power.

   At this time, Lan'er had already started a fight with King Yanke.



   The two performed various magical skills, fighting in the sky, and the sky's magical light and shadow collided, and there was a loud and deafening sound.

   I saw two figures constantly flickering, flashing and moving as fast as lightning, leaving a series of afterimages in the air.

   In a short period of time, the two were evenly matched, and neither of them took advantage.

  Although, the strength of King Yanke is three times higher than Laner.

   But he was seriously injured, and he continued to cast spells and fight for more than half a month, his divine power was already empty.

   At this time, he is also mentally exhausted, his divine power is empty, and only about 30% of the strength is left.

   As for Lan'er, although she is the first level of the Divine King Realm, she has just broken through the Divine King Realm.

   Fenglei Soul Washing Pill was refined by her, but the power of the medicine was not completely absorbed, and it continued to erupt in her body.

   So she is full of energy and vigor, as if she has endless power.

   She also suffers from lack of combat experience and has not mastered the magical powers of the **** king.

   Otherwise, she might still have the upper hand and suppress King Yanke.

   Before I knew it, five hours passed.

   Lan'er mastered the magical secret technique, after all, it was limited.

   continued to fight, she also used those supernatural powers over and over again.

   In addition, she has consumed too much divine power violently, and her aura has obviously weakened a lot, no longer the bravery and strong before.

   Looking back at King Yanke, there is no change, just the same.

   He has a strong foundation of strength and rich combat experience. He is able to fight steadily, without surprises and dangers.

   Exhausted Lan'er's aura and figured out her offensive methods and supernatural skills, the King Yanke had no worries and was able to do so.

   With the least magical power, he used the most effective magical powers to resist and resolve Lan'er's attacks.

  Gradually, he began to gain the upper hand, grasping the initiative, and suppressing Laner's fight.

   Lan'er was forced to retreat steadily, and it was difficult to counterattack effectively, and could only find ways to resist and resolve.

   Besides, she still had some scruples in her heart, for fear that the aftermath of the battle would destroy the mountain and hurt the chaos sapphire in the stone house.

  With this concern, she was even more restrained when dodged, and it was difficult for her to exert her full strength.

   As time goes by, eight hours have passed.

   At this time, God King Yanke is still the same, his strength has not been significantly weakened, and he has not suffered any injuries.

   Lan'er was exhausted, and his divine power weakened after violent consumption, and his combat effectiveness dropped sharply.

   Not only was she completely suppressed by King Yanke, she was defeated steadily, and there were many wounds all over her body.

   The internal organs were displaced by the shock injury, blood was spraying in the mouth and nose, the limbs and back were cracked, or bleeding holes were pierced.

   The crimson blood poured out, wet her clothes and long hair, making her look very embarrassed and miserable.

   Although her injuries continued to worsen and she was suffering from time to time, she still clenched her teeth and did not utter a scream or wailing.

   Relying on her super willpower, she stubbornly supported and blocked the waves of attacks from King Yanke.

   However, this does not change the ending, nor can it narrow the gap in strength between the two.

   Two more time passed, her injuries were even more tragic, and her whole body was stained red with blood.

   Even the crimson wings on the back were torn apart, dripping with blood.

   Now she is severely wounded, her strength is extremely weak, and she can no longer support it.

   Not only is she retreating steadily, her injuries are getting worse, and she is always worried about her life!


   There was another dull loud noise. Lan'er was blown upside down by a mountain-like fist, and Qiqiao spurted blood.


   She fell from the sky, hit the ground hard, smashed the ground into a deep hole, and splashed dust in the sky.

   The internal organs are damaged to varying degrees, the meridians and bones are broken in many places, and the divine power is fluctuating and fluctuating.

   was so badly injured, Lan Er did not pass out, struggling to crawl out of the pit.

   At this time, King Yanke flew over and looked down at her condescendingly.

   After ten hours of fighting, King Yanke has awakened from his anger a long time ago and recovered his calm.

   He stared at Lan'er with stern eyes, and asked in a cold tone, "Ban maid, you have already taken that divine pill and refined it?"

   Apparently, King Yanke discovered the truth.

   After all, Lan'er exudes the breath of wind and thunder soul washing pill, and the whole person is like a **** pill.

   Lan'er held his head stubbornly, staring at him with hatred, and sneered: "So what? Even if I die, I will never let you get that **** pill!"

  The King Yanke frowned fiercely, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he smiled grinningly: "Hehehehe...you mean maid, you are really hateful!

   However, after you refine the **** pill, the medicinal power of the Fenglei Soul Washing Pill is completely integrated into your body.

   You now ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is like that **** pill.

   This king kills you, and then refines you to regain the pill!

   Although the power and efficacy of the Shen Dan will decrease, it can also play a key role. "

  While talking, King Yanke held the halberd and stabbed Lan'er slowly.

   The powerful and unparalleled aura suppressed and locked Lan'er, making her unable to escape.

   Seeing, she was about to be revealed by the halberd, defeating the godhead.

   Just at this very moment, a dazzling and dazzling giant sword swept from the side.

   An extremely dangerous aura made King Yanke change his face and his back was cold.


   In the next instant, before King Yanke dodged, the giant sword struck the bronze halberd, and there was a loud noise that shook the world.

   The bronze halberd was thrown out, tumbled and fell to the ground a hundred miles away.

   God King Yanke was also shaken back, his complexion was as bright as golden paper, his wounds burst, and a lot of blood poured out.


   A golden figure teleported in front of King Yanke, and attacked again with his sword.

   The King Yanke fixed his eyes, and the person here was Ji Tianxing.


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