Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3267: Lose

   "Yanke, you really do not live or die, dare to chase here!"

   The sudden shout of anger, resounding in the sky like a thunderstorm.

  The sound of rolling waves echoed between the sky and the earth, and the earth was shaking.

   This is the voice of a middle-aged man, deep and majestic, containing boundless anger and murder.

   Ji Tianxing and Yanke God King, both stopped fighting, and subconsciously turned their heads to look into the depths of the shrine.

   God King Yanke heard this familiar voice, his face immediately changed, his brows wrinkled fiercely, and his eyes were extremely solemn.

   "Damn it! That **** dog thief, is he still awake after all?

   Listening to his voice and momentum, is it that his injury has healed? "

   The King Yankee looked embarrassed, and his heart was full of anxiety and worry.

   But when Ji Tianxing heard the strange voice, he was relieved with a sigh of relief.

  " Chao Qingyu, this kid is really disappointing. He has been in a coma for so long before he wakes up!

   But, luckily he woke up, otherwise I would not be able to defeat Yanke. "

   Under the gaze of the two, a dazzling cyan light flew from the depths of the shrine.


   Shenguang came to the battlefield in the blink of an eye.

   After the light was condensed, a tall and burly cyan figure appeared.

   This is a stalwart middle-aged man in a green robe.

   There are two pairs of red wings on the back, and on Fang Zheng's majestic face, his cheeks are covered with beards.

   There is no doubt that he is the sapphire god, Chaoqingyu!

   glanced at Ji Tianxing at Qingyu, did not think much, just nodded slightly to express his gratitude.

   Then he looked at God King Yanke, looked carefully for a moment, then grinned and sneered: "Ha ha ha... Honorable Yanke Yu, hasn't he always been full of energy?

How did    fall into such a miserable situation? Embarrassed to this point?

   Is this the Yanke that the king knew? "

   Being ridiculed by Chao Qingyu, King Yanke was ashamed and angry, and cursed fiercely: "Chao Qingyu, you dog thief are crazy!

   Have you forgotten how you were chased by this king in the past few decades and fled like a bereaved dog?

   Ha ha ha... You have suffered such a serious injury, this king thought you would take that divine pill to treat the injury.

   Unexpectedly, you should be so pedantic that you would give the **** pill to that cheap maid.

   Even though she refines the **** pill, how about breaking into the **** king realm?

   This king will kill her sooner or later, and refine her into a pill, which is equally effective!

   And your injury hasn't recovered yet, you only have 50% or 60% strength, so what can you do? "

   Lan'er is Chao Qingyu's beloved, and also his reverse scale.

   Hearing such a cruel words from King Yanke, he was also extremely angry, bursting out into the sky with murderous intent.

   "Yanke! You are looking for death!"

   While talking, he sacrificed a dark cyan sword to the cyan, and swung the sword to kill the King Yanke.

   "Azure and rain are full of thousands of stars!"

  , holding the sword art in the left hand of Qingyu, waving the green sword with his right hand, splashing out thousands of cyan sword lights, flooding the figure of King Yanke.

  The King Yanke is confident and cruel on the surface, but he is worried and anxious on the inside, quite cautious and jealous.

   Seeing the sky full of sword light killing, he swung his halberd to resist, and retreated while fighting.

   "Boom boom boom boom!"

   The sky full of sword light collided with the gun shadow, bursting with a deafening noise, releasing shock waves that ruined the world.

   God King Yanke really suffered, was shaken back dozens of miles away, staggered a bit.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ji Tianxing really made a move, using a move Tianlong Proud World Slash.

   A huge sword with a length of thousands of feet, with a brilliant golden light, fell from the sky to the King Yanke.

   King Yanke can only hold his halberd horizontally and go all out to resist.


   There was another thunderous bang, which suddenly exploded in the sky and spread all over the world.

   God King Yanke was blown out again, splashing blood in his mouth and nose.

   Seeing this scene, his face was full of astonishment at Qingyu, and his eyes were unbelievable.

   He had heard from Lan'er before that a human youth named Tian Xing rescued their couple and blocked the King Yanke.

   At that time, Chao Qingyu thought that Tian Xing must also be a strong **** king.

   But now, he discovered that Ji Tianxing is not a **** king, and does not have the characteristics and breath of a **** king.

   Ji Tianxing is just a pinnacle god, able to repel the middle **** king Yanke.

   This is an incredible miracle!

   Just when Chao Qingyu was shocked and a little dazed, a divine sound transmission sounded in his mind.

   "What are you doing in a daze? You and I join forces to kill Yanke as soon as possible!"

   Chao Qingyu came back to his senses, nodded to Ji Tianxing, and continued to wave his sword to kill Xiang Yanke.

   Then, the three powerhouses fought fiercely in the sky, and Ji Tianxing and Chao Qingyu joined forces to attack Yanke.

   Although Yanke's injury is stable, his strength has recovered somewhat.

   But under the siege of the two, he didn't take any advantage at all. He was beaten back steadily, and his injuries quickly deteriorated.

   The three figures flashed and moved in the sky, chasing and killing each other.

   Hundreds of thousands of magical secrets were displayed by the three in turn, exploding with the power of destroying the world.

   The dazzling divine light filled the entire shrine, covering thousands of miles.

The mountain on the edge of    was quickly destroyed by the aftermath of the battle and turned into rubble.

   Fortunately, the seemingly crude stone house is well preserved.

   Unknowingly, four hours passed.

   The three of them have already killed tens of thousands of moves. Ji Tianxing and King Yanke are both seriously injured and almost exhausted.

   Even Chao Qingyu's injury has accelerated and deteriorated, and his strength has regressed.

   But in comparison, the most miserable person is the King Yanke.

   His injuries were extremely tragic. Not only did he not have complete skin and flesh, he also had a leg severed.

   Now, he has no chance of winning.

   No matter how unwilling he is, no matter how humiliated he is, he can only make up his mind and run away!

   stay in the green hills, no worries about no firewood.

In the current situation, if he does not escape from the Qingyu Shrine and continue to fight, he is most likely to be buried here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So, after blocking the attack of Ji Tianxing and Chao Qingyu, he turns around and flies towards the Shrine without hesitation. door.

   The gate of the divine palace was opened, and the divine formation was destroyed.

   Seeing, King Yanke is fast as a stream of light, about to pass through the gate of the shrine and escape from the Qingyu shrine.

   At the critical moment, with both hands in Qingyu's hands, he pinched the magic tactics, and used all his strength to play the trick.

   "Fight the heaven and accept the earth!"

   He used his secret method with all his strength, releasing thousands of beams of divine power, scattered all over the shrine.

   After a pause, the formation of the entire shrine was fully activated, forming a mask of thousands of miles.

   Under the control of Chao Qingyu, the Qingyu Shrine shrank sharply, and severely suppressed King Yanke.

   At this moment, this sapphire shrine is like an artifact, and like a super array.

   In order to suppress and kill Yanke, Chao Qingyu would rather sacrifice this shrine!

   "Wh! Wh!"

   As the light flickered, Chao Qingyu took Ji Tianxing out of the shrine and appeared in the vast sea of ​​clouds.

   The shrine, with a radius of thousands of miles, was condensed to the size of a water tank in just ten breaths.

   The King Yanke was sealed inside, roaring furiously and violently.


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